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INGLESIDE INGLES ENTKIES ENTICES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 12 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 5170 Ocorona Octoroon 108 660 66050753Zacatosa 50753Zacatosa 109 665 5120 Owyhee Towhee 112 675 675Ann Ann Page 113 5120 Abano Abandon 113 655 4810 ChilkootPass Chloroplast 114 660 66050752Rey 50752Rey Hooker 114 662 66251432Distance 51432Distance 114 670 670St St Kristine br f by St Carlo Kissing Crust 115 4968Gold Fin 117 650 650Moritello Moritello Martello 118 Burns Waterhouse Warehouse entry entrySecond Etruscan Second Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 48142Daisy F 105 662 5121 Abina Sabina 105 654 65451442Charles 51442Charles Lebel Label 107 665 6655144Don 5144Don Luis 107 660 5144 Elsmore Elmo 110 658 5032 Prompto Prompt 110 655 65551443Mistleton 51443Mistleton 112 656 65651232Qdds 51232Qdds On 116 675 675Third Third Kace Ace 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances 5053Newsgatherer 4 103 5123 Bernardillo Bernardino 4 103 4026 Tripping 4 106 5146 Buckwa Buck 7 107 4899 Joe Ullman Pullman 4 108 4855 Cabrillo Carillon 6 110 5099Grady 5 115 50992Flashlight 6 115 5007Satsuma 6 115 5146 Ostler Hostler Joe Fourth Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling 4895 Queen Blazes 117 4850 Aprona Apron 117 5121 Tempse Tempe 117 4967 Lady Ashley 117 4508 Little T G 117 507tOahu 117 4646 Rosa 117 3627 OnGua Ogura Nita Anita 117 4950 Emma Rey Frey 117 5097 Sadie Schwartz 117 v 5074 Denani Dennis 119 4895St Philip 119 3141 Amasa Amass 119 5074 Idomeneus Doneness 119 4400 Brown Prince 119 4850 Gottlieb Goatlike M19 4508 Judge Napton Nation 119 5097 Octuruck Citric 119 4527 Master Mariner 119 4985 Ternary 122 4527 Ping 122 Fiftli Fifties Race1 116 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 5078 Widow Jones 4 99 4852 Soniro Sonora 4 101 5167 LodeStar 41Q1 51223Metairio 5 105 5122 Twinkle Twink Wink 4 105 4876 Tenacity 5 105 5147 Daylight 4 108 5101 Coda 5 108 51012Treachery 5 108 4665 OFleta Flea 6 110 50963Red Glenn 6 110 5122PeterII 6 Ill 5122 Paul Pry 6 113 Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 5124 Yule 3 95 49673Rosormonde 3 95 3579 LaGoleta Flageolet 3 95 48132Major Hooker 3 100 5119 Zaraida Afraid 4 107 4477 Charlemagne 4 109 50523Olivia 4 110 7135 Fortuna 7 110 5100 Joe Mussel 4 112 5122 Rapido Rapid 6 112 Milbrae Millrace I 112 4025 Gold Dust 8 112 t 4582 Terra Archer 5 112 3952 Pasha 4 115 47393Salvation 6 115 5054 Claudius 7 115