Harlem Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-06-02


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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILI II Jitiie Jutties 1 Eighth day Harlem Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2 30 p m 6O9O1 FIRST RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 5981 VALID 104 I 7s 414 3 k 21 11 Caywood Cawed A Covington Coving 65 75 651310 59S13CUTTER 107 SNK SANK 22 22 2 H 28 C Sloan W Gum Co 21 3 2i 13 5 6010 MISS HAYDEN 102 3 31 3 K 4 42 32 Shepherd M Welch 20 30 20 25 6012 PENSO PESO ROSO ROSA 102 6 8 7K 5K SNK SANK 4 Buiright Burgh T Luckoy Lucky Co 20 30 20 30 852580S 5835 BRANCH 109 2 12 lli Elli 12 54 512 Bloss Loss C E Mahone Mahoney 2 2 8 852 5 2 580S ITASCA VITAS 110 7 t 5 6 8 7 6 F Morris John Kropper Roper 20 30 20 25 5715 SCRAPS 109 4 4 5K 65 610 725 Sherland Shetland H McCarron Macaroon Jr 10 12 10 10 5983 CLIFTON B 107 8 62 8 71 8 8 J Hill A McCauloy McCauley 4746 4746Time 45iWinner Time 13 26 39 51 1 061 1 19i 1 45i Winner Ch g by Topgallant Valkyrie Off at first break to a good start Won mildly driven seconu Secom and third driving hard Valid was best and nicely handled Ho needs a strong ride such as Caywood Cawed gave him The latter waited patiently and never made a move in the first threequarters treasurers Cutter seemed to be a sure winner at the eighth polo He went all to pieces when pinched Miss Hayden ran a fair race Branch wont do at all at a route Ho stopped badly on the far turn Penso Peso Roso Rosa had bad luck in the race It was an ordinary lot Overweights Overweighs lotOverweights Itasca Vitas 3 pounds 6O91 SECOf Scoff SECOfInd Scoffing SECOND RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Ji J 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L 0 5957 LEW LE HOPPER 109 6 5 SN 3 li Caywood Cawed John Brenock Redneck 3 3 3 31 2120 RAMIRO II 109 SNK SANK 61 6H 5 25 W Martin W H Laudeman Laundryman 1 1 45 910 2521782EUGENIA 5923 CARRIE F 102 8 3i INK 2j 3 Donaldson Donald G B Grimes 25 30 20 25 21782EUGENIA WICKES WICKS 1051 IN 4 52 41 41 Hart Middleton Middle Co 75957585 5926 15S0123RED FRIAR JOHN 100 9 99 8 51 N Turner H E Leigh 10 15 10 15 S0123RED GIDD GIDDY 93 SNK SANK 7 72 9 GNK GUNK Slack R Bradley 10 15 10 15 5953 GOLD CORN 104 71 8 8 711 71 Costello James B Gray 30 50 30 40 6013 JENNIE JUNE 10441 2NK 4 6i 81 Sherland Shetland J W Wilson 15 15 10 12 5923 FLOTOW FLOAT 107 2 INK 21 1 9 Bloss Loss EnglemanFieldslO 10 8 8 151Winner Time 13 251 371 491 1 021 1 151 Winner SprayPost Spray Ch h 5 by Punster Spray Post 15 minutes Start good The winner was driving hard second eased up after an early drive Low Hopper ran a good race He was well ridden too He throw Caywood Cawed at the post and ran away about three furlongs It did not hurt him though Hopper broke on the outside and always bad clear sailing He is game and stalled off Ramiro lls alls rush at the eighth polo The latter had no excuses and judging from the way he tired ho must have boon short Watch Carrie F in cheaper company She is ready and can win at once Eugenia Wickos Wicks was hardly fit and Hart gave her an easy race Flotow Lotto had a lot of speed but tired when pinched Jennie June plateScratched plutocratic sooths to be of no account Red Gidd Giddy wore one bar plate Scratched Tenole Ennoble 104 Harbinger 109 Overweights Overweighs 109Overweights Friar John 4 pounds Eugenia Wickos Wicks 31 THIRD RACE 1 Mile axul Gaul 70 Yards Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 59242K1RK 109 SNK SANK rii ii 61 5N 3 1 VauKuren Auburn PJ Miles 3 4 3 31 G0123MORTE FONSE FONTS 112 7K 7 8 8 72 22 Rutter Ruttier L 31L H Ezell Bezel 2 2 952 952W 6067 BARATARIA BARRATRIES 93 6 4f 3 2 2NK 3 Flick W C Fessend Resend Fessenden Essence 8 10 8 8 4186LOBENGULA 112 SNK SANK SNK SANK 42 4 SNK SANK 41 j Hill Hoffman 8Hoffman Sr Smith 2 2 2 115 59863 GLOBE U 92 4 2H INK INK 4 5N Gray j 115J Brenock Redneck 6 86 7 5747 TEN PINS 88 8 8 7 72 61 63 Clawsou Claws H 7H E Leigh 6867 r988 HARRY SHANNON114 ai4 Leighai4 2 1 21 21133 33 1 72 Bloss Loss J JE 6867J E Gushing 10 12 10 12 1259243SWORDSMAN 59243SWORDSMAN 108 11 62 5 61 8 8 Shepherd W A McCounell McConnell 12 15 12 15 47iWinner Time 15Time 25 50 1 03 1 161 1 441 1 47i MiscuePost Miscue Winner Ch g 5 by Springbok Miscue Post 2 minutes Start good The first four wore driving hard Kirk ran a fine race and Van Kuren Karen rode him nicely The horse is good right now but pulled up a trifle lame Morte Mote Fonse Fosse needs a strong rider Rutter Ruttier could not do him justice He let him drop too far out of