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NEWPORT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp52773Bertha 52773Bertha Nell 3 85 670 5361 Belle of Corsica 3 85 660 6602685Fair 2685Fair Deceiver 3 91 675 5352 Albert L 3 95 6o5 5352 Duoeo Doe 3 97 63o 5276 Senator Quay 3 98 668 6682789Ebony 2789Ebony 4 98 62a 62a30162Samivel 1 30162Samivel 3 99 662 662B3522Duke B3522Duke of Haven 3 102 665 5201 John Boono Boon 5 103 666 5220 Chenille 4 104 652 6524574Teulod 4574Teulod 4 104 645 645First First series seriesSecond series Second Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 5362 Glad Hand 97 658 5320 Bezique 87 665 6655157Eu 5157Eu eniaS denials 99 655 4981 Grace Darling 101 650 53503 Pat Qarrett Garrett 101 670 5298 Hadrian 102 662 6625039Satin 5039Satin Slipper 105 675 5350 Bannie Annie 103 668 6685296Dnke 5296Dnke of Baden 106 666 66652982Dollie 52982Dollie Regent 107 660 660Stanel Stanel Sanely b f by Himyar Shimmy Mattie MattieStanley Nattiest Stanley 103 Hamilton 103 Third Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapInd Handicapping Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 5275 Panchita Paunch II 4 99 700 70029873KittieB 29873KittieB 5 102 695 69553493The 53493The Elector 4 101 690 5349 Indra Indrawn 4 104 675 5275 Skate 5 105 680 6275 What Next 4 107 685 685Fourth Fourth Race 1 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling5351Annie 5351Annie Taylor 3 87 675 675B396 B396 Dudley E 3 93 655 1 5366 Belzara Belarus 4 95 53662Friai John 3 96 5274SneNell 3 100 52973Royal Choice 5 100 5393Evanesca 5 106 5321 Lady Clyde Lye 6 101 5366 Fasig Fasting 5 102 5393 Frank Jaubert Jabber 5 103 5366Pop Dixori Diorite 4 5265 MaggieS Maggie 5 53943 Ch arina carina 4 106 5321 DL 4 93 Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 5323 Nemo Memo 3 95 5361 Duchess of York 3 95 5295 Deyo Defy 3 95 532330xnard 3 95 5366 Holy Land 3 97 5352 Barataria Barratries 3 97 3019 KatbieMay Katie 4 100 5272 Motilla Amontillado 5 102 53192Albertvale 4 102 5324 Annt Ant Jane 6 102 5353 Happy Hours 4 105 5364 Argus 4 105 53962SirFred 6 107 5354 Vanessa 4 108 Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 5366 Crystalline 3 89 5172 Alabaster 3 92 51772Purity 3 93 5323Sister Jane 3 99 5352Burnap 3 100 51773Carlotta C 4 100 5276 Mazeppa Marzipan 4 102 5277Meddler 7 103 5364 Annie M 6 103 5177Dave 8 4 104 52242 Cyclone 11 105 52993Ella Penzance Penance 5 103