Oakland Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1897-12-22


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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND CAL Dec 21 Twentieth day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter J B Ferguson OO FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances I Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yt 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Own 3272 REBEL JACK 103 4 4 3 2 1 Conley Coney H F Schneider 4 4i 4 3215 DR MARKS 103 7 5 41 4 2H H Martin B Schreiber 686 3272 SOCIALIST 108 5 2 21 32 3 Piggott Spigot H Henry 3433 2901 ESPERANDO ESPERANTO 103 9 li 1 li 46 E Jones E J Baldwin 10 20 10 15 3270 TENRICKA ENRICH 111 1 Si 51 52 51 Hennessy Hennas R A Smith 15 25 15 20 3287 EPPINGER REPINE 103 3 7 7 8 62 McDonald AW Small 25 30 25 25 32283THE DIPPER 103 8 887 1 Gray E W Purser 4 8 4 8 2839 SNIPSEY SNIPE 100 6 61 6 6 8 McNichols Conchoids JS Gibson 20 25 20 20 3228 ZAPATA 104i 20104i 2 9 10 11 91 Thorpe H Linde Linden 6645 3254 MAINBAR IMAGINARY 103 11 11 11 9 10 Clawson Lawson Atkin Akin Lottridgeo Outride 756 3084 FALLEN PRINCESS100 3S100 7563S100 10 10 9 10 11 McGinn McKinney J Cochran SO 100 30 60 14iWinner Time 60Time 24i 36J 49i 1 01i 1 14i Winner B c by Order Nokomis NokomisStart Nokomis Start good Won in a hard drive The contention for third place was also sharp Jack was best and luckiest Marks was well ridden and closed in stout fashion Socialist had good rac race ¬ ing King fortune He is only a sprinter and was used too much Esperando Esperanto was short The race will fit him He is best on hard going Tenricka Kendrick closed strong and is good Watch Eppinger Repine He is a good colt He finished like a lion Needs a strong jockey He was badly ridden and shut off on the first turn The Dipper was none too well handled He needs a strong boy Watch him Snipsey Snipe was short Zapata had vile luck and was eased up at end Mainbar Marinara had worse luck He too was eased Watch this fellow Hes Hess a good colt Overweights Overweighs Dr Marks 3 pounds Zapata li O t K SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlong Purse 400 2yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St J yt Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 3255 959532702ALUMINUM PROMPTO PROMPT 106 4 IH li 13 is H Martin A P Murphy Co 2 2 9595 32702ALUMINUM 96 1 2i 21 32 2H Clawson Lawson B Schreiber S 8 5 6 3254VALENCIENNE 105 5 31 32 22 3i Conley Coney E F Fredrickson Frederick 3 3 21 3 3032 MAGNUS MANUS 99 3 6 9 5i 4 R Narvaez Larvae C Parker 10 15 10 12 3289 HERMOSO HERMOSA 108 8 87 42 5 Gray J A Gray 6867 8246 FLANDES FLANDERS 108 9 987 6 Hennessy Hennas P Mitchell Co 10 20 10 15 3287 MEL BURNHAM BURMA 99 11 10 10 8 71 McGinn McKinney J Cochran 30 100 30 75 3232 MORDECAI MORDACITY 107 6 51 52 61 82 Piggott Spigot W R GrilTm Gilt 6766 3270 4032703UNCLE OUTLAY 99 2 4 41 9 910 McNichols Conchoids W P Magrane Marianne 20 50 20 40 32703UNCLE TRUE 104 7 7 61 10 102 Hobart W P Fine 20 25 20 20 3218 MUSCULADO MUSCULAR 101 10 11 11 11 11 Kiley Kelley J Newman 50 100 50 80 108Winner Time 80Time 24 37 49 l01i 108 Winner B c by Racine Rosebud RosebudStart Rosebuds Start good Won easily Mild drive for the place Prompto Prompt was best well ridden and lucky Aluminum ran an excellent race Was none too well ridden Watch him Valencienn Valencia ran to her notch Sho Shod is an honest filly Magnus Magnums after interference at the start and on first turn closed strong and is ready Hermoso Hermosa had bad luck all through It was chiefly caused by bad riding Flandes Flanders was short Ho is worth attention Scratched attentionScratched attentions Sing Wing 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs Magnus Magnums 3 pounds Mordecai