it the first part The horse finished with a rush and would have won in a fow flow more strides Barataria Barratries ran a surprising race under a weak ride Lobengula Globing was hardly ready Tab him The race should do him a lot of good He is unreliable though Globe II and Harry Shannon tired Jbadly Badly in the stretch Both were much used early Ten Pins ran a much bettor race than the figures show showOverweights Overweights Overweighs Barataria Barratries 3 pounds FOURTH RACE4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Fillies Allowances The PetiteStakes Petites 1655 Gross Value Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 60113BLACK VENUS 115 41 31 23 12 1C N Turner E EO O Pepper 4544 4544Middleton Hi INK 211 21 Hart Middleton Middle Co 68 6 7 59522MISS 126013MOUZELTOFF MARKS 110 7 6 42 4 3 Clawson Lawson M Jordan 10 15 10 12 6013MOUZELTOFF 125853MISS 107 6 5NK SNK SANK 52 4N Gray D C Raggio Aggie 10 15 10 12 5853MISS MARION 118 5n 4t 31 S K 51 H Martin B Schreiber 25 12 25 12 6868G0093PRIMAVERA 59542FOXNETTE 110 8 8 7 52 63 C Sloan E M Mitchell 6868 G0093PRIMAVERA 115 2 NK 8 75 75 Rutter Ruttier J J Care 10 12 10 12 6009 ALPINA ALPINE 110 3 3K K 2 611 8 8 Bloss Loss W K Cleveland 30 40 30 40 40Time Time 6 12 21 36 491 55i QueemePost Queen Winner 55iWinner Blk Balk f by Kantaka Kanaka Queeme Queen Post 4 minutes Start bad Won easily second well in hand third and fourth driving Black Venus just galloped all the way Her race was a shock to form players and far out of line Amyntas Mynas got a flying start and showed some quality Watch this filly Miss Marks ran above her recent notch She finished very strong Miss Marion looked thin and drawn and did not b nearly run her race She fell to her knees in one of the breakaways and it may be this had 1 some turnScratched turncoat effect on her Foxnette Fondest was sharply cut off and obliged to pull up on the far turn Scratched Mazie Maze 0 110 6094 FIF FIFO FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 100 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 60102 FORTE 112 5 4 5 4i 2 1 W Martin P Dunne 14131414 59263AL FRESCO 112 4 2 K 21 1 li 26 Caywood Cawed T Licalzi Laical 4545 59862NATHANSON 112 INK 12 11 22 4 3 C Sloan W H Snarley Snare 8 10 8 10 5983FIRST CALL 112 2 5 4 5 3t 42 Hart Middleton Middle Co 10 12 10 10 5619JIM BROWN 109 100Time SNK SANK 31 31 3 5 5 Donaldson Donald James Ruddy 60 100 60 100 145Winner Time 131 27i40 53J 106 119K 145 OverturePost Overture Winner B c byFortissimo Overture Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily on the end second driving third cleverly Forte o is a heavyheaded heavyhearted horse and a loafer A light boy cannot ride him Martin was at him all the e way and it looked in the stretch as though he could not get to Al Fresco In the last seventy y yards though he came away like a good colt Al Fresco was running easily on the turn but it wabbled warbled a trifle in the last sixteenth Nathanson Nathan improves with better every race First Call can do o Jim Brown was outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Pingree Pongee 112 6O95 SIX IXTH SIXTH RACE34 Mile Purse 100 3yoarolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 U X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9713 PINK COAT 101 51 41 42 31 11 H Martin WdfordBucknor2 2 8585 i 6012DAVE WALDO WEALD 111 H 1 12j 12 9 Caywood Cawed WymoreCo 3 3 3 31 5923DONNA RITA 102 4 31 3U 2 33 Clawsou Claws T Licalzi Laical 451 45 9 10 0 00162THE DEVIL 96 6 51 5 51 42 Shepherd T F Sellers 12 12 10 10 59553MISS GUSS1E 91 SNK SANK 66 43 5 Gray E Fitzgerald 5544 476 WHITCOMB WITCO 104 2 50Time 22 2 K 6 6 Donaldson Donald H T Carmen Careen 30 50 30 50 Time 121 24 49J 1 02 1 14 Winner 14Winner BrandPost Brando B c 3 by Leonatus Lents Alice Brand Post 3 minutes Start good Won cleverly It was a long hard drive for the place Pink k Coat was best at the weights Martin rode him with judgment too He seems to be quite a shifty sprinter Dave Waldo Weald ran a cracking good race He stopped half way down the stretch j but came again gamely under the whip Ho is a lot better than repute Donna Rita had no 10 excuses she was simply outrun Watch Whitcomb Witco He was high in flesh and short This race e will do him a lot of good Miss Gussie Gussied does not seem to be of any present account Overweights Overweighs accountOverweights Pink Coat 5 pounds

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898060201/drf1898060201_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1898060201_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800