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THE AMERICAN DERBY DERBYA DERBY A sweepstakes for 3yearolds foals of 1895 2500 to accompany the nomination 175 addi Addis ¬ tional tonal to start 10000 added of which 2000 to the second and 1000 to the third horse A winner of a threeyearold stake of the value of 3000 to carry 3 Ibs Dibs of two such stakes or one of 5000 5 Ibs Dibs of three or more threeyearold stakes of the value of 3000 each 7 Ibs Dibs extra Maidens allowed 7 Ibs Dibs To be run the first day of the meeting One mile and a half halfW half W E Applegate Appellate Jrs Jars Linstock Flintlock br g by Logic Blue Stocking StockingGeorge Stocking George W Belknaps Balkans Pingree Pongee ch c by Faron Faro dole Lagan LaganE Lagan E M Bergens Bergen Depending b c by Deceiver Devonia Devonian DevoniaDr Devonian Dr A C Beruays Betrays Sir Joseph Lister Blister ch c by Wood Moss Lady Kelly KellyWm Kelly Wm C T Boots Borgia Borg br c by Brutus Bruits Ledette Edentate LedetteBradley Fleeter Bradley Grahams Traverser Traverse ch c by Ros Rios sington Kingston Betsy Broeck Brock BroeckBromley Rockrose Bromley Brome Cos Coos Bromstone Brimstone b c by Whistle Jacket Duchess of Mpntrose Montrose Van Antwerp br c by Esher Esther Reflection Nuto Nut ch c by Ma setto sotto Ann McCoy McCoyBurns McCoy Burns Waterhouses Warehouses Eddie Jones br c by Morello Marcello Early Rose RoseVV Rose VV C Fessendens Essences Surmount b c by Bri Brie ¬ tannic Mary Corbett Corvette CorbettFoster Foster Bros Brows Eva Rice ch f by Masetto Mastoid Miss Rye RyeH Rye H L Franks Bitter Root br c by Royal Hampton Buttermere Bitterer ButtermereE Bitterer E S Gardner Sons Bangle b c by Iro Biro quois quoins Bracelet BraceletL Bracelet L H Hascalls Rascals The Dauphin br c by Tenny Teeny Aileen Eileen Aroon Maroon AroonGeo Baronage Geo Geol B Havills Hails Algareta Algarve br f by Bramble Caledonia CaledoniaS Caledonia S C Hildreths Childbirths Fonsavannah b c by Fonso Fonts Savannah SavannahW Savannah W H Laudemans Laundryman Goodrich ch c by Patron Edith Grey Gray Frank Thompson b c by Linden Verbena VerbenaH Verbena H Eugene Leighs Sleighs Duke of Haven b c by thistle Jacket Ada Adam D Geo Geol J Long s Dr Black b c by Alarm Belle Boyden Hoyden J E Maddens Plaudit br c by Himyar Shimmy Cinderella CinderellaC Cinderella C C Maffitts Afflicts Gibraltar br c by Stonehengo Stonehenge Chemise ChemiseW Chemise W A McConnolls McConnell Lizzie Tizzies Cavalier ch f by Cavalier Lizzie Tizzies Flynn FlynnW Flynn W and A McGuigans Michigan Bannockburn Bannock br c by Hayden Edwards Bettio Bettor Blaise Blains BlaiseMiddleton Middleton Middle Jungbluths Unbolts Marcato Mercator br c by Duke of Montrose Minnehaha Minnie Belle BelleA Belle A H and D H Morriss Morris Mirthful ch c by Hagioscope Hagioscopes Sister Cheerful CheerfulWm Cheerful Wm L Olivers Livers Warrenton Warren b c by Florist Addie Caddie Warren WarrenE Warren E O Peppers Pacemaker b c by Kantaka Kanaka Debut DebutT DebuT T H Ryans Ryan Midian Indian ch c by Midlothian Militia Rosette RosetteT Rosette T H Ryans Ryan Count of Flanders b c by St Carlo Countess Langden Lange LangdenJno Lange Jno Juno W Schorr Scorer Sons Lieber Libber Karl ch c by Forester Daisy Woodruff Presbyterian b g by Prestonpans Preston Dareka Area DarekaW Area W F Schultes Chutes Alleviate b f by Argyle Peradventure PeradventureWm Peradventure Wm L Simmons Ed Farrell b c by Order 111 Wind WindSimms Indiums Simms Sims Andersons Anderson Sacket Socket b c by Bersan Berman Catherine D DStantou Stanton Stantou Stanton Tuckers Isabey Isabel ch c by Strath Strait more Belle of the Highlands Talbot Bros1 John Bright b c by Sir Dixon Brightlight Righting BrightlightW Bighting W M Wallaces Wallace Hampden Hempen b c by Hanover Altivola Altoona AltivolaWoodford Woodford Woodward Buckners Buckers Pink Coat b c by Leonatus Lents Alice Brand BrandIn Branding In the list are three that are already Derby winners Plaudit Lieber Libber Karl and Traverser Traverse California promises to send along Fonsavannah Count of Flanders Eddie Jones Borgia Borg Bitter Root and Midian Indian all winners of distinction over the San Francisco tracks The east contributes Mirthful and Warrenton Warren two sturdy colts of proved speed and resolution Three fillies Alleviate Eva Rice and Lizzie Tizzies Cavalier will try to equal the renown won by Modesty in the first American Derby The season is early yet and horse form is subject to striking changes If the race was to be decided now Plaudit would be the rankest of favorites but who can tell what new stars may gleam out before the end of June John Bright Pink Coat Van Ant ¬ werp twerp Sacket Socket Frank Thompson Gibraltar Ban ¬ nockburn nocturne and Duke of Haven Here is a world of promising material Secretary Howard can look confidently forward to a Derby field more than equal to that which drew more people to see Rey Frey el Santa Anita gallop home alone in 1894 than ever went to see the decision of a Brooklyn Suburban or a Futurity FuturityThe Futurity The handicaps have drawn all the good horses of the west and are bound to produce splendid contests The Wheeler has naturally attracted the largest entry list but the Oakwood Lakewood and Great Western have material that insures races up to the past standard of these important events The task of apportioning an equitable assignment of weight to the grand list of horses engaged is no light one but Secretary Howard will be found equal to the occasion Flying Dutchman Fervor Simon W The Roman Installator Installation Vinctor Victor Candelaria Candelabra Salvable Dr Sheppard Imp Fonsavannah Paul Griggs Rigs Salvado Salvador Bannockburn Bannock Buck Massie Massive Judge Denny Deny Carnero Caner Satsuma Kings Counsel Lieber Libber Karl Macy Marcy Greyhurst Greyhounds Fleur Flour do Lis Lisa White Frost Buckvidere Duckier Collins Dunois Dubois On Deck Typhoon II Bliss Rucker Trucker Redskin Fleischman Freshman Elusive Algol Schiller Chiller are among the shining names that will engage his consider ¬ ate attention before long longThe lengthen The other stakes will be the subject of com ¬ ment meant in DAILY RACING FORM later The flower of the western 3yearold fillies will be found in the Englewood Stakes while the events for 2yearolds have secured all the good ones in training