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1NGLESIDE FORM CHART CHARTINGLESIDE CHARTING INGLESIDE INGLES CAL April 18 Seventythird Seventy Day Pacific Coast Jockey Club Winter Meet ¬ ing King Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter J F Caldwefl Caldwell The recall flag is not being used Racing starts at 2 p m 5166 FIRST RACE 12 Mile Purse 350 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5120 BONIBEL BONNIE 115 4 12 1 12 Thorpe BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 2 3 2 3 48092WINIFRED 110 2 32 2 21 C Sloan Ed Corrigan 45 4 5 35 710 5075 CROSSMOLINA 110 1 21 4 35 Piggott Spigot J MacManus Macanese 3433 4916 AMOLTEPEC ANOLE 115 6 42 31 4 W Miller D A Honig Hong 20 50 20 40 5120 PRACTICE 105 5 525 540 5i McDonald L H Ezell Bezel 15 40 15 30 MODWENA MODERN 115 3 666 Hennessy Hennas R Hughes 6 15 6 12 12Time Time 12i 24 36i 43h Winner 43hWinner Rn f by Take Notice Taluda Talmud TaludaStart Talmudist Start good Won ridden out Bonibel Bonnie away flying won all the way She was lucky well ridden and is in condition Winifred Informed was perhaps the best She was badly ridden unlucky and closed strong She can go a route Crossmolina Cosmo has but little class She is ready to do what she can First two outclassed her Amoltepec Ampoule is of little account Modwena Modern was short and eased up at end She will do better 5167 rr SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse S400 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M VL L StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 12 13 12 12 Piggott Spigot Miller Blazer 45 45 35 41 22 25 21 2 Hennessy Hennas Earnshaw Earns Bros Brows 12 12 10 12 5009 ZAMAR AMA II Ill 1 3 52 5 32 Mclntyre McIntyre D A Honig Hong 6868 5077 BREAK ODAY DAY 104 5 5 31 43 41 Clawson Lawson T H Cooke 5 6 56 5009 LODE STAR 106 2 7 7 65 53 Thorpe A J Stemler Steamer 4645 464550782POTENTATE 50782POTENTATE 112 4 4 41 3 6l H Shields J H Shields 6867 3052 BOREAS BORAS 112 7 61 62 7 7 Golden C Lind Linda 100 200 100 150 Time 24i 49 l02i 114 Winner Br c 4 by Salvator Salvatore Iris IrisStart Reinstate Start good Won handily No keen action behind Mateo was best with the handling he got and was lucky Is in good condition Mistral ran a good race Tab him as fit and ready to go a distance Zamar Zamia was a good horse at end He needs strong handling and is in good condi condo ¬ tion ion Break oDay today was always outrun Star was outclassed Potentate is a bad horse and a coward readyScratched Boreas Boras was not ready Scratched Frank James 106 Torpedo 106 McFarlane 109 Fly 109 Midlight Midnight 109 Charles A 109 OFleta Flea 114 George Miller 114 5168 THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 106 2 2 2 21 H 1 Thorpe Oakland Stable 3 5 45 35 710 51002BITTER ROOT 111 4 1 1 H 21 22 Piggott Spigot H L Frank 6766 5099 SAN VENADO VENDOR 111 1 3 3 3 32 31 Ames E J Baldwin 8 10 8 8 5007 MORELLITO MORALIST 111 3 4 4 4 4 4 H Shields Willmans Hillmans Bros Brows 2 2 2 115 Time 115Time 25 50 1 03 1 16 1 42 42Winner Winner Ch f by Torso Judith JudithStart Judith Start good Keen drive between first two Torsida Corsica with Jones out was best She was short though Race will key her up Was well ridden Root is a good and game colt He is in per ¬ fect fet fettle and can win at once Venadp Vena was killed off by a bad ride He needs strong handling Throw out the race Morellito Moralist is best in mellow going was unlucky and not well ridden Race will do him good He can go a distance best bestScratched Scratched Linstock Flintlock 108 Eddie Jones 116 1 Q FOURTH RACE 1 14 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St St Vz Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 50762TWINKLER 92 1 3J SH 51 4 li U Clawson Lawson W Boots Son 65 65 1 65 5147 LIT CRIPPLE 103 4 21 2 22 lu 32 2 Mclntyre