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SINGERLY SINGER FORM CHART CHARTSINGERLY CHARTING SINGERLY SINGER MD Jan 23 Third day Singerly Gingerly Eacing Acing Association Winter Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge Ralph Bayard Boatyard Starter Mars Cassidy Racing starts at 2 30 p m Q Q 1 O FIRST RACE 58 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S St H H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 3441 MEKR1TT 115 4 437042JINGLE 1 IH 3 1 Neary Nary Wellwood Kellwood Stable 3 4 3 Si 37042JINGLE BELLS 111 3 3SSa 32 36 2 26 CunnghamGW Unengaged Hainan Haitian 4 4 3 3 SSa Sal a TOMMY O 115 2 22 22 IH 32 BurkholderHill Top Stable 85 95 85 85 3410 CHECKERS 108 1 5 4 51 41 C Hueston Houston JMcCauley McCauley 6866 3689 FALSE PRIDE 114 6 4 64 41 52 Johnson M Lynch 6 20 6 20 3743 TEMPTER 108 7 737762WILD 77 61 61 Roberts T Manmx Manx 15 50 15 40 4037762WILD 37762WILD DUCK 106 5 6 5 7 7 Mclntyre McIntyre Avoca Avocado Stable 10 30 10 25 25Time Time 30 59 1 15i 15iWinner Winner B g by Hilarity Lulu Race Start good Won driving Merritt Merit was best The Duck delayed the start and Checker could have done better Neary Nary used his whip over Jingle Bells head and did no good Scratched Hurry 118 Overweights Overweighs False Pride 3 pounds Q Q 1 Q SECOND RACE 1 4 13 Furlongs Purse 100 4yearolds and upward fB O 1 O Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3364 BLE LE VVASHGTON 105 4 3 11 I2 1 CunnghamC Chung Douglas 656535710 3636 KASSALA ASSAIL 101 2 4 3 24 2 Mclntyro McIntyre Mt Vernon Stbl Stable 85 3 85 3 3779 MOUNTAIN MAID 105 1 11 21 3 3 Coudrier Courier J Daniels Daniel 6 12 6 10 3634 SILVER BILL 107 7 61 54 51 42 Berger J Renfrew Reinforce 10 30 10 25 3778 METROPOLIS 105 6 7 41 4 51 Campbell J Shaw 10 20 10 20 3760 INTIMIDAD INTIMIDATE 107 3 2 61 6 64 Roberts Hill Top Stable 10 30 10 25 25MARCH MARCH 107 5 54 7 7 7 J Moore Pleasant Val Stbl Stable 5644 5644Time Time 30 1 00 1 084 084Winner Winner Ch mt 5 by Luke Blackburn La Belle BelleStart Belles Start fair Won driving Maid was lame going to the post March could not untrack untracked him ¬ self Kassala Assail was best Cunningham outrode outride Mclntyre McIntyre at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Rob Roy 107 Prairie Flower 105 Mollie May 105 Q Q 1 I THIRD RACE 78 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Yt 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 3741 FKANK FLANK HOUGH 109 4 it 1XK I6 I6 I1 CunnghamAshtqn Stable 2 5 2 44 3763ST PAT 113 2 2 21 22 210 2io Brkholdor Brooder W Duffy 3434 3781 NINIS MINIS 107 7 7 7 4t 32 3 Brophy Trophy P M Simpson 2 2 45 1 37452BELOVED 107 5 61 62 7 44 41 Campbell Hill Top Stable 8 12 8 10 3688JSPARKLE 107 6 5 54 61 6 52 Patton J Callahan 5 10 5 8 376inVALTER 37612 WALTER O 114 3 44 41 52 51 6 Johnson R Campbell 6766 676637G1 3701 37G1 WAMPUM 109 1 3 31 31 Fell Mclntyre McIntyre A B Clear 6 12 6 10 10Time Time 31 1 01i 1 3tt 1 47t 47tWinner Winner Blk Balk g 4 by Once Again Device DeviceStart Devices Start good Won easily Brophys Broths ride 9n the favorite was bad Wampum was badly lamed by his fall Hough made a runaway racq Iraq of it He was far the best bestOverweights bestrewing Overweights Overweighs St Pat 4 pounds