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AT THE MELBOURNE STUD LEXINGTON KY SEASON OF 1898 1898PRINCE PRINCE OF MONACO MONACOBy Monaco 15 MILES FROM ST LOUiS ON THE WABASH By St Blaise Blains first dam Carina by Kingfisher second dam Carlta Carla by Imp The 111 BARNEY SCHREJBSRS SCHREIBER MOPELFA MOPE MOPELFATHE OPERATE Used A grand racehorse and winner of the following1 Stakes in the East The Juvenile fc takes the Hurricana Hurricane Stakes the Belle fiaeade facade Stakes the Grand THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD BLOODFOUL BLOOD Union Hotel Stakes and other races Full brother to the sensational young stallion St Carlo whose California success has been phenom phnom rft raft i e f FOUL SHOT BY MUSKETSLANDER MUSKETS enal penal Will make the season at the Melbourne Stud at p I D TEN DAMS OF STAKE WINNERS IF APPROVED FREE A SURE FOAL GETTER Ithurial Liturgical Touchstone by Camel 51 r Longbow Verbbna Verbena by Velociped Velocipede a 2 sice since of FendeJoie Ferneries Miss Bowe Bowen Catton Canton by Golumpua Olympia f 1 1 1a i Tranby Tabby a dan by Orvillo Orville a I H I IO Pantaloon J Castrel Wastrel by Buzzard BuzzardI Buzzard O o Legerdemain Csarwitch Isarithm I Idaha Idaho by Peruvian JIM GORE GORETPRIVATK Decoy FilhodaPu Filched by Hphzarc Finesse by Peruvian Melbourne j Humphrey Humph CHuKb CHub byCmut buyout byCmuti Wost Worst AustralianDerby Australian Australian i fervautes Cervantes mare TPRIVATK PRIVATE TPRIVATKBy Private Derby and St Leger Leer Mowerina Mower Tonchstonp Touchstone by Camel Emma by Whisker J Whalebone by Waxy By Hindoo Indoor dam Katie Winner of many Stakes and a true and game race horse Will Brown Bass Selir Smellier S j mare be allowed to serve twelvemares telemetries if approved free and thedams teams of stake winners u SWC5 Daughter of j Brntandorf Bartender by Blaeklock Blackjack WC5 i Blaeklocki Blackjacking Mra Mora Crickst Cricks uksby busboy Wlbct Wildcat Sire of the Stake winners Gorman Cedarbrook Cedarbird Judge CardwelJ Cartwheel Amelia fday day Waxy Pope by Waxy Dr Jim Moncreith Noncredit Beau Ideal Knowles Snowless Wilson and many othergood motherhood race horsss fGalendar galena Imported Castania Castaneda by Gobanna Groan Hambletonia Hamilton j Harmonica StamfordbyPieDipteutiar by Hrabletuiar Hirable W S BARNES Lexington Ky Tros Taros Imported j Priam Pram by Emiliua Emilio Cassandra AUy Ay by Partisan Alice Grey Gray j Eou8 Emiffrani Hemicranias by Pioneeu Pioneer Gulnareby Glare YoungGohanna H JPfc PC JL 3 8 A i S rr pjB PBS Imported The Colonel J Whisker Delpini Delphinium mare by Waxy WaxyJ Waxy Leigh s Portable Stalls StallsCheap Stalls Sister to Cactus j Sultan by Selim Slim SelimI Slim I Duchess of York by W xy i Boll Brand Dover 5 Verbosa Verbose Touchstone Cheap Safe Sensible Comfortable Sophie jSkilhinda skirling jSkilhindaI I Sallio Sallie Brass Imported OWNERS AND ANDTRAINcRS Adrian BARNEY SCHREIBCn Schreiber TRAINcRS Trainers Whon Whom you ship your horses aak Pak Express Company to stall 71 nr car with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable BRIPGETON BRIDGETOWN MO Stall1 uuj Fuji datable to any car thug securing absolute safety to your horeer hoarer while in transit without additional cost to the shipper aa express companya company furnish them Daily Racing Forms Selections SelectionsThe Selections deface roe of the coat to car you when They adjusted dont don't and can be set up in thirtj thirst minutes for any number of horses to 21 in The Service double door baggage car Express Telegraphic over Racing FormsDaily Foresail Selections hasbe chase conioaniea monomania qan an procure stalls by applying to toTHOSMcFADD5NMgr remodeled and in future subscribers at 4 per week will be sent onl only THOSMcFADD5NMgr a succinct telegram of some twenty words night rate Western Unio Union 60 ELM ST STCINCINNATI Message containing the refined selections in all the races of the fo CINCINNATI O lowing day 25 CENTS IN PAPER 50 CENTS IN SOFT MOROCCO Armerican American Sporting flanual faucal of 1898 1898A A HANDBOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND COMPARISON KEEN EXPERTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO IT George Siler Silver on Pugilism Tom Gallagher on Billiards F H Brunell Runnel and C C Riley on Racing RacingEdSheridan EdSheridan Pedestrian on Baseball Louis Sass on football cycling and athletics AN OFFICIAL COMPENDIUM OF RECORDS RACING TROTTING PACING BICYCLING BILLIARDS BASEBALL ATHLETICS X X PUGILISM AND THE PUGILISTIC EVENTS OF 1897 NEW FEATURES IN THESE LINES THREE HANDICAP TABLES WITH KEYS KEYSSUMMARIES SUMMARIES BY EXPERTS ON EACH SUBJECT DISCUSSED KDITKE DIKE BY K H DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL