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ELKTON ELTON ENTRIES i iProbabilities Probabilities Probabilities gpodFirst podgiest Weather clear i track gpod pod First Kace Ace Scant 58 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Ago Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 4843 Ponnbrook Donnybrook 5 115 533 4139 Krause 5 112 528 52846392Wexford 46392Wexford 5 112 553 4819Leonidas 5534819Leonidas v 5 112 550 55048412Conspirator 48412Conspirator 4 112 545 48012Prince 54548012Prince Potomac 4 112 543 5434514Siva 4514Siva 6 112 555 55547092War 47092War Song 6 112 547 4653 Bessie Abbott 5 110 529 4762 Sister Myra Myrna 5 110 548 548Second Second Race G 12 Furlongs 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4 06 Corn Cob 6 151 545 4780 By Jove 8 151 520 4745 Des Brosses Bosses 4 148 525 4819 Little Jim 6 148 529 47662 Jewsharp Jewish 48203Dr Jones 7 148 4816Laporello 6 148 48422 Walter O 6 148 4840Ventanna 5 148 4690 Junk Third Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances 4783 Monroe Doctrine 4 115 4843 Reform 5115 48432 Hiddenite Hidden 4 115 4762 Barytone Barton II 5 115 4818 Jonah White 4 115 3978 Gorman 6 112 42663Radnor 4 112 4766 William Penn 6 112 4800Gould 4 112 4798 Nellies Nellie 5 110 Fourtli Fourthly Race 4 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances 4711 Intimidad Intimidate 7 112 4839 Crayon 3 112 4371 Chat 5 112 4841 Silver Brook 4 112 4620 Dow 5 112 Chesapeake 6 112 4782 Prairie Flower 5 110 4050 Hanoanria Honoraria t 5 110 4136 Albertine Libertine 5 110 48153DorcasL 6 110 Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances 4670 Strathmac Stratum 112 4839 Crayon 109 4839Checkers 109 4839 Little Denny Deny 109 4839 Park Slope 107 4839 Charmeuse Chartreuse 107 4839 Lady Linden 107 4617 Lula Luella B 107 Sixth RaCe G 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances48183Whippany 48183Whippany 5 115 4655 Gallatin Gallanting 7 112 4843 New South 5 112 4801Despair 7 112 4818 Cashierll Cashier 5 112 4798 Bessie Browning 5 110 4746 Belle Washington 5 110 4800 Belvina Belinda 6 110 4798 Dorian 4 109 4842False Pride