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CLUB DEPARTMENT 1898 SPRING SUMMER AND FALL flEETINGS flEETING 1898 STAKES TO CLOSE JAJsTTJARY 15 1898 THE INAUGURAL A handicap sweepstake for threeyearolds and upward Weights t to be announced March 26 10 to accompan accompany the nomination 5 to e paid on acceptance o weights which acceptance must ba made b April 9 and U additional to start The Asso Assoc ciation caption to add an amount suflicint sufficient to make thi thin valuaof valuator tha than stake SiUv Siva of which IOU to hi winner 360 to second 150 to third and thi thin fourth to save his stake A winner of a race after publication of weights the total adver adverb ¬ tised tied value of which is i 000 or more to carr 5 Ibs Dibs extra One mile mileTHE millet THE DEBUTANTE For twoyearold toehold fillies foals of 1895 5 to accompany tbe tube nomina nominal ¬ tion ion 50 additional to start The Association to add an amount sufficient to make the value of the stake S15JU of which 1 2tO to thn than winner 200 to second 100 to thiid hid and the fourth tc save his stake Winners of a sweepstake tue true total advertised value of which islvUli insoluble rmore more to carry 3 Ibs Dibs of two such 5 Ibs Dibs of three ot more such 7 Ibs Dibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Dibs If beaten three or more times 5 Ibs Dibs additional Fbur Bur and onehalf Neal furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs THE KINDERGARTEN For twoyearold toehold colts and geldings foals of 1896 5 to accompany the nomination 50 additional to start The Association to add an amount sufficient to make the value of tbe tube stake Jl500 of which l2uO to the winner 20J to second 100 to third and the fourth to save his stake Winners of a sweep ¬ stakes the total advertised value of which is 1 000 or more to carry 3 Ibs Dibs of two such 5 Ibs Dibs of three or more such 7 Ibs Dibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Dibs If beaten three or more times 5 Ibs Dibs additional Five furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs THE JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP For twoyear twofer olds foals of 1893 10 to accompany the nom ¬ ination inaction p5 additional to start The Associa Asocial ¬ tion ion to add an amount sufficient to make the value of the stake 200 of which 1500 to the winner 350 to second 150 to third and the fourth to save his stake Winners of a sweep ¬ stake the total advertised value of which i 1000 or more to carry 3 Ibs Dibs of two such 5 Ibs Dibs of three or more sweepstakes of any value 7 Ibs Dibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Dibs Maideus Maidens that have started in a sweepstake and have not been placed 5 ibs dibs additional tfivo five and a half furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs THE MEMORIAL A handicap sweepstakes for all ages 6 to accompany the nomination 50 additional to start The Association to add an amount sufficient to make the value of the stake 1500 of which 1200 to the winner 200 to second 100 to third and the fourth to save his stake Weights to be announced three days prior to the race Five and a half furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs THE CLUB MEMBERS HANDICAP A handi hand ¬ cap sweepstakes for threeyearolds and up cward coward Weights to be announced April 30 10 to accompany the nomination JO on accept anco ancon f weights which acceptance must bt made by May 15 and 0 additional to start The Association to add an amodnt amount sufficient tc make the value of tbe tube stako stake 2V0 of which 200u to the winner 350 to sec nd 150 to third and t h fourth to save his stake A winner of a sweepstake utter publication of weights the total advertised value of which is 1000 01 more to carry 3 Ibs Dibs of two such ot one of the total advertised value of 2OUO or more 5 Ibs Dibs penalty One mile and a quarter quarterTHE quarter THE BREWERS A handicap sweepstakes foi foci twoyearod stonyhearted ifoals foals of 8aS 5 to ace mpanj man the nomination 50 additional to start Tbe Tube association to add an amount anfficient affliction to make the value of the stake 1500 of which 1200 to th = i winner 200 to second 100 to third and the fourth o save his stake Weights to bo an ¬ nounced bounced three days prior to the race A winner of a handicap after weights are announced to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra Six furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY A selling sweep ¬ stakes for threeyearolds and upward i to accompany the nomination i additional to ptart tart The Association to add an amount suf surf ¬ ficient incident to make the value of the stake 1100 of which iiuO ii to the winner 200 to second tOU thou to third and the fourth to save his stake Those entered not to be sold to carry 7 Ibs Dibs extra those etered metered to be told for 1000 to carry weight for ago for COO allowed 5 Ibs Dibs 2 Ibs Dibs avowed for each J500 to 300 I Ib for each iOO CIO tolOU Toulouse then 1 Ib for each 100 to 7uO Starters with selling price to be named through entry box by twelve oclock o'clock on the day prior to the race More than two can ba natnad nana by the same owner but only two can start but the starting fees must bo paid for all named One mile mileTHE millet THE MERAMEO MERMEN A selling sweepstakes for threeyearolds and upward j to accompany the nomination 0 additional to start The Association to add an amount sufficient to make the value of the stake S15UO of which t20J to the winner 200 to second and iOO CIO to the third and the fourth to save his stake Thosa Those en ¬ tered termed not to be sold to carry 7 Ibs Dibs extra those entered to be sold for SIUOO SUNOCO to carry weight for age for30K r Mowed 5 Ibs Dibs 2 Ibs Dibs allowed for each 5iiO to 2COO lib for each 200 to SMOJ SUMO then 1 Ib for each 100 toUO toO Winners of 1100 in 1898 not to bs entered for less than 3000 Starters with selling price to be named through entry box by 12 oclock o'clock the day prior to the race More than two can bs named y the same owner bat only two can start but the starting fees must bo paid for all