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SINCERITY ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horsos Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 4156 Lillipute Lilliputian 5 110 40143W111 Foriso6107 3177 Con Lucey Lucy 9 107 3082Cant Tell9 107 4051 Ed Murphy 5 107 Old Age6 107 4028 Congo Dick 10 107 4120 Laurelton Laurel 107 3831 lrvanna6 105 Miguon6 105 105Second Second Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs4yearoldsand 4yearoldsand upward Allowances 41592Fred Munch 5107 4100 Fischer 5 107 4118 Intimidad Intimidate 7 107 41192Legion 5 107 10741552Relief 41552Relief 6 107 4155Oxia 4 105 4014 Ethel Farrell4 105 41053Sannie 4 105 4119 Recover 4 105 4154 Larissa Marissa 5 105 105Third Third Race 34 Mile MileI Mile I 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4173 Crown 6 115 41393Earn 5 115 4157 Caroven Carven 6 115 41732ffiddenite 4 115 4154 Arian 5 112 4105SilvrBrook4112 4087Jackeno 5 112 4048 Hazel N 4 110 4173 Beloved 5 110 41593Govinda 4 110 110Fourth Fourth Race Scant 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4104 Reform 5 121 4139 Jewsharp Jewish 6 118 4085 PThompson5118 4176Salvor 6 118 41573TheMantaun4117 4139 Gould 4 114 41012Jingle Bolls 3 103 4087 Park Slope 3 101 101Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4103 Red Star 7 115 4174 CMcDonald7112 4157 King Bon4 112 4157 Telegram 5 112 4122 Ventanna5112 4103 Mohawk 6 112 3632Jeneola5 1123632Jeneola5 110 3472 Elizabeth 7 110 3689 Mildred D5 110 41583Quilla 7 110 110Sixth Sixth Race 4 12 Furlongs 4yearolds Furlongs4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesEd Allowances Ed Kearney 7 115 4105 BlueBanner10112 4105 Roxboio Oxblood 4 112 4136 Spirit Level 4112 4087 Radnor 5 112 4159 Mondamin Monoamine 5 112 10462Issie O 8 110 4046 Dorcas Orcas L 6 110 4118 Periodical 4 110 4155 B Australin4110