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IRON HILL FORM CHART CHARTPHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA PA Dec 11 Twelfth day Keystone Racing Association Winter meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge Frank Waugh Starter Frank Bray 3218 FIRST RACE 4 13 Furlongs Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3144 MR WAVERLY AVERY 108 6 6 41 12 12 Narvaez Larvae Ashton Aston Stable 3 3 2 21 3190 TOMOKA TONKA lilt 1 42 7 43 2 Heinrichs Heimlich T Welsch Welch 3634 3634LALLAH LALLAH ALLAH ROOKH ROOK 113 8 71 5H 52 32 Coleman Lilac Stable 8 50 8 50 2959 DOC BIRCH 112 9 9 9 7 4H Johnson R Baker 5 12 5 10 3159 OHEARN HEAR 109 3 3 61 61 52 Nelson W Duffy 5857 3188 LIZZIE TIZZIES W 105 5 S 21 31 61 Champ Manor Stable 10 10 8 8 3041 ORMONT MORMON 112 4 11 H 21 7 Neel Kneel J Levi 2t 3i 2 3 3AUNT AUNT SUSIE llli 7 8888 Mclntyro McIntyre Clover Stable 8 12 8 10 3173 LURA LAURA 109 2 21 3i 9 9 Cunngham Chung M J Scanlan Canaan 3534 3190 COLLUSION 109 10 10 10 10 10 Ransom Butler Bloss Loss 15 20 15 20 20Time Time 261 55i 1 04 04Winner Winner Ch c 3 by Magnetizer Witchcraft WitchcraftStart Witchcraft Start poor Won ridden out second and third driving Doc Birch came strong at the end endOrmont endearment Ormont Mormon groundOverweights groundcover quit when pinched Lura Laura showed some speed Lallah Allah Rookh Rook made up a lot of ground Overweights Overweighs Tomoka Tonka 2 pounds Lallah Allah Rookh Rook 4 Aunt Susie 21 SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs Purse 100 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3174 SISTER IDA 51 42 21 li Ellis F Sharper 8 15 8 10 29212BAYSIDE 2a IB IH 2H Bansom Hansom J L West 2 2 65 85 31583WILD DUCK Si 21 4H 31 A Dorsey Dose Avoca Avocado Stable 4847 31062HURRY 8 7 61 4H Dorsey Dose J CastleW Castle Castle 6 10 6 8 3143TESSIE B 4 31 SNK SANK 52 Moore W B Howell 3 4 3 3i 2921 M P Y 6i 61 5 61 Neel Kneel Iron Hill Stable 5533 31743PEGGY R 7887 Burris Burrs E Lewis Jr 8 12 8 12 3158 LULA LILA B 51 7 8 Champ Climax Stable 6 6 3 4 3174 VANOC VANCE 105 9 9999 999 Bender H Meyers Meyer 15 40 15 30 30Time Time 261 56 106 106Winner Winner Ch f by Ben Strome Stone Henrietta Heritage Start good Won driving Peggy R stumbled twice The field swung wide into the stretch Sister Ida was the best Wild Duck Bayside Wayside and Tessie Bessie B could have done bettor The finish on Bayside Wayside was weak weakScratched Scratched Traymore Tremor 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Sister Ida 3 pounds Peggy R 3f 322O THIRD RACE 34 YIile Icicle Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1AM PENN 1141 1 21 IB 11 16 Neary Nary F Schafer Chafer 2 2 75 85 2915 AUNT SALLIE 1111 4 31 31 2 2 Neol Noel Clover Stable 10 20 10 15 3191 JUNK 107 8 8 61 7 3 A Dorsey Dose W P Burch 3635 363531592HARRY 31592HARRY M 112 9 9 8 41 41 Heinrichs Heimlich W Ward 4646 3014 TRAITOR 115 7 77 51 52 Dwyer G W Hainan Haitian 15 