Mordacity 2 Uncle True 21 3336 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yi Str Star Fm Jockeys Owners O H L C 32872LORD MARMION MARION 108 3 li 12 12 13 Thorpe J MacManus Macanese 3101 4i32722YULE ATTAINMENT 100 6 51 52 2H 2i H Brown W B Jennings Co6 6 4i 4i 32722YULE 100 5 6 6 48 37 E Jones T E Butler 3 4 3 4 3273SPUNWELL 112 1 24 4n 6 42 Clawson Lawson Atkin Akin LottridgeS Glottides 3 2i 3 332172HIGHLAND 32172HIGHLAND BALL 107 4 4i 2 5 52 Macklin Mackinaw R B De Lopez 10 15 10 12 3257 NOVIA NOVA 103 2 SB 3i 3 61 H Martin B C Holly 6867 2883 OFFICIAL 99 7 7777 Gray T W Coulter 4645 4645Time Time 24 361 481 100 l06i Winner l06iWinner Br c by St Carlo Lady Marion MarionStart Aerostat Start good Won easily There was a keen drive for the place Marmion Marion is only a sprinter but is very fast He smothered his company and was lucky Attainment ran a good race and was well ridden after being shut off at start Was eased at end Yule is best on mellow going She favors a route and was far from well ridden Spunwell Spume also leans to soft going and a dis dais ¬ tance stance She was shut off Sho Shod was hampered at start and on the first turn Highland Ball ran his race Novia Nova was short and used too much in pacemaking peacemaking Official had an easy race after being shut off at the start startOverweights Overweights Overweighs Novia Nova 2 pounds Highland Ball li 333 Q Q Q T FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Va 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 33093BUCKWA 3102GRADY 114 3 SH 5i 5 31 2ii Piggott Spigot Owen Bros Brows 6867 68673186SOUFFLE 3186SOUFFLE 109 1 2 21 2 21 3 Thorpe J M Murphy 4746 3273 FLASHLIGHT 111 2 3 3 31 5i 43 Shaw FarrarTbervilleSO 75 30 60 3053 WIDOW JONES 92 6 7 7 7 6 5 Gray D J Tobin 60 100 60 80 803307ALVERO 3307ALVERO 103 5 4 41 4 4 61 Conley Coney C W Chappell Chapel 50 75 50 60 30553MARQUISE 6030553MARQUISE 107 7 61 61 61 7 7 H Martin Timmous Titmouse Marks3 433 433Time 47iWinner Time 24f 491 1 02 1 15 1 40i 1 47i Winner B g 6 by Buckra Buckram Wewa Weak WewaStart Wheatear Start good VVon Von easily Buckwa Buck outclassed his lot and had clear sailing His race was brilliant Grady was a bit short and was shut off on the first turn and in the back stretch Souffle is fit Sho Shod favors soft going Flashlight was overweighted overweighed short and badly ridden He closed strong Tab him Widow Jones ran an honest race She was outclassed Alvero Valero was badly ridden and eased up at finish Watch him Marquise is jaded She was interfered with at the start startScratched statecraft Scratched Personne Personnel 92 Oscuro Obscure 103 Mamie Mammies Scott 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs Alvero Valero 2 pounds 3338 FIF FIFO FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 StrFin Strafing Jockey Owners 0 i AKLAND OAKLAND BAKU BACKUP 10V 1 I Pig tt I ij2iY NKKK O iU 11 2 4 4 Vv V i V lrs Lars 33li AQUINAS 102 4 1 IM 1 1 T H Martin B Schreiber SchreiberContinued Schreiber Continued on 2nd Pa 9tYv 9tYvP2U P2U 108 5 5i 6 6 5 E Jones B J Johnston 10 15 10 12 3323 bATsTLZZA bats 103 6 6 0 5 516 Devino Devon T H Boyle 30 60 30 40 Time 40Time 24 36i 491 1 01J 1 14i 1 26J BillettaStart Billet mnner manner B g 4 by Deceiver Billetta Billet Start good Won in a galop gallop Barr is sharply onedgo Onega and outclassed his field Doodle ran nis anis race Princess performed to the line too Aquinas has staled and was used too much Sut Shut ton and Santuzza Sanctus were outclassed Scratched Kamsin Amassing 100 Pat Murphy 100 Dick Behan Bean 103 Etta H 105 Kaiser Ludwig 105 Ireixotto 106

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1897122201/drf1897122201_1_9
Local Identifier: drf1897122201_1_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800