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GOSSir Glossier OF THE TURF Jockey Thorpe is accused of being the oldest jockey now riding actively He has a little weazened weakened face small beadlike eyes and sallow complexion He might be 35 years of age or he might be 50 His face is not a telltale One day as Thorpe stood on the scales making his weight Sloan sneaked up behind him and said to an outsider Mr is it so that the Jockey Club has haspassed harassed passed a rule that riders must give up work af ¬ ter tear theyre they're fifty fiftyThorpe fifty Thorpe turned slowly around and there was a twinkle in his eye as he looked squarely at the midget and said saidI said I dont don't know Methusalem Methuselah you aint Saint in the infant class along with Winfield Infield Hancock OConnor O'Connor and Danny Mahor Maher yourself by a good deal dealTalking deerstalking Talking of Sloan and his English success the silly yarn about his engagement to ride for the Prince of Wales is denied with authority authorityRiley authority Riley Grannan Granada is now in England He reached there in time to witness the closing days sport of the English flat racing season which prac pac ¬ tically tidally ends November 27 Grannan Granada is reported to have been playing the stock market sugar chiefly with fair success thus retrieving some of the losses ho sustained during the racing season Jack McDonald is to race in England next season Eensselaer Ensilage has already landed in New ¬ market Tom Leaders is to handle him Rens Reins selaer sealer is to become a jumper and may try for the Paris Hurdld Hurdled Handicap one of the richest events of the year on the French turf Leaders prepared Count Schomberg Chamber when that noted distance performer won the race and he should know something about the event and the kind of a horse it would take to have a chance They put much better horses over the sticks on the other side of the water than we do here and it takes a firstclass fistulas performer on the flat to win such a race as the Paris Hurdle Handicap Rensselaer Reseller should he winter well should be the ideal horse for such a venture He has the size and weight carrying ability possesses speed of a high order and can stay over any distance of ground Of course ho will run on the flat also and should win in almost any company companyThere company There is likely to be a much higher class lot of horses performing cross country in America next year The owners of the sulking and broken down sprinters found the season of 1896 far from profitable the young and sound horses winning nearly all of the money The advisa advise ¬ bility ability of putting horses of fair class over the sticks was indicated clearly by the performance of Sir Vassar and Forget