Gossip Of The Turf., Daily Racing Form, 1898-06-10


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GOSSIP OF THE TURF The Suburban will be decided one week from next Saturday Ornamelits Ornaments weight was 128 pounds but his victory in the Brooklyn Handi Hand ¬ cap gained him a penalty of three pounds so that he will have to carry 131 pounds in the big Sheepshead Shepherd Bay event If he wins with this im ¬ post he will do something no other horse has done since the institution of the Suburban He will be sure to be the post favorite if all goes well with him and the present outlook is that the western mare Imp will be second in favorit favorite ¬ ism She was given 98 pounds in the original allotment of weights but through winning the Memorial Day Handicap at Harlem she secured a four pounds penalty making her weight 102 pounds This is a mere trifle in view of her per ¬ formances Frances this year at Newport Lakeside and Harlem Imp has yet to cover a mile and a quarter route but she has done all that has been asked of her so far in a way to suggest that she is fully up to the task taskMr task Mr Marcus Dalys Days Ogden led for a part of the way in the Brooklyn and then retired Since then however he has won at a mile and a six ¬ teenth tenth in very fast time defeating Tillo Till in a way that justifies the inference that he was not thoroughly wound up when he started in the Brooklyn It is true that he carried only 104 pounds in his winning race but he only has to carry five pounds more in the Suburban and the performance indicates that he will probably be a much more formidable contender for the Suburban than he was for the Brooklyn BrooklynOf Brooklyn Of the others that ate expected to make up the Suburban field Ben Holladay Holland 123 On Dock 120 Tillo Till 119 Dr Catlett Cattle 118 Havoc 117 Tragedian 110 Lou Bramble 104 and Typhoon 114 are all training well The Seagram pair Havoc and Tragedian arrived in New York last week and immediately attracted much attention by leason lesson of their evident forward condition and fine appearance Havoc is thought to be a much better horse than ho was last year If the thought is correctly conceived a part of the money should go to Canada CanadaIn Canadian In the meantime if Imp goes to the post as good as she has boon so far it seems probable that any horse beating her will get the money It is sure that no horse engaged can run faster than she can and it is speed that wins great Plaudits defeat by Han dOr doer in the Latonia Antonia Derby yesterday is the racing sensation of the day It was an extraordinary contest in re ¬ spect aspect to the time recorded the best ever made by a 3yearold Han dOr doer has vindicated the good things said about him early in the year but it is obvious that the thirteen pounds Plaudit was conceding him was the cause of the latters clatters downfall It is to be regretted that Han dOr doer was not entered in the American Derby but his victory demonstrates that Plaudit is not invincible and that will have its bearing in the way of increasing the American Derby list of starters Harry Blaylock Ladylike some years back one of the best known of western jockeys especially when he rode for Ed Corrigan is reported to have become violently insane and to be in con ¬ finement interment in a Canadian asylum His wife and j five children are said to be in pressing need

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898061001/drf1898061001_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1898061001_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800