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SINGERLY SINGER FORM CHART CHARTSINGERLY CHARTING SINGERLY SINGER MD Feb 17 Twentyfifth Twenty day Singerly Gingerly Racing Association Winter Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Ralph Bayard Boatyard Starter Frank Bray Racing starts at 2 30 p m A 6 Q FIRST RACE Scant 58 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward yb VO Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V Y M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 41563ARDA 110 1 2 13 13 li Rigby Rugby T Digney Disney 75 75 71045 7104541203WEXFORD 41203WEXFORD 112 3 41 4 3t 21 Dwyor Dwyer Manilla Manila Slable Sable 3535 3723 REPUBLIC II 112 2 1 22 2 33 C Hueston Houston Camden Stable 8 15 8 12 3535 FIRST LIGHT 110 5 5i 5 62 41 Donnelly Donnelley Point Breeze Stbl Stable 6 12 6 12 4014 PRINCE POTOMAC 112 4 31 32 4 52 J Moore Potomac Stable 6 12 6 12 4120 NAVAHOE NAVAHO 112 6 6 7 7 6i Nelson Montebello Monte Stable6 20 6 15 154028CHEER 4028CHEER UP 110 7 7 61 51 7 Hayes J Castle 3 4 3 3i 3iTime Time 26 52i 1 05 05Winner Winner B m 6 by Ben Himyar Shimmy Bossina Bossing Start pooi poi Won easily Cheer Ups chances were killed by the start and Hayes eased mm up in the stretch Wexford Exordia seemed to try only for second place Arda Rda was heavily played and the right one oneScratched overstretched Scratched Dorian 112 SECOND EACE ACE Scant 58 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds Allowances 42O9 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L O 41372EDITH GRAY 110 4 52 52 43 li Patton Jersey Stable 65 65 1 1 40292 PIN KERTN KERN SCOUT 115 3 4 41 3i 2n Nostrand Unstrained J Baker 3736 4029 WENDELL 112 2 P H 1 32 Neel Kneel G S Orrison Orison 6 12 6 10 4123 MABEL ABEL D 112 5 21 21 2i 4 Nelson First Chance Stb Stab 4 5 = 4136 ISOLDE INSOLE 110 6 3 3i 5 51 Rigby Rugby B Barnes 2 5 I 3687 LITTLE DENNY DENY 112 1 77 6i 6J Ellis Magnolia Stable 6 12 6 12 3992 DAN HAAGER LAAGER 112 7 61 6 7 7 Jones F Holland 6 20 6 20 20Time Time 26 53 106I 106IWinner Winner B f by Jim Gray Latonia Antonia LatoniaStart Platonist Start good Won cleverly Isolde Insole pulled up lame Pinkerton Scout was shut oft on the far turn Edith Gray was on the outside in the good going all the way wayOverweights Overweights Overweighs Mabel Abel D 2 pounds TH THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4210 Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vz M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4015GALLATIN 112 2 31 3 51 11 Ellis r Blake 6565 45 45 4138 PONTIFEX PONTIFF 100 6 4n 62 42 2 Sullivan Good Hope Stbl Stable 10 20 10 20 2041733FOUNDLING 41733FOUNDLING 115 1 11 13 12 3 Rigby Rugby G Marshneld Mashed 3 4 3 4 441582SISTER 41582SISTER IDA 99 5 2 2J 2 41 Jones F Sharper 6655 6655MISS MISS BROWN 98 8 8 42 3i 5 Green G Coleman 10 50 10 50 504158GORN 4158GORN COB 115 4 6 51 6 6i Donnelly Donnelley Point Breeze Stbl Stable 4645 4137 CHECKERS 97 3 51 7 7 7 Higgins J McCauley 10 15 10 15 3632 POCKETPIECE POCKET 112 7 7888 Watson D W Mooney 10 30 10 30 30Time26i Time26i 53 107 l23i l23iWinner Winner Bg 7 by Top Gallant Katherine M Start good Won ridden out Checkers