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AQUEDUCT ENTKIES ENTICES Probabilities Weather clear track fair First Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 5316 Domineer 110 650 650Judge Judge Magee ch c by Silver SilverFox Silver Fox Conjectrix Conjecture 110 53693Chanler 110 666 5316 The Camera 110 670 67053672Extreme 53672Extreme 110 668 5316 Alonet Alone 110 650 650Alt Alt Clemens b c by Knight Knightof Knight of Ellerslie Wellesley Miss Primrose 110 52813Tyran 110 675 5290 Joe Carroll 107 672 5316 Subject 107 655 5316 Autumn 107 650 65053383Miss 53383Miss Marks t 107 665 665jsecoml jsecoml Secom Race 5 13 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt H H52893Zanone 52893Zanone 5 109 2766 Governor Sheehan 7106 53853Charentus 4 105 5370 Aratoma Saratoga 3 105 5318 South Africa 5 103 5251 Fbrum Brume 5 100 3098 Waterman 5 100 5372Gome Quick 3 100 5318 Fair Rebel 4 97 5318 Ten Spot 4 90 Boxmaker Bookmaker 3 87 5208 Our Breezy 3 88 Third Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap 1935 Damien 5 126 5292 Mazarin Mandarin 5 120 53883King T 5 118 5293 Cherry Leaf 4110 5292 Our Johnny 4 108 5370SlyFox 3 107 5292 Ortolan Portland 3 102 53703 Warren ton 3 95 650 5337 Black Dude 3 90 625 Fourth Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsCanarsie Furlongs Canarsie Canaries Stakes 600 Added Added2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcj Dc Sharpless Hapless b c by Hindoo Indoor Becky Sharp 112 53382MrClay 112 700 5188 SirFlorian Sirloin 109 675 5340 Caoutchouc Coauthor 109 690 5340 Chemisette Chemise 109 680 68053403Peace 53403Peace 109 685 685Fifth Fifth Race About 78 Mile 150 feet short short3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp52892Arabian 52892Arabian 4 113 675 5371 Squan Sequa 4 106 655 65552342Vordsworth 52342Vordsworth 4 106 670 5278 Inconstancy 4 104 600 60053173Nay 53173Nay Nay 4 104 625 3082 Miss Tenny Teeny 3 101 672 5339 Maximo Maxim Gomez 3 89 665 9644 Follow the Flag 3 87 660 5187 Gun Metal 3 84 650 650Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling 5370 Varus Arums 116 665 66553373Judge 53373Judge Wardell Waddell 108 670 67053422Commercial 53422Commercial Traveler 108 660 53392 Blue Beard 105 672 5151 Torsenston Trenton 105 623 3082 Miss Tenny Teeny 103 675 5342 Filament 97 640 2074 Bevelyne Evelyn 97 645