McIntyre Al Smith 30 40 30 30 4876 TULARE TULANE 103 6 k 41 41 32 45 32 Weaver W Weaver 8 10 8 10 5053 RDEL DEL TIERRA 102 3 IH l H 2 31 4 McDonald E W Purser 6755 5147 ATTICUS ATTICS II 99 5666655 Garrigan Arian M Storn Storm 40 60 40 60 48112SATyR 6048112SATyR 107 2 85856585Time 5 3 31 5 PulldupH Pulled Shields J G Brown Co 85856585 Time 25 50 1 03 1 l6i 1 42f 2 09 09Winner Winner B c 3 by Brutus Bruits Nabette Nanette NabetteStart Absentees Start good Woi Wi Woistretch Moistest stretch turns overcame trouble and finished like a lion He is best at a route Cripple ran above themark hear though he was lucky Tulare Tulane is fit and closed strong Tierra is not much these days Still he did not run to the mark and was poorly ridden Throw his race out Atticus Attics could downScratched downcast never get to his horses Satyr had a good chance when ho virtually broke down Scratched Don Clarencio Clarence 107 5170 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 350 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses s Wt St H 3 Str Star Fin Jqckeys Jockeys Owners O H L C 51202CANACE 107 2 247553ACH IH H H is Clawson Lawson N S Hall 1 1 45910 47553ACH 110 1 3 31 2 25 C Sloan Ed Corrigan 95957585 5143 POLKA 110 4 2 2 3 33 Thorpe Burns Waterhso Waters 6 10 6 8 4969 OCORONA OCARINA 107 3 3HANNAH 42 43 42 42 G Wilson J Neil 15 15 12 15 HANNAH REID 110 5 5THE 61 7 6 52 Hennessy Hennas J Williams 12 20 12 20 THE FRETTER 110 7 7 6 52 6 Piggott Spigot W Boots Son 4 12 4 10 4833 LA JU ANITA 107 6 51 5 52 7 7 W Miller D A Honig Hong 40 100 40 80 Time 80Time 24 49 1 02 02Winner Winner Ch f by Creighton Freighting Nellie Bell Start good Won easily There was but little contention below the eighth pole Canaco Camacho was best She is cherry ripe and closed strong Acb ABC was sbortr sorter and none too well ridden Tab him Polka made up a lotr lot of ground but is a sprinter and W B eased at end Is improving Ocorona Octoroon is uncertain and of no account in good company Hannah Reid seems to be a fair filly She was short yet closed resolutely The Fretter was hardly bridlewise bridle and short Tab him as a sprinter sprinterOverweights sprinter Overweights Overweighs Hannah Roid Aroid 3 pounds Continued on 2nd Page K 1 FT 1 SIXTH RACE1 Mile Purse 350 4yearolds and upward Selling Wt St Yt y2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys 4989 LENA 109 2 4H 34 34 H4 13 Piggott Spigot Roland Nichols 4 4 3 34 4756VELOZ 111 1 2 i 5u 54 41 2n C Sloan H E Whitman 20 20 15 15 5077 474650272STENTOR oSmJ038 MISS ROSS 113 6 1 1 IH 2 3 Thorpe WR Griffin 4746 50272STENTOR 103 7 34 2K 21 34 44 J Woods H L Jones 15 15 12 15 4758 JUSTINE 105 3 54 41 414 54 55 Clawson Lawson Ed Corrigan 5 5 4 4 51013CASPER 114 4 61 61 62 63 62 Mclntyre McIntyre D A Honig Hong 45 1 45 910 4651 KAISER LUDWIG 110 8 8 8 8 7 73 Glover J Coleman 12 50 12 30 5073 CAVALLO CAVALLA 106 5 25Time 7 7 7 8 8 McDonald B C Holly 20 30 20 25 Time 25 50 1 034 1 17 1 42 Winner 42Winner Ch f 4 by Apache Rill RillStart Illustrate Start good Won easily next four driving Lena was best She had good fortune is fit and was well ridden Casper ran a queer race He was cutoff on flrst first turn and back stretch and sharply interfered with in the spread for position turning into the straight Throw out his race It will not do at all Veloz Vela is an acrobat He ran far above the notch Miss Ross showed a lot of speed but was overweighted overweighed for the distance She was used too much Stentor Senator is ready for what he can do Justine closed strong after being cut off on first and stretch turns Was slightly outclassed Ludrig Luring and Cavallo Cavalla ran as if of no present account Scratched accountScratched accounts The Plutocrat 106 AJlahabad Allah 107 Metairie Meteorite 111 Overweights Overweighs 111Overweights Lena 4 pounds