was badly ridden The boy seemed afraid Gallatin Gallanting came strong at the end Foundling had a lot of early speed but tired at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Chiswick Chiasmic 115 Juliana 95 95Overweights Overweights Overweighs Sister Ida 4 pounds Miss Brown 3 4211 F FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 41022MATTIE CHUN HUN 110 1 1 11 12 li Rigby Rugby M Ayres 16511 4083 CLAURECE CLARENCE 112 3 52 42 3 23 Nolson Olson A Thomas 8 8 56 4087 GRACIE 110 6 41 51 4H 32 Patton H B Anderson 4 8 4 61 6141542MOUNTAIN 41542MOUNTAIN MAID 112 2 31 3 52 41 Goudrier Gaudier J Daniels Daniel 6 12 6 12 3977 VENT 112 5 6k 7 7 52 Fennimoro Senior West Phil Stable 4 444 4051 TUTOR 112 4 21 23 2 6 Donnelly Donnelley G Webb 5 12 5 10 1041722CHARLEY 41722CHARLEY B 112 7 7 61 61 7 Ellis J W Jones 6 10 6 10 10Time Time 281 55 1 23l 23lWinner Winner Ch m 6 by Prince George Roma RomaStart Roaster Start fair Won driving Nelson s fear on turns cost Claurece Clarence the race Fennimores Seniors was a bad ride on Vent Mattie Chun Chung was the best was best ridden and won pulled up Gracie made up a strongScratched lot of ground and finished strong Scratched Dutch Bluster 112 112Overweights Overweights Overweighs Claurece Clarence 2 pounds Mountain Maid 2 f FIFTH RACE Scant 58 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward AJ Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 3992JACK 112 2 13 16 1J BrckholderBlue Ridge Stable65 65 35 710 3313 WORRY NOT 115 4 3 3K 3t 31 i 26 Donnelly Donnelley G Brown 4 10 4 8 4105 NAY NAY41232CUBA 110 3 5 51 51 52 3 Nelson E Rayford Bradford 6 15 6 15 41232CUBA 110 7 6 61 6H 4i Patton G Callahan Callahan2s 65 3 65 21 3582 DOT DOTMISS DHOTIS 110 1 2s 21 2 51 Green F Walker 6 20 6 20 MISS CL1VER 110 5 7 7 7 61 Reavers Cravers G Balcum Talcum 4 40 4 40 3582 FAIRMOUNT FALMOUTH 41 41 4 7 Neel Kneel R P Ward WardTime WarTime 4846 Time 26 521 1 051 Winner Ch g 5 by The Jacobite Aconite Antrim Atrium Start good Won pulling up It was a bad ride on Cuba Worry Not ran a good race Dot was short Miss Oliver had no speed Fairmount Falmouth was badly ridden Scratched Missouri Girl 110 4213 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 4yearoids and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 4 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4104 KLONiDIKE KLONDIKE 112 2 H 12 12 12 Coudrier Courier H B Anderson 6 15 6 12 4175 PLEASNT PLEASANT SMILES 110 7 5 4 41 21 Ellis GCGray 3 41 3 4 4015 B OF KILLARNEY KILLER 110 6 7 61 51 3 Burris Burrs W Richardson 85 4 85 4 41043BELLE EOWLER EWER 110 1 32 33 32 41 Neel Kneel Jackson City Stb Stab 3 3 7585 41572HERESY 110 3 21 211 21 f 2 Rigby Rugby De Kalb Alb Stable 2 3 2 21 41743LITTLE JIM 112 4 41 51 6 6 Reavers Cravers Philadelphia Stbl Stable 8 15 8 10 4176 ADVANCE 112 5 61 7 7 7 Howley Holey A M Sexton 7 10 7 10 10Time Time 52 1 06i 1 22i Winner LenotteStart Denotes 22iWinner B h5 by Sir Modred Molded Lenotte Lenten Start fair Won easily the next three were driving Belle Fowler would have been second with a better ride Belle of Killarney Killer made up ground throughout Heresy tired when pinched 0 Scratched Sparkle 110