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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND CAL Dec 15 Fifteenth day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather cloudy track heavy Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter J B Ferguson 3254 FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 32282VALENCIENNE 108 6 zt it i 1 liray lira W L Stannela Sane 686 30092 REBEL JACK 111 4 479053IMPERIOUS 51 61 41 2 Conley Coney H F Schneider 3 3 21 3 79053IMPERIOUS 108 1 1 3 21 3 H Martin B Schreiber 3433 3187 PRINCE BLAZES 106 7 7 71 61 41 Thorpe BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 6 866 3228 MAI MIA NEAR 106 3 31 2 33 52 Spencer AtkinLottridge8 10 8 10 3202 HENRY C 106 8 8 8 71 61 H Brown T Wilson 10 15 10 12 3228 FLUSHINGTON FLUSHING 108 5 9 9 8 71 Piggott Spigot ECorrigan Corrigan 8 12 8 12 3228 MORINGA MORIN 108 9 61 51 9 81 Devine Define J Conway 30 50 30 40 2883 KAISERIN KAISER 115 10 4 4 51 9io T McHugh Chug Caesar Young 20 25 20 20 2861 OCEAN BLUE 118 12 10 10 11 101 Mooney T W Woodford Woodward 40 50 40 40 3005 ROSA 108 11 12 12 10 lH McDonald J Mulkey Mule Co 40 50 40 40 300oTOTO 115 IS 13 11 12 12 Shaw FarrarTubrville6 867 3228 IRADEN VIRDEN 103 14 14 13 13 136 Clawson Lawson AtkinLottridge 8 10 8 10 3005 BESSIE LEE 103 2 11 14 14 14 McGinn McKinney W Trahern Thrasher 100 150 100 100 3009 BOADICEA BODICE 108 Left at the post C Russell J H Tarn 20 30 20 25 Coupled in betting Time 25 501 1 03l 03lWinner Winner Ch f by St Carlo Libbortiflibbett Flibbertigibbet LibbortiflibbettStart Flibbertigibbets Start good Won ridden out next two hard driven Valencienne Valence ran an honest race and had clear sailing There was much jostling behind Jack was best He was shut off at the start poorly ridden and closed in sturdy fashion Imperious ran a good race He was cut off on the first turn and finished strong Watch him Blazes raced well and was coming at the fin ¬ ish dish Mainbar Marinara was queerly ridden He was killed off by pacemaking peacemaking and eased at end The colt likes fast footing host Flushington Flushing closed strong He was interfered with at start and was eased up at finish Kaiserin Kaiser is not much and a sprinter Moringa Mooring had bad racing luck and was badly ridden Iradeu Tirade was hardly bridlewise bridle and evidently favors a fast track Toto Too was vilely ridden SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 All Ages Allowances 3255 3255Ind Ind Indo Horses Vz 5 Str Star Fin Jockeys O H L C 3168CT OF FLANDERS 92 6 52 55 53 11 Clawson Lawson Smith Lind Linda 1 2 12 3156 MERCUTIO MERCATOR 112 1 41 41 3H 28 Piggott Spigot G H Peters 12 15 12 12 3184 MONITOR 114 2 22 23 la SH Golden W H Christie 60 100 60 100 1003063JPROMPTO 3063JPROMPTO 89 3 12 13 21 4 McNichols Conchoids A P Murphy Co 12 15 12 12 8700 WALTER J 120 5 65 68 65 51 Gilbert F McDermott 100 200 100 150 1503067CHIC 3067CHIC 109 4 31 31 4n 615 H Martin T H Boyle 5655 3074 MISTLETON MISTLETOE 89 7 7777 Meany Many BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 100 150 100 100 100Time Time 251 511 1041 117 117Winner Winner Ch c 2 by St Carlo Countess Langdon London LangdonStart Langouste Start straggling Won handily The Count is a noble colt He outclassed his lot and won impressively after interference at the start and on the first turn Mercutio Mercator is an acrobat He likes mellow going Tab him for early action He is good Chic is best on a smooth fast track Walter J was short Prompto Prompt was poorly handled and settled by pacemaking peacemaking with Monitor who is a mere sprinter 3256 THIRD RACE 58 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3217 WATOMBA