Windsor Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1897-10-21


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WINDSOR ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track heavy First Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2205 Icona Icon 95 2241 LouisaK Louisa 95 21643Under 9521643Under tho thou Rose 95 2164 Mystics Shrine r 98 2164 Lord Nugent Nugget 98 21272Frisco Ben 98 2163 Bob Chance 100 21683Early Bird 100 2241Bouquet 100 2232 Jim Lisle 103 10322283Dr 22283Dr Stewart 103 2232 Sifter 103 103Second Second Race 1 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Allowances 2056 Bonadoa Bondwoman 2 87 2232 M Wayman Cayman 2 90 2230 Guinan Guinean 2 90 22312Cogmoosey 3 97 2206 Prima 3 97 2206 Alvin W 3 100 1002245Fr 2245Fr Jaubert Jabber 4107 21652Scandland 6 110 110Third Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling i 2209 J H Graf ton 4 101 743 Robt Robot Latta Plata 6 101 2209 Cochina Cochin 4 104 2165Epalatchie4104 2209 Hardenburg Harden 4 104 2124 Plutus Puts 7 104 2124 Wightman Dwight 8 104 2240 Dr Work 5 104 2189 Gainsay 4 107 2209Cavespring 6109 2187 Terrapin 6 112 21923Strathrol 6 112 112Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 2187 MamSllivn5 98 2229 Dixie Leo4 98 2187 Holly wood 6 98 1820 Edith 6 98 2079 Sister lone 8 98 2189 Swift 4 101 1408 Howard M 4 101 2187 Major Tom10104 Tom10104Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 2148 Susie Hawzo Haw 3 98 2102 Steve Ciolini3 98 21633 Animosa Animas 3 98 21663 Wathen Watchmen 3 100 2206 Jolly Son 3 100 2033 JohnConroy3100 21033Hartford Boy 5103 22423Braxey 3 105 2208 Blkg Balk Brush 4 105 2209 Jim Flood 5 106

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Local Identifier: drf1897102101_2_3
Library of Congress Record: