Oakland Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-12-18


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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND CAL Dec 17 Seventeenth day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track slow and improving Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter J B Ferguson O y O O FIRST RACE34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling orses gorses Wt St 54 Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 3123 JUDGE STOUFFER 91 5 11 l t 12 15 Clawson Lawson F Phillips 3244 WILLIAM OB 105 1 21 32 31 26 Thorpe Charles Kerr 2776 OFLETA FLEA 96 2 31 21 2 31 J Woods J MacManus Macanese 3248 CHAPPIE CHAPPED 91 3 4 41 51 41 Holmes H E Rowell Roswell 3100 SILVER STATE 96 6 632432SLEEPY 61 71 41 51 Gray W Thompson 32432SLEEPY JANE 91 9 81 51 71 62 McNichols Conchoids G Hows Chows on 3185 SONIRO STONIER 99 8 9 9 61 71 E Jones Ed Corrigan 3033 MOLLIE R 96 14 14 10 9 81 McGinn McKinney T D Warwick Airsick 3274 CHARLES A 100 7 71 61 8 92 H Brown P Archibald 2844 CAVALLO CAVALLA 99 13 12 12 10 101 Conley Coney B C Holly 3271 FANNIE S 100 12 13 11 12 112 Spencer J Cronin 2952 CUTAWAY 99 4 5t 13 11 121 ODonnell O'Donnell W P Magrane Marianne 8 12 8 12 2955 TERRIER 104 11 11 14 13 13 HarringtonNolan Harrington Tholl Toll 40 60 40 50 3033 QUANTRELL QUAINTER 108 10 10 8 14 14 G Wilson AtkinLottndge 50 100 50 100 100Time Time 241 50 1 02 1 15 15Winner Winner Ch g 3 by Cassatt Cassette Brigand Girl Start good Won eased up Stouffer outclassed his field William OB was lucky He n ready and closed stoutly OFleta Flea had clear sailing and no excuses Chappie Happier was coining at the close State ran a good race Cavailo Avail and Jane were both vilely ridden and shut off at start Charles A can only be considered on a soft track trackScratched tracks Scratched Terra Archer 96 Senator Morrill Merrill 99 Triumph 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Charles A 4 pounds 3287 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Yi 3i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3257 SYBARIS SYBARITE 104 2 232562LORD 2H at IK 1 Thorpe Bur 32562LORD MARMION MARION 103 5 5326WATOMBA 51 52 31 22 Conley Coney J MacManus Macanese 5756 326WATOMBA 110 1 61 6H 53 36 Tuberville Tubercle W D Randall 6656 6656It 3254 KAISERIN KAISER 100 3 It 1 2t 41 Clawson Lawson Caesar Young 30 40 SO 30 3187 DY RACING FORM103 6 4t 4 41 51 Gray T W Coulter 6867 3202 MELVIN BURNHM BURN 108 7 7 8 7 61 Harrington J Cochran 50 10050 100 3256 EL MORO 103 4 3 Si 61 71 H Martin J F Mangan Meagan 10 15 10 12 3254 MORINGA MORIN 98 9 9EPPINGER 9 7 8 8i Devine Define J Conway 50 100 50 75 75EPPINGER EPPINGER REPINE 101 8 8999 McGinn McKinney A W Small 30 60 30 60 60Time Time 25 50 1 02i 1 15t 15tWinner Winner B c by Morello Marcello Deception DeceptionStart Deceptions Start good Won easily Sybaris Sybarite is a grand colt and outclassed his field Marmiqn Marin ran a good race He was shut oft at start unlucky and closed strongly A fast track suits him best Watpmba Watchman was cut off early badly riddem ridden and finished like a lion Kaiserin Kaiser was used up early m makirg making pace with Sybaris Sybarite She was outclassed too So was Daily Racing Form who got away badly He also was used too much Moro and Moringa Mooring were outclassed Watch Burnham Burma He will be best over a distance distanceOverweights distance Overweights Overweighs Watomba Atom 5 pounds Sybaris Sybarite It THIRD RACE 1 14 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward belling 3288 Ind Indo Horses Wt St St 1A Vt A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2359 ACE 105 3 3 4 SN 3t 22 11 Conley Coney T H Ryan 75 75 1 1 13139F 3139F AUGUSTUS 105 2 It li H 11 1 2t Thorpe W McClelland Macmillan 4746 31023DN CLARNCIO CLARENCE 97 1 21 2t 4t 41 45 37 Clawson Lawson AtkinLottridge 10 12 10 10 3246 ARGENTINA 107 5 51 3t 2 2t 3t 43 H Martin E J Baldwin 3636 3216JPERSONNE 94 6 6t 6 61 6t 5t 5 Mclntyre McIntyre L H Ezell Bezel 4645 3139 CHRLEYREIFF92 7 7 75 76 7 73 61 McNichols Conchoids H L Jones 30 40 30 30 3274 COLLINS 98 8 8 8 8 8 8 73 Gray C L Rowell Roswell 8 20 8 15 1532303DEVILS 32303DEVILS DREAM98 4 4t 5t 5 51 62 8 H Brown Holly Keating Eating 6868 Time 25t 501 1 03t 1 16t 1 42t 1 55i 2 08 08Winner Winner B g 5 by Fabulous Pnnnie PnnnieStart Start good Won handily next two driving Ace was shut off at start He was far the best Augustus had no excuses He ran a game race and to his mark