named Oae Oakes mile mileTHE millet THE LAUREL A handicap sweepstakes for threeyearolds and upward 5 to accompany the nomination 50 additional to start The Association to add an amount sufficient to mak make the value of he stake 1500 f which 20ut the winner J to second atd0 to third anc banc the fourth to save his stake W ights bights to be t n notmced notched three days orior prior to the race A wiunei wine of a handicap after weights are announced tc carry 5 ponuds ponds extra Six furlongs THE MISSOURI A spiling spilling sweepstake for twp yearolds earls ttoals tolls of 1893 5 to accompany the nomination 51 additional to start TheAsso Teases ciation caption to add an amount sufficient to make tho thou value of the stake l50 of which l4iO tc tue true winner iuu Isuzu to second luO lOu to third and the fourth t save his stake Those entered t be sold for J400 weight for age Hlbs Lbs allowed for oachJOOtolVOO I Ibfor Ibo each ICO CO less to50 Winners of a stako stake of 1100 to ba entered foi foci not less than 310 1 Starters with selling price to be ntuied intuited through entry box the day before the race More than two cm be namod named by the same ovner over but only two can start but the starting Les Lees must be paid for all named Sis furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs THE INDEPENDENCE A handicap sweepstake for threeyearolds and upward 5 to accompanj accompany the nomination 50 additional to start The Association to add an amount sufficient to make tho thou value of the stake 1500 of which 12jO tc the winner 20ii to the second and 100 to the third and the fourth to save his stake Weights to be announced three days prior to the race A winner of a handicap after weights are an nouncad bounced to carry 5 Ibs Dibs extra One mile and threesixteenths threesixteenthsTHE THE MOUND CITY A selling sweepstakes f M threeyear three olds and upward The Association to adi Audi an amount sufficient to make the value f the stake 1500 of wbicb bib 2uO to the winner 200 to the second li 0 to the thud and the fourth to save his stake 5 to accompany tho thou nomination 50 ad ¬ ditional diction to start 3000 weight forage 3 Ibs Dibs allowance for each 500 less to 2000 1 Ib for each IOJ CIO less to 15U 2 Ibs Dibs for each 00 less to lCOO coo Startors Stators with selling price to be named through the entry box the day precediny preceding the race M jre re than two can be named by the samq sam owner but only two can start but the starting fees must bo paid for all nam name d One and oneeighth neigh miles milesTHE mildest THE GOLDEN ROD For throeydarolds that have never won a stake of more than 1500 5 to accompany the nomination 50 additional to start The Association to aid an amount suffi sufi ¬ cient client to make tho thou value of the stake 1500 oi which 1200 to the winner 200 to second and 100 to the third and the fourth to save his stako stake 3000 weight for age 1 Ib for each 200 to 2000 then 1 Ib for each 100 less to 500 Winners of a stake after tho thou closing of entries not to b j entered for less than 1500 Winners of two or more stakes after the closing of entries to carry their weight Starter with polling prices to ba named thrrugh through the entry b x tho thou day before tho thou rac race More than two may be uam Guam d by the same owner but only two can start but the starting fees must bo paid for all named Seven furlongs furlongsHE furlongs HE OZARK A handicap for twoyear twofer old colts and geldiugs geldings foals of lb6 i to accomp accompli ny the nomination J50 additional to start The Association to add an amount suiUcient suicide to make tha than value of the stako stake SIRO1 of which 1200 to tho thou winner 200 to second 100 to third and the fourth to save his stake Weights to be announced three days before the race Six furlongs i iTHE THE THE ISABELLA For twoyearolds toeholds fillios fillies foals of U9o j to accompany the nomination 50 additional to start The Association to add an amount tuffii tuff ° nt to make the value of the stake 50 of 1210 to the winner 2CO to second 10 to third and tbe tube ourth fourth to save hia ia stoke Winners of a sweepstakes of the advertised value of 1000 to carry 3 Ibs Dibs of two such 5 Ibs Dibs of throe or more such or one of 1800 7 Ibs Dibs ex ¬ tra tram Horses not having won a sweepstakes of the value of 700 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs nonwinners nominees of three races of any vilue vile 9 Ibs Dibs two races 12 Ibs Dibs maidens 17 Ibs Dibs No horse which has in ¬ curred cured any of the penalties shall be entitled to any of tha than allowances Five and a half furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs THE CHRYSANTHEMUM A handicap sweep ¬ stakes for twoyearDida foals of 196 to accompany the nomination 50 additional to start The Association to add nn amount suffic suffice ¬ ient Lent to make the value of the stake 1500 of which 1200 to the winner JOO JO to second 100 to third Weights to be announced three days prior to the race One mile mileFixed minefield Fixed Evint Deviant St Louis Derby for 1899 1899ENTRIES ENTRIES CLO3E JANUARY 15 1898 THE ST Louts DERBY FOR 1899 A sweep ¬ stakes for threeyearolds foal of 1893 25 each or only 10 if declared by January 1 1899 110 additional to start The Association to add 3500 of which 350 to s cjnd Cajon 150 to third and the fouith fourth to save his stako stake Winners of a stake o 0 u in 1899 or one of 100JOin 1893 to cirry curry 3 Ibs Dibs penalty winners of a stake of 10v00 or three or any value in 1899 to carry 5 Ibs Dibs penalty Allowances Nnnwinnoraof two stak stack es of any value in 1893 3 Ibs Dibs of one stake 7 Ibs Dibs uon upon winners of four races in 1899 10 Ibs Dibs three races 12 Ibs Dibs two races 15 Ibs Dibs one race 20 Ibs Dibs maidrtns maidens 25 pounds Stilling purse races not counted in figuring allowances No horse that has incurred either of tbe tube penalties shall be entitled to any of the allowances and no horse which is not entitled to the Urs Burs two al ¬ lowances loaners can claim any of the subsequent ones Allowances and penalties not cumulative One mile and a half