Ingleside Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-04-01


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INGLESIDE INGLES FORM CHART CHARTINGLESIDE CHARTING INGLESIDE INGLES CAL Marcli Marcel 3 1 Seventieth day Pacific Coast Jockey Club Winter Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Joseph A Murphy Starter J F Caldwoll Caldwell The recall flag is not used Racing starts at 2 00 p m JOpr Japer FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 350 3yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C BITTER ROOT 112 3 24 1 1 1 Piggott Spigot H L Frank 65 2 65 6547183TORIBIO 47183TORIBIO 114 5 3 34 24 24 Mclntyre McIntyre D A Honig Hong 12 12 10 10 46462EROICA 10ARBACES 117 4 51 44 73 3 Clawson Lawson JNBurk 10 10 10 10 ARBACES SARACENS 112 9 8 9 44 4 Thorpe A J Stemler Steamer 2 24 2 2 4718 OCTURUCK 107 1 J 54 5 51 Ames L H Ezell Bezel 15 25 10 20 474647202OAHU 47543 HO HENLOHE ENOCH 12211 61 6 64 62 Clayton W Boots Son 4746 47202OAHU 117 2 44 24 34 71 Macklin Mackinaw J D Ladd Laded Jr 40 50 40 50 4754 APRONA APRON 117 6 7 7 10 81 G Wilson H E Rowell Roswell 10 20 10 20 4400 25GOTTLEIB JOE LEVY 114 7 98 11 92 J Woods B Schreiber 15 30 15 25 GOTTLEIB BOTTLE 10910 10 10 8 103 Hennessy Hennas Ed Corrieah Corrie 8 15 8 12 4718 BON ITA IA R 10712 11 11 9 11 McDonald FarrarTbervillelu 60 15 50 4259 FOREST GUARD 11414 13 13 12 12 Stevens W H McLemore Clamored 4010040 75 NORA 75NORA RICHARDS 107 8 12 12 13 13 Conley Coney J Cochran 15 15 8 8 4647 NOTICE ME 10713 14 14 14 14 H Martin J A Bell Co 15 15 10 12 Time 12Time 244 50 1 02J 1 15J Winner B c by Royal Hampton Buttermere Bitterer ButtermereStart Butterweeds Start good Won in a gallop The next five were driving Bitter Root was far the best He is a colt worth watching Is capable of far bettor things Toribio Trilbies closed strong under far from good handling Watch him Eroica Erotica made up a lot of ground near the end She is ready among her own Arbaces Abbacies brother to TJiggs Jigs and Button is a promising colt Was cut off near start and i oh stretch turn and closed strong Hohenlohes Housemothers forte is a route He was overweighted overweighed too Oahu had bad luck and is but a dasher Aprona Apron was tangled Up at start and showed a lot of speed fading away at end Octuruck Citric showed a lot of speed too tooScratched Scratched Niibau Nib 117 Defiant H9 Savonosola Sauvignons 107 Scintillate 117 I 4851 I Q P 1 SECO ECO SECOND RACE 78 Mile Purse 350 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Vt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 47373BREAK ODAY DAY 104 5 41 2i 22 14 13 H Martin H T Griffin 24 24 75 85 47592SIR DILKE DIKE 108 3 3 31 31 22 21 Conley Coney J Whitten Whiten 75 24 75 2 46822TIM MUREHY MURPHY 112 1 13 12 n 4 32 Clawson Lawson Whitman Clark 10 15 10 10 4360 2047392CLAUDIUS CAVALLO CAVALLA 105 4 5 41 42 43 4 Gray B C Holly 10 30 10 20 47392CLAUDIUS 112 2 2 61 64 54 54 Piggott Spigot W Boots Son 8 12 8 10 4651 MAJOR COOK 112 7 61 54 52 7 64 H Brown G T Bertolacci Barstool 6 10 6 8 47912LUCKY STAR 106 9 8 8 8 8 73 Stuiflet Stifle A Dolan 10 25 10 20 47913MC 2047913MC FARLANE ARLENE 105 6 7 7 7 64 8io Tobin T Mulqueen Mullen 30 6030 50 4563 GOLD BUG 105 8 9 9 9 9 9 Mooney Krause Co 10 20 10 20 4812 SALISBURY II 10810 Pulled up Mclntrye McIntyre D A Honig Hong 6756 Time 6756Time 25i 514 1 16i 1 28i Winner 28iWinner B f 4 by The Bard The Dawn DawnStart Downstate Start good Won easily second driving Break oDay today was best is as fit as a good fiddle and had a clear path Sir Dilke Dike made up a lot of ground He is not as good as he is rated Murphy is really good nowadays He was lucky too Claudius lavors flavors a route and closed strong He is a plodder Star had no chance from the start He was almost left Do not take him off the tab Salisburywas Salisbury pulled up at start and got an easy race Cook and McFarlane had little speed Cavallo Cavalla ran above the notch notchScratched Scratched Fiorimol Formal 100 Zaraida Afraid 100 Rapido Rapid 10a Pleasanton Pleasant 107 Don Fulano115 I Q THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Allowances rtOtl total J Gentlemen Riders Ind Indo Hoses Wt St K K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4756 METAIRIE METEORITE 149 2 11 H4 12 15 is Mr Walters M D Miller 30 30 20 20 4811 DON CLARENCIO CLARENCE 148 6 51 51 52 21 2HMrSkinner Kittleman Skittle Bros Brows 4 4 3 34 48373WILLIAM OB 152 4 44 42 43 34 33 MrDunphy T H Boyle 2 2 85 85 4759 ZARRO ARROW 149 1 31 31 32 55 4 MrHobart Rhomb W F Cutler 4 10 4 8 4705 SONIRQ STONIER 145 3 24 2 2 41 SiSMrHume Ed Corrigan 15 25 15 20 4756 TORPEDO 145 7 62 62 6 62 6 MrForsland Reforested W F Roeder Redder 