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INGLESIDE INGLES FORM CHART CHARTINGLESIDE CHARTING INGLESIDE INGLES CAL Dec 3 Seventeenth Day Pacific Coast Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter J B Ferguson The recall flag is not being used 3099 FIRST RACE 1 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 2954 SUMMERTIME 107 5 6 5 5t 53 11 Clawson Lawson A J Stemler Steamer 2 11585 2 3075 SANTUZZA SANCTUS 107 3 2H 2H 1 IH 2 G Wilson T H Boyle 15 20 10 15 S0782HOHENZOLLERN 101 6 It 1 21 21 3H H Martin W Boots Son 85857585 30673B W 103 1 41 41 42 4 4 Thorpe BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 4644 3073 UNA UN COLORADO 107 4 5t 3 3 3 55 Hennossy Hennas C L Fair 6867 2682 ATTICUS ATTICS II 98 2 3 6 6 6 6 Holmes Matt Storn Storm 30 60 30 50 42tWinner Time 50Time 25 50J 1 02i 1 16t 1 42t SpringlikeStart Springiest Winner Br f 4 by Fitzjames Springlike Springier Start good Won handily There was a keen drive for the place Summertime was best and most fortunate Clawson Lawson rode her beautifully Santuzza Sanctus and Hohenzollern ran themselves to pieces in pacemaking peacemaking Santuzza Sanctus was unlucky Hohenzollern was short and interfered with on the first turn B W is best in mud He was eased up at the end So was Colorado who was short He was sharply shut off on the first turn Atticus Attics was not among his own Overweights Overweighs ownOverweights B VV 2 pounds SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Yt 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3073 R Q BAN 12 11 11 12 Thorpe J H Smith 2 2 6575 3064 GOLD BUG 21 22 22 2 T Mcflugh McLuhan Krauso Kraus Co 10 20 10 15 2605 KAMSIN AMUSING 41 4i St 35 Conley Coney L H Ezell Bezel 3534 2902 FREE WILL 52 51 41 41 McDonald R Hughes 12 15 12 15 8176 SCHNITZ SCHNITZEL 108 3 St 32 62 5t ODonnell O'Donnell C F Sanders Co 10 20 10 15 1530063S1LVER 30063S1LVER STATE 105 10 8 8 51 61 McNichols Conchoids W Thompson 10 10 8 8 3006 ELANO ELEANOR 107 7 71 61 8 71 Macklin Mackinaw W J Speirs Piers 10 12 8 10 3052 JACK MARTIN 105 11 977 83 Stevens W H McLemore Clamored 30 100 30 80 3073 SEN SEAN MORRILL MERRILL 108 9 10 10 9 91 Gouin Gouging M D Miller 30 40 30 30 3052 MISS RUTH 107 6 6t 11 10 103 Hennessy Hennas F W Graham 25 30 20 30 2705 HARRY O 105 8 11 9 11 111 Rackman Cracksman p ORourke Procure 100 300 50 150 3033 HERITAGE 105 12 12 12 12 12 Piggott Spigot T P Hayes 5756 Time 5756Time 25 5Gi 1 02I 1 15i 15iWinner Winner B c 6 by Baltic Mollie MollieStart Mollies Start good Won ridden out Ban was best and luckiest The Bug has no excuses He was merely outrun His race was to the notch Watch Kamsin Amassing He is improving He favors soft going needs a strong rider and no route is too long for him Will needs hard going Schnitz Schnitzel is at home on a soft track but was short Elano Eleanor and Heritage were hampered at the start and had easy races The latter is a sprinter and likes the mud Throw out this race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Snowdown Showdown 105 Hyman 105 Charley Boots 105 Navy Blue 105 Overweights Overweighs 105Overweights Gold Bug 2 pounds Elano Eleanor 2 Miss Ruth 2 31O1 THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 AH ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vn StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3065 SPUNWELL SPUME 89 2 42 41 SH 11 Clawson Lawson AtkinLottridge 6 10 6 10 2954 PLAN 86 1 51 5t 52 21 McNichols Conchoids W Fisher 6866 6866SB 3065 HIGHLAND BALL 97 4 430742MARPLOT SB SKI 2 St H Brown R B De Lopez 20 25 20 20 30742MARPLOT 89 6 630tMSAN 62 63 65 42 J Woods BSchreiber Schreiber 3 St 3 3 3IH 30tMSAN MATEO 112 5 IH It 11 51 H Shields W Hobart 85 8 5 65 75 752t 30653 C ATA ALTA WB A 86 3 2t 21 42 66 Holmes Neil Coney 10 15 10 12 2261 ATTAINMENT 94 9 7 7 7 7t Meaney Mane E W Purser 6655 1848 EINSTEIN 89 10 101669MELVIN 10 10 8 82 J Brown Ed Corrigan 15 75 15 60 1669MELVIN 601669MELVIN BURNHM89 8 8 9 10 9 Gray J Cochran 20 50 20 40 3054 BE HAPPY 86 7 9 8 9 10 Dovine Ovine T H Boyle 100 200 100 150 150Time 15iWinner Time 241 50 1 02t 1 15i Winner B c 2 by Dnncpmbe Spinning Time TimeStart Trimester Start straggling Won ridden out Spunweil Spume was luckiest and Plan the best Both