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SINGERLY SINGER ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 4195 Ed Kearney 7 120 Proposition6 120 4136 Leporelle Deplorable 6 120 4137 IndianSumr3110 3941 Lottie Loftier F 6 110 3941 Lisnerour Lingerer 4 110 3650 LulaB Lullaby 3 11Q LucyF6 110 3725 Bettie Betties Hill 6 110 3903 Statesman 4 115 115Second Second Race Scant 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances41742Leonidas5 41742Leonidas5 115 4190 Congo Dick8 112 11241582Sister 41582Sister BesAbbott511241773LawrenceP4112 Ida3112 4082 BesAbbott5112 41773LawrenceP4112 4174 Conspirator 4 110 Elma Selma 110Elma H 5 108 4049 Comedian 5 108 RanaCo Franco 108RanaCo 108 3505 Pcess Cess Julia5108 Julia5108Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4140Candelabra9120 4213KloHdike 5 115 2971 Tampa 5 112 Diabolus Diabolism 7 112 4011 Parthian 7 112 4141 Sebastian 5 110 4194 Mildred D 5 108 4083 Brooklyn 8 108 10842113Gracie 42113Gracie 4 108 4210 Checkers 3 103 103Fourth Fourth Race Scant 68 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances4176Salvor 4176Salvor 6 150 4213 Little Jim6 145 4159 Electro 6 140 41723Benef actor 6 140 3284 DooBirch8140 40642Sprite7 140 4087 FrankRHnrf7140 4018 Oak4 130 3960 MrWaverly4130 4102 BoiFroedm4125 Fifth Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4139HarryBennett 5122 41212Heck Jr 7 115 40853Meadows 8 112 41732Hiddenite 4 107 4190Irvanna 6 107 4173 Mollie May8107 3906 BWashnton5107 4213 Belle Fowlor6107 41932The Mantaun4107 Mantaun4107Sixth Sixth Race Scant 58 Mile Mile5yearolds 5yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances4031Siva 4031Siva 6 116 4015 Belviua Belinda 6 110 4l72Farragut 1104l72Farragut 6 110 41762Frances M 6 110 3177 Con Lucey Lucy 9 110 4191Fischer 5V 110 4190 M ignon mignon 5 110 Fassett Falsetto 5 108 4100 Blue Ribbon 5108 410Q2Bettie Hall 6 105