15 10015 75 3770 TARTAR 145 5 7 7 7 7 7 MrGammageP Gilman 50 10050 75 4775 OUR CLIMATE 149 Left at the post MrPayne Empanel D A Honig Hong 6Sr 2 652 652Time Time 1 454 Winner 454Winner B g 5 by George Kinney Ella B BStart Start Start good Won in a gallop second driving Metairie Meteorite was the best ridden and luckiest Clarencio Clarence had a stormy journey He was cut off en stretch turn and closed strong William OB ran his race and is in good condition Zarro Arrow was nicely ridden He is ready for action too Torpedo is not of much account He was villainously ridden though Soniro Sonora is a bad horse horseScratched horsecloth Scratched Silver Knight 145 4853 F FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 500 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yz Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 47212 FORMERO FORMER 113 3 1H 12 12 is H Martin W B Sink Jr I i 4 5 1 4793 OLINTHUS PLINTHS 108 5 32 32 32 2 H Shields J G Brown Co 3 34 3 3 4793 MILT YOUNG 113 4 2H 22 23 33 Hennessy Hennas Ed Corrigan 4746 4509 SANTELLO ANTELOPE 108 2 5 5 5 42 Thorpe W J Speirs Piers 8 12 8 10 4773JPRIMAVERA 104773JPRIMAVERA 105 1 42 43 42 5 Conley Coney J J Carey 3 4 3 34 Time 34Time 244 36 484 1 OH Winner OHWinner Owner Ch c by Conyeth Cometh Formosa FormosaStart Formosa Start bad Won very easily Fprmero Former was best Ho is in sharp form just now He was well handled and had clear sailing Olinthus Plinths is fit and extremely game too He ran to the mark Young seemed to bo short The race should fit him Put him on the tab for earjyaction abreaction Prima vera was cut off at start and on bend for home Santello Antelope ran his race He couldnt couldn't keep up early but was a good colt at theond tend Scratched Panamint Anoint 113 IFTH GIFT RAGE 18 Mes Mmes Purse 350 3yearolds and upwardTSelling upwards Ind Indo Horses Wt St H V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners uwners O H L C 4548 RED GLENN 107 6 6 6 6 31 11 H Martin E W vv Purser rurser rouser 1 1 45 910 4682 DAYLIGHT 110 2 21 H H4 1H 22 Conloy Colony Holly 910Holly McLea Clean 4646 4796 Cochraa46492MORINGA MELVIN BURNHAM BURMA 94 1 14 44 41 2 3 Holmes J 4646J Cochraa Cochran 15 30 15 25 46492MORINGA 89 5 54 5 51 51 414 Devine Define JConway Conway 25JConway 5544 4795 Appleby4759VERAGUA DUKE OF YORK II 96 3 3 2 21 4 52 Gray Mrs 5544Mrs L Appleby Apple 6867 4759VERAGUA 107 4 44 34 3 6 6 Macklin Mackinaw A 6867A Nickells Nickels 6868 Time 254 514 1 04 1 434 1 564 Winner P g 7 by Glen Elm Red Girl iContiriied countrified cu 2nd Page Start good Won very handily Next four mildly ridden out Glenn was the right ono He was heavily backea backseat and won like a turf noble after being hampered on the first turn and in the spread for the stretch run Daylight is hardly more than a plodder He is an acrobat too Hes Hess good though and had quite a lot of early speed today Burnham Burma is ready for his own kind He likes a route and finished impressively Moringa Mooring was subdued by a bad ride Throw out race Duke of York about ran his race considering the use made of him and the interference he met on the first and home bends bendsScratched Scratched Dr Marks 89 Mamie Mammies G 105 I Q K K SIXTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yoarolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses t St 54 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 476020CONNELL 113 1 12 Hi H H H Thorpe WJSpeirs Jaspers 251225 12 48133ROSORMONDE 92 4 32 32 33 33 21 Clawson Lawson 10 10 8 8 4741 ST CALLATINE COLLATION 92 6 21 22 23 22 310 Gray E D McSweeney Mesentery 2i 21 2 115 4610 BARRACAN BARRACK 92 5 6 6 6 4 4 4i Holmes H L Frank 50 20050 150 4701 THE PLUTOCRAT 113 3 51 41 4 55 52 Dorsey Dose B J Johnston 30 50 30 50 4740 CABRILLO CAMARILLO 111 2 4i 51 51 6 6 Weaver W Weaver 40 100 40 75 Time 241 50 1 021 1 15 1 27i 27iWinner Winner KennedyStart Kennedy Ch g 8 by Harry OFallon Fallen May Kennedy Start good W on easily next two driving OConnell O'Connell had a cake walk Rosormonde Roomed ran an extra good race Shes Ashes a smart filly and ready Was well ridden and closed in a most resolute way She should win a good race at once St Callatine Palatine was settled in being used to outrun O Connell and went to pieces in the stretch Dont Don't take her off the tab She is good So is Barracanjvho was poorly handled and outclassed Watch him The Plutocrat is about ready too Cabrillo Carillon Was away in a tangle and had an easy race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher San Venado Vendor 97

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Local Identifier: drf1898040101_1_5
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