New Aspirants To Fame., Daily Racing Form, 1898-01-23

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NEW ASPIRANTS TO FAME Mr W M Singerly Gingerly has registered the follow ¬ ing King names for four of his 2yearolds Wilhelmina H b f by St Mark Flossie Flossier Fan ¬ ning Ming ningSlow Winslow Slow Time ch g by St Mark Fast Time Impatient b f by Masterlode Asteroid Vulpina Vulpine Lemoon Lemon br f by St Mark Edith Van VanTo Canto To his list of names claimed for 2yearolds recently George J Long makes the following additions Manuel b c by Bob Miles Espanita Espanola EspanitaTitus Spontaneities Titus ch c by Ban ChiefSunlight Chiefs ChiefSunlightThaisa Thaisa Thais b f by Pardee Parsee Countess CountessAmalfi Countess Amalfi Amelia ch f by Azra Ezra May O John Mackey Mickey manager of Ranclio Rancho del Paso takes the following names for a quartet of his 2yoarolds Chryseo Chrysler ch f by Golden Dawn Sister War ¬ wick The Saint b or br c by Midlothian Militia Ange Lange lique clique liqueStarboard Starboard br f by Watercress Oceanica Oceania Lavator Lavatory ch c by Salvator Salvatore Hot Springs For a batch of twentyone twenty 2yearolds Mr J B Haggin Haggling has selected these names namesSombre names Sombre Sombrero blk balk f by Midlothian Militia Miss Woodford Woodward WoodfordThe Woolworth The Mute b f by Tyrant Silence SilenceVinette Silence Vinette Vignette ch f by Sir Modred Molded Bedotte Besotted BedotteGuiliana Guiliana Gillian ch f by Tenny Teeny Guilia Gillian GuiliaTorrid Utilitarian Torrid ch f by Sir Modred Molded Tulare Tulane TulareVentora Ventora Ventura br c by Golden Garter Ventura Warble b f by Darebin Darwin Carolita Carolina CarolitaMossbrae Carolinians Mossbrae Mossback br c by Watercress Shasta ShastaIsCara Shasta IsCara Scarab ch f by Islington Wilmington Carissima Parisian Lovelette Novelette b f by Uncle Jess Amourette Amore AmouretteGrilse Grilse Grills b f by Islington Wilmington Eosa Rosa G GEeleased Eyeglasses Eeleased Elapsed b f by Darebin Darwin Eepressa Depress EepressaDaramba Daramba Arabia b f by Darebin Darwin Lambayeque Lambrequin LambayequeCerulea Cerulea Cerulean ch f by Golden Garter Blue Grass GrassCirclet Grassier Circlet b f by Golden Garter Easter EasterZepha Easter Zepha EPA ch f by Fitzjames Typhoon TyphoonBellane Typhoon Bellane Bellman b f by Tenny Teeny Bella Ella B BThe Bathe The Light ch f by Uncle Jess Barbary Maid MaidEuralia Madeira Euralia Neuralgia b f by Tyrant Maid Marian MarianVineyard Mauritanian Vineyard br by Frasno Fresno Jortuna Fortuna JortunaVita Fortuna Vita b f by Prestonpans Preston Vital Col Cool W S Barnes 2yearolds have been given names as follows followsFair follows Fair Fortune b f by Laureate Nihil Nichol NihilLady Nihility Lady of Venice blk balk or br f by Jim Gore Gondola GondolaThe Gondola The Lady in Blue b f by Himyar Shimmy British Blue Blood BloodPreliminary Preliminary blk balk f by Falsetto Flirtation FlirtationImperial Flirtation Imperial Duchess ch f by Teuton Teutonic Ferona Verona FeronaGadsden Ferromanganese Gadsden Gladden b g by Oneka Tonka Gadding GaddingJudge Gadding Judge Advocate br c by Wagner Ominous OminousKillcraft Ominous Killcraft Killer b g by Jim Gore Lady Scalper ScalperLancashire Scapegraces Lancashire ch g by Eolo Elmo Lawnette Layette LawnetteOf Layette Of these The Lady in Blue was credited late last fall with having worked faster than any yearling in Kentucky P J Miles has the following 2yearolds for the campaign of 1898 Exception br fby by Bersan Berman Katherine C La Ciosse Cosset b f by Bersan Berman Hattie L Exit b f by Patton Dosta Dost Except ch f by Deceiver Miss Gibson Abide b f by Deceiver Kittie Kitties H Motive b f by Aintree Sainte Quick Farrar Arrear Tuberville Tubercle have four 2yearolds that will no doubt soon be in action at Oakland and Ingleside Ingles They are as follows Complimentary b f by Apache My Badge BadgeAlice Adeline Alice Eix Ix ch f by Flambeau Gerhardine Geraldine GerhardineEacebud Eacebud Acerb b f by Eacine Racine Eosebud Rosebud EosebudCalvadare Calvadare Salvador blk balk c by Calvados Calando Virginia Dare If they show well in training Mr E O Pep ¬ per will campaign the following 2yearolds this year yearNancy yearn Nancy Seitz Seize b f by Kantaka Kanaka Debut DebutBlack Debut Black Venus blk balk f by Kantaka Kanaka Queenie Queenlier QueenieFlying Quantifying Flying Bird ch f by Kantaka Kanaka Fauvotte Favorite FauvotteFlorence Florence Darling ch f by Kantaka Kanaka Flor Floor ¬ ence fence D DSatin Satin Satin Slipper b f by Kingston Lady Stylites Stylists StylitesMiss Stylists Miss Gordon ch f by Porblaise Porcelains Ondina Odin OndinaDe Iodinate De Blaise Blains ch c by Perblaise Pearlier Devotee DevoteeBed Devotee Bed Wickes Wickets b c by Kantaka Kanaka or Perblaise Pearlier Genevievo Genevieve Ed Both ch c by Kantaka Kanaka Flirt FlirtBy Flirty By George ch g by St George Little Belle BelleKing Bellying King Barleyc Barley rn ch c by Kantaka Kanaka Nattot NATO NattotKentucky Kentucky Colonel b c by Kantaka Kanaka Noc Nock ¬ turne turned To Mr J S Wadsworths Adsorbs list of 2yealolds published last Monday the following are to be added addedLady addenda Lady Scarlet ch f Pirate of Penzance Penance Pap poose pose pooseScarlet poses Scarlet and Green ch f by Hanover Device DeviceBalzane Device Balzane Balance ch f by Hanover Ocean Wave WaveNever Avenge Never ch f by Candlemas Candelas Balaklava Balaclava

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Local Identifier: drf1898012301_1_3
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