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1898 TUP UP 15 MILES FROM ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH WABASHBARNEY WABASH BARNEY SCHREIBERS SCHREIBER MOPELFARJ L THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD FOUL SHOT BY MUSKETSLANDER MUSKETS Itlrariel Literarily Touchstonp Touchstone by Camel Cameli Camel Longbow i Verbena by Velociped Velocipede sire of Df Fen de Joie Joiej Joie Miss Bawe Awe Catton Canton by Golnmpus Olympus 1 Tranbys Standbys dan by Orville Pantaloon Castrel Wastrel by Buzzard BuzzardI Buzzard Legerdemain lain Czarwitch Cearwitch Czarist Cleric I Idaha Idaho by Peruvian HphzardFinesse FilhodaPntEby Hphzard Haphazard Finesse by Peruvian Melbourne Humphrey Humph Clrnkei Clarke byCmus abysms Weat Sweat Australian tralian Italian Cervantes byCmusCervantes mare Derby y and St Leger Leer Mowerina Mower Touchstone by Camel CamelEmma Camel Emma by Whisker Whalebone by Waxy Brown Bass IBB BB 1 Selib Eli mare Daughter of j Brutandorf Bartender by Blacklock Blackjack MrsCrickahnksbyWlbck Canteen J Waxy Pope by Waxy Calendar Imported Castania Castaneda by Gohanna Ghana Ham bletonia begonia j StamfordbyPloniptentiary Harmonica by Hmbletnian Hibernian Tros Taros Imported Priam Pram hs Emilius Milieus I Ii Ally by Partisan Alice Grey Gray J Rous Rouse Emigrant by Pioneer Gulnareby Glare YoungGohanna The Colonel j Whisker by Waxy Capapie Crappie i imported Delpini Delphinium mare Sister to Cagtus Catguts J Sultan by Selim Slim SelimDuchess Duchess of York by Waxy Touchstone Bell Brand Verbosa Verbose Sophie j Skilhinda Skirling I Sallie Brass Imported BARHEY BARELY SCHREIBEf Schreiber BRIPETON BRIDGETOWN MO EHTElT Ethel pjgfECTLYEHTElT pjgfECTLY Tel e raphi graphic C Correct Concise Comely form Sneete Seethe and Entries expertly indexed Training News a Specialty Off our own Presses PressesBefore Presses Before the Chicago tatilitt tactility A I OVERNIGHT POOLING 126 FIFTH AVE