Gossip Of The Turf., Daily Racing Form, 1898-03-27


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GOSSIP OF THE TURF A letter from Nashville to the Spirit of the Times has this to say of some of the 2yearolds now at that track Leighs Sleighs twoyearolds toeholds are all in fair racing condition and three or four of them judged on their trials of the last few days should make good stake animals Of these Flying Bird a filly by Kantaka Kanaka Fauv Frau ette Pete is about the best A week ago she worked four furlongs in 49i and yesterday negotiated the same distance in 50t in thp hp mud This filly is entered for the Maxwell House Stakes four and onehalf Neal furlongs in which Charlie Patter ¬ sons crack May Hempstead will bo a starter From what the daughter of Patron has apcom Mapco plished polished at New Orleans the chances are that the field will be deplorably small in the Max ¬ well House Stakes but on Flying Birds show ¬ ing King there is no reason why Leigh should be afraid to go to the races with her Cora R is another good filly in this stake She is in Ed Moores Mores stable and is credited with a half in 49K Why should she duck Buckner Buckers a rather good looking colt by Blazes in Dave Shafers Shafer string is a good doer and will start in this stake He worked four furlongs Saturday in the mud in 51i Lucy Blazes a brown filly in the same stable has a fine turn of speed having recently covered a half in 50 finishing strong Fridays Cincinnati Commercial Tribune says President A S Labold Labeled and Henry Ziegler of the Oakley Ankle track met Leo Mayer the Chicago bookmaker yesterday at the Si Nicholas Hotel with a view to disposing of the betting privi privies ¬ leges ledges of that course The gentlmen gentle held quite a lengthy conference at the conclusion of which it was announced that a deal had not been made The betting privileges were tendered Mr Mayer but there was a hitph hitch somewhere and the deal was not made There will be an ¬ other conference today and it is quite probable that the Chicago penciler penciled will have charge of the Oakley Ankle ring this summer Green B Morrishas Moorish presented to Milton Young old Strathmeathbay gelding10by Strathmore Stratford dam Flower of Meath Math and he will spend his remaining years at McGrathiana Maceration Strathmeath Treatment has been a wonderful horse At twoyears twofers old he started in ten races and won five at three started sixteen times and won five races among them the American Derby at four twentytwo twenty starts and won twelve at five twentyseven twenty start and won thirteen at six twentynine twenty starts and won seven at seven twenty tstarts starts and won ten at eight ten starts and won three making a total of 134 races of which he won 55 and was placed numerous times Strathmeaths Treatments career is an ¬ other illustration of how geldings last on the turf He has earned his freedom and a good home which ho will no doubt find at McGrath McGraw ¬ iana Diana whore he can doubtless play the role of chaperon and nurse for the yearlings as old Parole does at Rancocas Raincoats TurfField Stuffed and Farm

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898032701/drf1898032701_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1898032701_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800