incline to light weight and will race best under it Spunwell Spume was well managed and took the shdrt short route Plan was badly ridden shut off on tuo to first turn and closed strong Ball pot a bad ride and was killed off by pacomaking peacemaking Marplot was not well ridden He needs stronger handling took the long route and ran around his field San Mateo was used vilely and ran off his feet in early pace making His forte is sprinting The same applies to Catawba Castaway Watch Attainment She was short and badly ridden Needs strong handling and seems to favor a distance Einstein ran a good outclassedScratched outclassed race after being pinched off at tuo to start Burnham Burma and Happy were outclassed Scratched Colonel Dan 89 Outlay 89 31O2 FOURTH RACE L1G Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C C28643GRADY 28643GRADY 758565753055SOUFFLE 109 3 SHI HI I It IH Thorpe Owen Bros Brows 75856575 3055SOUFFLE 106 2 2 2 2 21 2t Conley Coney JM Murphy 451 4545 2982 DON CLARENCIO CLARENCE 94 4 4 4 4 St 3 Clawson Lawson Atkin Akin LottridgelO Outride 10 8 8 2737 MEADOW LARK 101 1 1 32 33 4 4 H Martin W Boots Son 12 15 10 15 Time 26 52t 1 05t 1 18J 1 44 1 50 CupStart UpStart Winner 50Winner B c 4 by Three Cheers Gold Cup Start good Grady was best luckiest and won eased up The race was peculiarly run It was a mere sprint of a quarter mile on the end Souffle was outrun in the final dash She seems best riddenScratched in soft going Clarencio Clarence was unlucky and Meadow Lark badly ridden Scratched Gov Go Budd Buddy 100 Overweights Overweighs Souffle 2 pounds poundsO pounds O 1 f O FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3073 MAINSTAY 115 3 2t 21 12 IH H Martin H L Jones 25122525 251225252651TIM 2651TIM MQHPHY 103 6 42 Si 22 21 Coniey Coney Whitman Clark 10 15 10 12 27092LA MASCOTA MASCOT 105 5 5 5t 3 3 Clawson Lawson G F Smith St 3i 3 3 8510 VERAGUA VERA 107 2 31 4 42 42 Macklin Mackinaw A Nickells Nickels 40 60 30 50 2904 CHARLES A 105 8 61 6 53 5 McDonald P Archibald 60 100 60 75 3006 LAST CHANCE 110 7 8 7 6i 61 T McHugh Chug J W Mott Motet 50 80 50 75 ZEUNE ZEN 107 4 7 8 8 710 G Wilson Mrs T E Butler 60 150 50 100 3316 GEORGE F SMITH 108 1 It 11 7 8 Honnessy Hotness Mrs T Kiley Kelley 15 25 10 20 Winner Ch h 5 by Mariner Queen Emma Continued on 2nd Pago Ago Start good Won easily Mainstay is in rare form and outclassed his field He was inter ¬ fered feared with at the start Tim Murphy is good and ran an honest race La Mascota Mascot was interfered with at start and on first turn and poorly handled Voragua Orangutan can be tabbed for early action He ran short today The race will screw him up Charles A was short favors moist going and was out of his class Tab him Smith was short too He will do best on soft going and is nearly ready The others are of no account Scratched accountScratched accounts Torsion 105 Zarro Arrow 105 Yemen 105 St Aignon Mignon 108 Monitor 108 Easel 108 Pal merston merton 108 Ivy 108 Don Fulano Fulani 108 Elmer F 112 Overweights Overweighs 112Overweights Veragua Vera 2 pounds Last Chance 2 Zeune Zen 2 31O4 SIXT1 Ind Indo Horses Wt St H 1A 3A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 3035ST CALATINE CALAMINE 109 2 14 li U P 1 Thorpe E D McSweeney Mesentery 24 24 3 2782C OF FLANDERS 107 1 24 21 21 22 25 H Martin Smith Linde Linden 8 5 95 85 95 3054FONSAVANNAH 107 4 42 3fr 3 31 35 Piggott Spigot S C Hildreth Children 2 135 24 2 3054 LOS PRTETOS PRESTOS 109 3 31 4H 41 42 415 Macklin Mackinaw J O Reis Regis 5 7 44 6 3063 ST PHILIP 104 6 510 510 515 515 55 Clawsoh Clash W OB Macdongh60 200 60 150 UNCLE COLLIS COLLINS 104 5 6 6 6 6 6 J eber Weber Pallett Pallet Bros Brows 60 300 60 200 Time 200Time 25 50i 1 024 1 15 1 284 284Winner Winner CalatineStart Altimeter B f by St Carlo Calatine Palatine Start good Won ridden out This was another race with a loitering beginning and a fast final quarter Calatine Palatine was well ridden and lucky Flanders was short yet should have won He was unlucky likes a route and is game So is Fonsavanuah He likes a route too but has staled and needs a rest Prietos Prestos was always outrun and eased up at end He seems to have been dulled in keying him for a route Philip and Collis Collins were outclassed