Washington Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-06-28


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WASHINGTON PARK FORM CHART CHARTlICAi Charlie lICAi Alicia II uue Sue 47 Second day Wu hingtun Hinton Park Cluh Lush Summer Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge C H Pfttirsrfl Srnrt Snort M Richard Dwyer Racine1 starts at 2 30 p m FIRST RACE 13 Mile Purse 100 2yearolds Allowances Lnd Lund P Horses orses gorses Wt St V V 9a Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C tioKO Thiokol AILlAR Alular MAR 106 1 22111 li W Martin P Dunne S 8 4 4 4jINTHUS itvtIOLINTHUS jINTHUS ninths 118 24 V 2 + 2 H Shields J Q Brown Co 3 5 1 351 351MAJTHEN YOLYUTHEN MAJTHEN MATHEW 108 8 4i 4 3 Chiwson Chrisom E Browu Brow Co 20 40 20 30 30TIM 7y CATl CAl TIM i DRAL DORAL 118 4i 1 2 4U T Burns J W SchornfcSon Sconces 2 5 2 41 iill ill KLSli Leslie Sli Slid G GT j nr ji 52 52 Rutter Ruttier KahnCo Kahn 40 50 40 50 T 0 A D RAIN BAIiN Bailing 111 rKK ark r V i i Thorue Torque W M Hayes 20 10 20 40 40i Li i KO K0 ni 9 6 7i 7 H Martin Charles Scoggan Slogan 2C 30 20 25 25KV i iOikF KV ANNA 113 3 I 9 Knapp Stanton Tucker 20 40 20 80 80F F MCCLURG MCCLURE 118 7 82 Si 9 Weaver W A McGuigan Michigan 10 15 10 15 15Time Time 12t 215364491 iii H c by Hiiryar Hairy Aileen Eileen Aroon Maroon Aroonit Arsonist it iiiinntes Start god Won cleverly seconu Secom with something left after an early third and fourth iard aired driven Ailyar Halyard was smartly played aud Maud ran like a good colt Ho i nient anent in all breakaways and much used at tho thou post This did not seem to nftoct intact him 8 My ad a bad rttfect artifact ou Olinthus Plinths He is a nervous colt and fret tod toad a lot during the iHds ids ised isled Rood judgment in not whipping him oUt when he saw that hp was beaten i j i a vnall venally fiiiy hut seern seen to havo havoc some quality From a bad beginning she ran a was under punishment the ast East quarter Cathedral sjyQEyqU when pinched Mat ho ould Gould havebeen have third El ie G Volyotheu Volute and RevathlBefch8ed the delay at 3719 SECOND RACE1 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Selling Str Star Fin Jockeys O H L C O CU A RLY RELY CHRISTY 109 3 32 3U 3 21 13 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 2J 24 8595 8 JOK OK CLARK 111 2NK 22J 2J 1 1 24 H Williams W H May Sou Soul 4 6 4 ALIKRT ALERT S Ill 4 52 6 7U 4 3 C Sloan Laird Hand 15 30 15 25 INCCNS1ANCY i02 8 8 4 4 6 4t Clawsou Claws M Jordan 4 4 3 3 SHELBY 95 71 71 6 1 72 5 Orowhurst Borrowers Stanton Tucker 10 12 8 10 HEhiH Sheikh HO XV 5 41452 52 fj 62 J Roil Duke Wishard Wished 20 30 15 20 20iNK iNK iCi ii AH 108 U Ili Ii 2M 3 711 Caywood Cawed W C Fossoudoa Flossed 30 12 10 12 VVP VP LOW 108 6 6K 8 888 S Turner T E Barrett Barrette 50 10050 100 100Time Time 25 50 1 03i 1 16 1 42K VT r H 4 bj WoodlandsJulia Woodlands W WIiii Iiii minutes Start g toil VVoii Voicing tu a gallop ocand candy third and fourth driving hard hardiiijv passingI passing iiijv hrity Christy vvas vas n l tho thou best Ha was under a stout pull nearly all the way After passing I Kill iiij jcKurtis jackets eojld geol luivo live gone to the fronf frond t fuy fury ume Hume He made a wide stretch turn i footingi footing njv nv inve inv Christ ii except MI he last svnntv savant nds ands Joe Clark liked the footing i rau Frau K oI rno Reno l was doss to the rail and under sharp punishment the last quarter iTt iuisliod with a rnii nisi lucouhinijcy is a slow beginner did to avoid interference Clawson Lawson i i to i all ar iiid lield lied The flliy felly made a strong bid on the fnr fn turn but weakened in the iiit lie dfif diff wai waif too light to do Heigh High Ho jiio idiom ice Watch Joe Shelby He way running at t1 j finish Necih Neigh wus us puiupei pipe vut ut the first threequarters treasurers The winner was run up by V Mefhiigan Meridian and bought in inOvei inveigh Ovei Movie viigiiis Necfcuah Mecca 2 pounds THIRD RACE 1 18 Miles Purse 700 3yearolas Allowances id H TOM i ALVERT AVERT 92 1441 3 31 13 Clavsia Cassia James Murphy 65651235 TLETON LEPTON IT a 3 x 2 32 22 2 2 i Thorpe Wm Boots Son 41 7 41 6 ID 0868LLvA 107 2 l 11 1 II IH T Bums M Jordan 0868 LLvA Alva 7 IN 2i 31 2 4 4 4 Gray W A McGuigan Michigan 3 41 3 4 4Trme