30 15 25 3127 JACKENE JACKIE 112 6 41 52 6 6 Ashburn Ashbin J M Wallace 6 6 4 41 2920 WAR SONG 112 3 1 21 3 7 Coleman Metropole Metropolis Stable 12 20 12 15 2969 BY JOVE 115 2 6 9 9 8 Lynch H Shannon 10 15 10 15 153109ROSSMAN 3109ROSSMAN 110 5 51 41 8 9 Coudrier Courier J B fleiminger lemming 21 31 21 3 3Time Time 26 561 1 13 1 28 28Winner Winner B g 5 by Albert Peggy Merrill MerrillStart Merrill Start good Won easily the next two were driving Harry M and Junk ranwell Randall Rossman Grossman was hurt and eased up Harry M was badly knocked about Jackene Jackie did not seem to try Wil Wail ¬ liam Peun Pun was the best bestScratched Scratched Foxglove 115 115Overweights Overweights Overweighs William Penn 21 pounds Aunt Sallie 41 O s FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C S0412JERQUET 112 1 1 13 12 11 CunnghamJ Chung J Ryan 5857 5857J0473CALL1BEE J0473CALL1BEE 110 2 2 61 62 2 Neel Kneel John Moore 8 12 8 10 3160 ISSIE ISSUE O 112 4 3 53 3 SH Coloman Coleman J McCauley 10 12 10 10 S093 B OF KILLARNEY107 5 4H 3 41 41 Burris Burrs W Richardson 6 10 6 6 3107 KRAUSE 112 9 977 51 Ransom D W Mooney 10 15 10 15 3107 NORDAU NORA 110 7 62 21 21 6 Ellis J P Moran 3 4 3 31 3159 BROOKLYN 112 8 8887 Narvaez Larvae Jersey Stable 1 651 1 3128 KIRKOVER KIRK 112 6 61 4n 5 8 R Bender Pleasant Val StbllO Tabloid 20 10 15 2958 FRANK B 112 3 7999 Bennett Phoenix Stable 12 15 12 15 15Time Time 27i 581 1 15 1 30 GuiliaStart Guiltiest Winner 30Winner Ch h 7 by Joe Daniels Daniel Guilia Gillian minutesdelay intensely Start fair Won driving The chances of Nordau Nora and Brooklyn were ruined by the 35 minutes delay strongScratched at the post Jerquet Enrique ran a game race So did Callibee Caliber TJiey Tie finished very strong Scratched Connemaugh Cinema 112 112Overweights Overweights Overweighs Frank B 5 pounds 3222 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2923 MISS ORDWAY NORWAY 115 6 51 4 31 11 Alford Afford Winter Stable 10 15 10 12 3038 CONSPIRATOR 107 7 7 52 4 21 Narvaez Larvae Flakewood Lakewood Stbl Stable 3433 3010 HENRY 112 3 22 2112113 Johnson Gordon Stable 31 31 2 24 3107 OAK 112 2 42 31 11 4u Feeney Fence Wm Duffy 6 10 6 10 3160 MINNETONKA MINNESOTA 112 5 5NEW 32 7 51 51 Cunngham Chung J Amos 3635 NEW YORK 112 9 8 8 CXK CK 62 Ashburn Ashbin Metropolis Stable 8 86 8 3207 WORRY NOT 112110 112410 10 10 10 7 Greiger Geiger G Brown 6867 3038 MIDROSE MICROS 112 4 64 6 8 8 Coudrier Courier D Barnes 7r5 2 75 95 3108 SPARKLE 8866LARISSA 107 8 9999 Burris Burrs J Callahan 8866 LARISSA ARISES 112 1 12 18 7 10 Neel Kneel FESchultze Escalate 5 10 5 8 Time 274 57i 1 154 1 30 Winner GentryStart Gentry 30Winner Ch m 6 by Ordway Norway Nannie Nannies Gentry Start poor Won handily The race was run in the dark Larissa Marissa stopped badly Miss Ordway Norway and Conspirator were the best Oak showed a lot of speed but went to pieces when pinched Overweights Overweighs Miss Ordway Norway 3 pounds Henry 5 Worry Not 24