Walter O 5 FOURTH RACE C 12 Furlongs Purse 200 4yearolds and upward X Ray Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St V X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 37072JONAH WHITE 107 6 1 12 12 H CunnghamDixie Stable 3 4 3 34 3437592KRAUSE 37592KRAUSE 92 4 64 51 51 24 Jones D W Mooney 10 12 10 10 3726 NELLIE S 113 2 77 64 3 BurkholderH Brooder B Anderson 4847 484737073GOULD 37073GOULD 113 5 31 21 2 41 Neary Nary Clover Stable 4 5 34 4 3740 GALLATIN GALLANTING 108 7 8 8 7 52 Brophy Trophy G Blake 4746 474637812REFORM 37812REFORM 110 3 51 3 31 64 Nelson Kulm Ku Randolphs Randolph U2 3 10 37813SALVOR 106 9 9987 Coudrier Courier Jersey Stable 6 20 6 15 3762 A B DADE 116 1 21 41 44 8 Johnson Ordway Norway Stable 66 3 34 34i3758GORMAN i3758GORMAN 102 8 41 64 9 9 Campbell G C Gray 15 20 15 20 20Time Time 30 1 OOJ ONO 1 3H 1 40 40Winner Winner Br c 4 by Charaxus Caraculs Monte Belle BelleStart Belles Start good Won easily Cunningham hit Johnson with his whip in the closing drive John ¬ son claimed a foul but no attention was paid to it White was best Krauso Kraus closed fast at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Crown 105 Overweights Overweighs Jonah White 2 pounds Nellie S 4 Salvor Savor 3 Gorman 2 3816 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 y2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 37GO LITTLE MOSS 111 7 4n 4 2 1 Gregier Groggier Philadelphia Stbl Stable 6 12 6 10 3776 MISS CARRIE 109 1 12 12 n 22 Wilson Roxboro Foxboro Stable 4746 474637632FEROCIOUS 37632FEROCIOUS 111 3 51 51 51 3 Rigby Rugby Elkton Elton Stable 75 2 75 75 75378Q3BERNARDE 378Q3BERNARDE 118 2 31 2 3 41 Griffin G White 3636 3794 J J WHITTINGTON WHITTLING 114 5 8 64 44 54 J Moore T I Dean 6 6 3 34 3725 DUTCH LADY 112 6 2 32 61 62 Roberts Point Breeze Stbl Stable 12 40 12 30 30374J3FRANK 374J3FRANK B 114 4 7877 Hawley Phoenix Stable 10 20 10 15 1537G03SYDE 37G03SYDE 114 8 61 7 8 8 Johnson C S Orrison Orison 6766 6766Time Time 304 1024 136 136Winner Winner B g 4 by Moscow Mollie Bass BassStart Assistant Start good Won driving Little Moss ran an extra good race He was at a false price Whittingtons Whiting race was bad Thatof That Ferocious was not to the mark Bernardo Bernard showed much speed but hung at end endScratched undistracted Scratched Lisnerour Lingerer 109 109Overweights Overweights Overweighs Bernarde Bernard 4 pounds Frank B 3 3817 SI SIXTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V4 M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 37802 QUILL A 110 3 21 23 14 11 Patton H Baxter 3 535 535M 3207 BELVINA BELINDA 110 4 4H 41 31 26 Jones M Richan Rican Richardson 44 8595 3474 GOLD DOLLAR 115 2 31 31 42 32 Neary Nary William Brown 1 75 1 65 3742 DEIDAMIA DIANA 110 1 U H 23 Ji C Hueston Houston J Jones 10 10 5 5 3618 SANDOWNE SUNDOWNER 115 5 555 BrckhlderPeasant Val Stbl Stable 3837 3837Time Time 281 561 1 12 12Winner Winner Ch m 7 by Spendthrift Excollenza Excellence ExcollenzaStart Excellences Start good Won driving Belvina Belinda finished strong Deidamia Diana tired in the stretch It was a good race x xScratched Scratched Scratched Nevada Boy 112 Black Bess Bests 110 GranQftiaKllO GranflnjSllO Henry 108 Overweights Overweighs Gold Dollar 3 pounds vf