ATOM 115 1 61 61 It 13 Tubervilie Tubercle W D Randall 4646 3007 LORD MARMION MARION 118 2 1 li 2 2 W Martin J MacManus Macanese 21 21 95 2 23213SAN 3213SAN VENADO VENDOR 118 6 3 3 32 321 Hennesssy E J Baldwin 65856575 658565752886EL 2886EL MORO 118 7 71 7H 5 41 H Martin JFMangan Fumigant 4645 2769 LADY ASHLEY 115 4 51 51 4 53 Mathews H T Griffin 15 15 6 8 82738ELIDAD 2738ELIDAD 118 8 8 8 7 63 Conley Coney G L Barnes 30 60 30 50 901 CARBINEER CARABINEER 106 3 41 4 61 7 C SlaughterCovington Slaughter Kent 30 60 20 50 3228 HERTHA BERTHA 10S 5 21 2n 8 8 Mclntyro McIntyre J O Reis Regis 20 40 20 40 40Time Time 251 511 1 04i 04iWinner WampumStart Wampum Winner B fby by Montana Wampum Start good Won easily Watomba Atom was far the best lucky and well ridden Marmion Marion is not too partial to a route and favors fast going He was well ridden Venado Vendor had a rough journey and was not managed with judgment He met with sharp interference on tho thou first turn and was not ridden out Watch him El Moro was unlucky and does not like weight Ashley and Elidad Elided ran fair races and closed stoutly e FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 3257 The Racine Stakes 1000 guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 30743 MORELLITO MORALIST 113 2 31 3 2 H W Martin Willmans Hillmans Bros Brows 3434 343431682EDDIE 31682EDDIE JONES 106 4 4 4 42 21 Thorpe BurnsWterhse2 2 85 2 23202TORSIDA 3202TORSIDA 110 3 21 1 3U 321 H Martin Oakland Stable 45 1 35 45 453228SYBARIS 3228SYBARIS 110 1 1 2H 11 410 Piggott Spigot BurnsWterhse2 2 85 2 23153VNOVIA 3153VNOVIA 107 5 5 5 5 5 G Wilson Oakland Stable f45 1 3545 3217 HERMOSO HERMOSA 113 Left at the post Golden J A Gray 60 80 50 80 tCoupled Coupled in betting Time 251 50 1 03l 1 161 161Winner Winner Br c by Morello Marcello Miss Cromwell CromwellStart Cromwell Start good Won cleverly The going favored Morellito Moralist He is a colt who likes a route He was lucky today Jones wasnt wasn't He was cut off just after the start and on the first turn and closed at the end as though liking a distance Torsida Corsica is best on a hard track and had bad racr racer ing King luck Watch Sybaris Sybarite This is a good colt He ran an impressive race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Defiant 106 San Venado Vendor 110 Negligence 118 118Overweights Overweights Overweighs Hermoso Hermosa 3 pounds FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 400 3yoarolds and upward Allowances 3258 DECLARED OFF SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling 3259 Ind Indo Horses Wt St U y3 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 31993LUCKY DOG 116 11632302DOUBLE 6 1 18 lioiisis liaises H Martin S C Hildreth Children 65756565 32302DOUBLE QUICK 108 10831563ETTA 1 3H 32 33 3 23 Clawson Lawson Atkin Akin LottndgeS Glottides 3 21 21 31563ETTA H 104 7 21 21 2 2n 33 G Wilson H F Edwards 6868 3230 HARRY GWYNN WYNN 91 913036MASOERO 5 41 41 4n 43 420 Gray M D Miller 15 50 15 30 3036MASOERO 105 10527113TOM 4 7 6H 62 5 56 McDonald G Pacheco Paycheck 8 15 8 12 27113TOM ANDERSON 101 2 51 7 7 7 61 Mclntyro McIntyre H McCoulsky McCauley 100 200 100 200 Continued on 2nd Page 3155MOYLAN 107 3 61 52 52 Gi 7 Piggott Spigot Ed Corrigan 4 10 4 8 Time 23 501 1 03 1 16i 1 30 LanierStart Anniversary Winner Br h 6 by Darebin Darwin Lou Lanier Start good Won easily The Dog outclassed his field in the going and ran as if fresh and good Quick ran his race So did Etta H She was shut off at start and poorly ridden She favors dogScratched dogcatcher hard going Watch Gwynn Wynn He ran a good race Moylan Mayan raced like a dog Scratched Mrs Shade 98 The Plutocrat 103 Meadow Lark 97 R Q Ban 106