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TWOYEAROLDS TOEHOLDS OF 1898 The veteran Charles Littlefield Littered has nine 2 yearolds earls in hand and has claimed the follow ¬ ing King names for them Fast Black blk balk f by Watercress Abilone Abilene AbiloneSaccharine Saccharine ch f by Sir Modred Molded Glorianne Loraine GlorianneAlbertina Albertina Libertine b f by Darebin Darwin Kathleen KathleenRosanna Kathleen Rosanna Hosanna b f by Sir Modred Molded Rosemary La Penitente Penitent br f by Watercress Rosalind RosalindPeace Rosalind Peace ch f by Midlothian Militia Turmoil Courtley Courtly ch f by Spendthrift Victoria IV IVFlorator Invigorator Florator Floater b f by Salvator Salvatore Flora Dare DarePeppergrass Peppergrass Papergirls b f by Watercress Sabrina SabrinaMr Sabrina Mr J S Wadsworth Adsorb who had some fair per ¬ formers last year has a band of ten 2yearolds five it will be observed being by Hanover Here are their names Heurouse Euros ch f by Hanover Beatitudd Beatitude BeatituddBezique Beatitude Bezique ch f by Hanover Sequence SequenceLa Sequence La Poupee Toupee ch f by Hanover Elsino Eskimo ElsinoPocketpiece Pocketpiece Pocket b f by Hanover Marguerite MargueriteStardust Marguerites Stardust ch f by Hanover Gleam GleamKisses Leakiness Kisses b f by Favor Barbary BarbaryWinepress Breadwinners Winepress b f by Strathmore Stratford Pomona PomonaTramontana Tramontana Ramona br f by Owas Was Courant dAir dairy dAirHaruko airpark Haruko Hark b f by Onondaga Vera VeraAmenti Overpayment Amenti Amentia blk balk c by Darebin Darwin Gondole Gondola GondoleJ Gondola J E McDonald contrives to introduce some speedy ones annually and something of that stripe may come from the following list of 2 yearolds earls that will race in his colors this year yearMayor yearn Mayor Grant ch c by Fonso Fonts Spring Eagle EagleAnthony Reagent Anthony Brady br c by Hayden Edwards Sultaness Sultans SultanessPickwickian Pickwickian Picnicking bc by Hayden Edwards Emma Pickwick Picklock PickwickBettie Pickpocket Bettie Betties Gray b f by Fonso Fonts Bettie Betties Blaise Blains BlaiseBelle Baseball Belle of Troy ch f by Fonso Fonts The Belle BelleStorm Belles Storm Cloud blk balk f by Hanover Grenadine GrenadineRed Grenadine Red Snapper ch f by Hayden Edwards Sea Food FoodFor Food For a batch of their 2yearolds Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows have claimed these names Frances D b f by Eothen Ethan Effie Defied C CBecky Becky Becky Ban ch f by Ban Chief Becky B BViola Viola Viola K ch f by Volante Volant Mary K KVolandies Volcanism Volandies Villainies b c by Volante Volant Mamie Mammies Fonso Fonts FonsoEugene Consequence Eugene ch c by Ban Chief Umilta Milt