Clarencio Clarence was not in touch with the track He favors fast going Watch him Hes Hess good Argentina ran a fair race and can be tabbed for early action She is good but moody The mare favors hard going Was much used today and eased up at end Then too she was unlucky Personne Personnel was sore going to post Throw out his race Reiff Riff ran to the notch Collins was sore Devils Dream likes a hard track trackScratched tracks Scratched Jay Whe When ler leer 89 89Overweights Overweights Overweighs Devils Dream 4 pounds O O O Q FOURTH RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 500 All Ages Allowances Wt St V Vz i Str Star Fiu Fu Jockeys Owners O H L C 2351TROLLEY 104 4 1 It li H Thorpe WBJennings Co65 75 65 65 6532473DUNBOY 32473DUNBOY 104 1 4t 4 5 22t Clawson Lawson J Lodge 10 15 10 12 3229 MAY W 99 2 2H 22 2 31 J Woods D Cameron 6655 66553229JMONTGOMERY 3229JMONTGOMERY 114 3 3t 3 3t 48 H Martin W P Magrano Marian 65 85 65 7 5 3257 HERMOSO HERMOSA 90 5 5 5 41 5 Mclntyre McIntyre J A Gray 50 10050 80 80Time Time 24t 50 1 02 1 08 08Winner Winner B f 3 by Martenhurst Marten May H HStart Start Start good Won easily second easily Trolley is a speed marvel She makes clear sailing for herself by her sparkling speed She was short today Duaboy Dayboy ran a good race So did May W She is ready for action Was badly ridden So was Montgomery Throw his race out Herrrjlgo was outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Prince Blazes 85 O f C FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V Yi X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3230 BERNARDILLO BERNARDINO 103 6 3 It 1 12 lit H Martin E J Baldwin 232 3259 HARRY GWYNN WYNN 101 2 2t 3t 4t 3 21 E Jones M D Miller 12 20 12 20 202489SUTTON 2489SUTTON 110 1 It 2 2t 2t 31 Conloy Colony B J Johnston 15 40 15 30 302585SALVADO 2585SALVADO 107 4 5 8 8 6t 41 W Taylor H M Mason 10 15 10 12 32442 POLISH 104 5 71 61 6i 5t 51 GWilsin Wilson FarrarTbrvillelO 15 10 12 3247 LONE PRINCESS 101 3 8 7 7 7 6t Gray S Reagan 6767 32593ETTA H 107 7 4t 4t 31 4t 78 Thorpe H F Edwards 65 65 45 1 3185 3185FIG FIG LEAF 101 8 6t 5 5 8 8 H Brown F Carter 6 15 6 12 12Time Time 25 51 1 04i 1 16i 1 29 29Winner Winner B c by Emperor of Norfolk Jennie B BStart Start Start good Won in a hard drive Bernardillo Bernardino is a tough proposition Ho leans to a fast track light weight and a distance and sulks Gwynn Wynn is a much improved horse He ran a crack ¬ ing King good race closed stoutly and was eased up at the finish Button ran impressively Watch Salvado Salvador He was poorly handled yet closed like a lion Polish favors mud and was unlucky Princess was vilely handled Throw out Etta Hs race She was put out of contention on the first turn and eased at end Fig Leaf is of no account accountScratched accounts Scratched Claudiana Claudia 97 Dolore Dolores 101 Coupon III 101 Myth 101 Pleasanton Pleasant 101 101Overweights Overweights Overweighs Harry Gwynn Wynn 2 pounds 3291 SIXTH RACE34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A V X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2635 MIDLIGHT MIDNIGHT 103 1 131003KAMSIN 61 61 IK is Conley Coney K Golden 10 10 8 8 31003KAMSIN 96 6 631233GEORGE 7 7 8 2H Mclntyre McIntyre L H Ezell Bezel 15 20 10 20 31233GEORGE ROSE 99 3 5 8 4t 31 H Brown J M Murphy 3247 MIDAS 104 2 2 2t 21 42 Thorpe J H Tarn 10 10 8 8 2643 KAISER LUDWIG 100 7 729813PEIXOTTO 8 51 3t 51 Clawson Lawson H T Griffin 12 12 10 10 29813PEIXOTTO 109 5 4t 41 5t 65 C Sloan J J Coulter 4 4 3 3t 2356 PLUMERIA PLUMBER 104 8 831002QOLD 3 3t 7 75 Gouin Gouging D Cameron 50 60 50 50 5031002QOLD 31002QOLD BUG 96 9 9998 Stevens Krauso Kraus Co 25 30 25 30 3229 LOLO 99 4 11 I 6t 9 R Narvaez Larvae A P Welcome 50 60 50 50 50Time Time 244 50 1 02 1 15 15Winner LightStart Lightest Winner Br f 3 by Midlothian Militia Electric Light Start good Won very easily Midlight Midnight was best and lucky both Kamsin Amassing is ready He Heclosed Enclosed closed impressively Rose was poorly ridden and was short He is not reliable Midas can be tabbed as nearly ready He was short today Ludwig and Plumeria Plumber also were short Peixotto Eliot favors hard going The Bug was not in his class classScratched Scratched Marcie A 91 Lucky Star 94 Dick Behan Bean 99 La Mascota Mascot 99 Miss Ross 101

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897121801/drf1897121801_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1897121801_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800