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Cheap Safe Sensible Comfortable OWNERS AND TRAINERS WLon Lon you ship yonr yon horses nai nail Jizprass Company to stall yoi yogi car with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable Stall adjaatable adaptable to any car thui etui oscaring scaring absolute safety to youi you hereof while in transit yritfcoai reification additional coat to the shipper ai ozproaa copra companys company furnish thec theca iioa iota of coat to yon They dont don't deface the car when adjusted and can bo ast East up in thirty miuuSo minus lorauy Lora number of horaea Horace to 2t in uonblo unblock door baggage car Expreai Expire compaaiaa copaiba can procure stalls bj applying to toTHOS troths THOS ETHOS McFABDBN Mgr 228230232 East Front STioet Satiety