untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1897-12-12


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1898 15 MILES fRQM farm ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH WABASHBARNEY WABASH BARNEY SCHRESBERS SCHREIBER MOPELFAfW MOPELFAfWTHE THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD BLOODFOUL BLOOD FOUL SHOT BY MUSKET = SLANDER Ithuriel Thrice TouchstonP Touchstone by Camel Longbow Verbena by Velociped Velocipede sire of Feu Feud de Joie MissBowe Miss Golumpusi Olympus Catton Canton by Golumpus Olympus i Tranbys Standbys dau daub by Orvill Orville Pantaloon jCastrel Castro by Buzzard Legerdemain Czarwitch Czarist Idaha Idaho by Peruvian FilhodaPnthby Hphzard Haphazard Finesse by Peruvian Melbourne I Humphrey Humph ClinkebyCmnB Linkboy ClinkebyCmnBi Linkboy fe0 fWeat feat Australian i Cervantes mare Derby and St Leger Leer Mowerina Mower Touchstone by Camel Emma by Whisker Camel Whalebone by Waxy Brown Baas Selin Selling mare Daughter of Brntandorf Bartender by Blacklock Blackjack MrsCrickshnksbyWlbck Canteen J Waxy Pope by Waxy Calendar Imported Castania Castaneda by Gohanna Ghana Hambletonia Hamilton StamfordbyPleniptentiary Harmonica byHmbletnian Troa Trojan Imported ImportedAlice Imported Priam Pram by Emilias Emilio Emiliasi Emilio Cassandra i Ally by Partisan Alice Grey Gray Rous Rouse Emigrant by Pioneer Pioneeri Pioneer i Gulnareby Glare YoungGohanna The Colonel Whisker by Waxy Capapie Crappie Imported i Waxyi Waxy Delpini Delphinium mare Sister to Cactna Catnap CactnaDover Cataloger V Sultan by Selim Slim Duchess of York by Waxy Dover Touchstone Bell Brand Vorbosa Verbose I Sophie j SkilhindaSallie Skilhinda Skirling IImported Imported Imported Sallie Brass BER BERG BRIPETON BRIDGETOWN MO Telegraphic Correct Concise Comely form Sneers and Entries expertly Indexed Training News a Specialty Off our own Presses PressesBefore Presses Before the Chicago Dailies 126 FIFTH AVE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897121201/drf1897121201_3_3
Local Identifier: drf1897121201_3_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800