Trme Termed 122 251 52 1 06i 1 19i 1 45 1 58 it i c by Hindoo Indoor Pure Rye Ryeuu Rye uu Vst Vast break to a perfect start Won easily sec ind bind driving liard laird Third eased up irt dirt was the best heavily played arid in a soft spot He was cleverly ridden Clawton Lawton Clawtonad Lawton ad lace irou iou h the back stnteh stint but waited for hit move until the natural spread at i no Uoad Quad if the stretch At this point Mistleton Mistletoe and Lucid went wide leaving plenty of room for i ivert divert f come through The colt took it easy in the straight He had worked a mile in 1 42 42the Tnat Nat wa the cause of the heavy play on him Mistleton Mistletoe ran a good race He was tiring though at the en entwuy century I Burns got careless with Lucid in the last fifty yards and almost threw third place twuy study azeldean Zelda stopped anil anile came again at the finish rr 4 FOURTH RACE 1 MilefPtirse Ileitis 500 4yearolds and upward Selliug Selling Wt St y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C MI22BELLICOSO HI 2 1 4 Vk 124 IH 124 Uawson Dawson S C Hildreth Children 3535 k4J THK TKO TARCOON TEAROOM 108 44 2 2 214 214 26 Cay wood J Deloug Deluge 232 13 fi02 HARRY SHANNON108 5 4U 4i 3 3 K 3 Bloss Loss J E Cushing 10 20 10 15 21iiuS7 142 MONfRKITH 107 6 5 6 5 4 41 y Martin J E Murphy 4 4 21 21 iiuS7 REFlMiKK 108 3 3 y 7 51 511 Thorpe W B Sink Jr 8 12 8 10 10r r H2 BASijUIL Basinful 107 1 6 7 61 61 62 N Turner Chas Vestal Co 10 15 10 15 W30 MUSK VLONGE LONGED 111 7 7 5 4 7 7 H Martin F M Arthur 10 15 10 15 15Time Time 26 5H 1 02i 1 15i 1 4H Winner B h 6 by Peel Janet N NPost Post harddriven hardwire Post S minutes Start good Won cleverly second eased a trifle third and fourth hard driven Bellicose was the class of the race Rumors that he could not go the route made the theHiit theist Hiit Hit Cawson Dawson placed Bnllicoo Bandicoot nicely in front Evidently the other boys thought Bellicoso Bellicose Thei Their Hilc Phil stop He did not though and finished as though he could have gone much further The i nvoon noon ran his race Cay wood drove him hard after entering the stretch but when he saw how n My Bellicoo Bellicose was running ho eased him up Moucreith Nourish heavily played and well ridden ran ti ippohviugly approvingly He runs best on soft ground Harry Shannon is good Refugee is a bad actor actoriVMrh Acutrim iVMrh dimorph Muskalouge Muskellunge He was high in flesh but ran well as far as he cild child Jver Veer eights The Tarcoon Garcon i pounds FIFTH FACE 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling lad Horses Wt S H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C t iST Kist AlLATJNK Ballast 90 3 4112 2 H Clawsou Claws SCHildruth Childbirth f 1 459 10 103M LADY IHKNK 9i5 0 0fMTlMKMAKKIi 3M 31 31 211 Crowhurst Cowherbs Stanton Tucker IS 25 15 20 fMTlMKMAKKIi 112 5 5 + 5 4 Sit T Burns J W Schorr Scorer i Son tt 5 7 5 6513 10 v MAiV Naive BLACK 92 2 1 11 4 J Keiff Skiff E Wisbard Isobar 10010340 50 JHNNY JOHNNY WILLIAMS 97 1 606 51 L Smith W J Smith Co 20 40 20 40 KOmNSON ROBINSON Kingston 107 4 24 41 52 6 Bloss Loss V M Lee 40 100 10040 40 100 Time 100Time 23 35i 48 1 01 1 14i 14iVVim VVim Vim r Ch i 3 by St Carlo Callatme Collate CallatmeIost Calamitous Iost Lost s minutes Start good Won eased up There wis wigs plenty of action behind the winner t Callr Call i iue inure is a good filly Clawson Lawson rode her nicely He waited patiently until the stretch was i luhHl lushly iid id tlieu lieu galloped over those in front as though they were tied Judging from St Calla ii s tw recent races she is not only a sprinter but cau au go the route Lady Irene ran a smart i K Watch her She is fit and ready Timemaker Tidemark found the pace too hot for him the first half Burns wii ii working on him iWl il of the way Mary Black is fast but does not seem to stay Watch IIM II Sh was much used at the post This may have been the causa causal of her tiring so badly Rohinso Rhino and Johnny Williams were outclassed outclassedScraiiicd Scraiiicd Tartarian Agrarian 107 Afamaila Flammability 92 Ben Hadad97

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898062801/drf1898062801_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1898062801_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800