Latonia Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-07-07


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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART CHARTLLrDALE LLrDALE KY July Twentyfourth Wentworth day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge X XuP UP uP jfarleton falsetto Starter J J Chinn Chin Racing starts at 2 30 p m 6957 FIRST RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yoarolds Selling I Horses Wt St U 1A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O li L J 6 72CO3NER 102 1 3 V li 12 11 C Clay S M Sexton 5 5 21 21 W ORIENTAL M 101 9 51 51 23 21 21 J Mathews RHBronaughCo 8 10 8 10 6 37 PADRONE PARDONED 102 2 41 41 32 32 31 Britton Briton W S Hobart 21 3 21 3 601 NELLORINE MELLOR 97 3 61 7 61 7 42 Gaddy Grady Joplin Grundy Gerund 6868 6330 JACQUES 102 5 7 8 7 61 5 W Zeno Zen W J Donohue Downpour 15 20 15 20 6870 JENNIE J 101 4 8 61 51 51 61 Kuhn Thornton Horton Co 6868 6811 SCOTTIE D 97 6 12 1 42 42 7 W Hughes F Dannler Dangler 20 20 20 20 6811 CONGOLA CONGO 99 13 9 9 8 8 8 Nutt Mutt H L Stevens 6868 6811 COL COLE FRKWATERS102 12 10 10 9 9 9 Everett G L Johnston 2323 6811 CORNCRACKER CORNCRAKE 9910 11 11 10 10 10 Crowhurst Cowherbs E Weitzol Witco Co 10 15 10 15 6781 FATHER RUSSELL 102 7 12 12 11 11 It Aker Baker G W Everslago Overlarge 15 20 15 20 6901 THE NAULAHKA 97 8 21 21 12 12 12 T Knight M R Haruod Harold 15 30 15 25 6014 GLADIUS GLADES 99 11 13 13 13 13 13 J Brown M R Perkins 15 20 15 20 20Disqualified Disqualified for foul Time 241 501 1 03i 1 17 1 30 1 14 14Winner Winner Ch f by Falsetto Acoustic Post 15 minutes Start good Tho Theo first four were driving hard Cosnor Connor was disqualified for fouling and Oriental M Padrone Pardoned and Nellorine Mellor were placed one two three respectively Cosuer Consumer was the best of a poor lot At that he ran away half a mile in all in two false breaks Colonel Frank Waters was carried wide on the first turn by Gladius Claudius spoiling his chances Pad ¬ rone crone was pinched on the rail in the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Elga Alga 97 97Overweights Overweights Overweighs Father Russell 3 pounds 6958 SE SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 6874 8ALVARSE 109 3 6 6 41 12 Vandusen Bandsmen Owen Co 4444 6905 HARD KNOT 100 9 96212OLESKA 87 52 21 Crowhurst Cowherbs W L R K Lewis 6666 6212OLESKA 104 6 787 3 J Mathews George J Long 4545 6785 LISVILLE INSTILLED BELLE 104 1 21 21 21 42 Kuhn M Simon 21 3 21 3 6871 VOLANDIES COLANDERS 100 7 31 31 61 51 Everett Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 5545 6841 BANNIE ANNIE 109 2 2fiSOSnRESS 51 51 8 62 Couley Cooley W T Sellers 4534 fiSOSnRESS fissures KIM BALL 100 4 12 12 12 72 w Z ° no C Williams 6 8 5 7 6785NORMA TAYLOR 109 8 41 41 31 82 Britton Briton S K Hughes Co 3 4 3 31 68i4 OLLIE MOLLIE J 97 5 5BOB 9999 Nutt Mutt D DJ J Clark 10 10 10 10 10BOB BOB BRECKENRGE102 10 10 10 10 10 Aker Baker Tim Murphy 12 15 10 15 15Time Time 121 241 361 50 1 021 Winner Ch f by Kallicrates Allocates Elsbeth Elisabeth Post 15 minutes Start good Won easily the next throe driving hard Tho Theo three first came through the stretch with a rush Louisville Belle ran her race Vplandios Vladivostok showed im ¬ provement preferment Press Kimball stopped badly Bannie Annie Norma Taylor and Ollie Mollie J did not run to the notch notchScratched Scratched Jessie Jarboe Arbores 97 Lucky Jim 109 Overweights Overweighs Bob Breckenridge Becker 2 pounds C K C THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 300 3yearold3 and upward O H D tJ Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A yz 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6907GEORGE KRATS RATS 102 5 51 4 41 li 11 Crowhurst Cowherbs RobinsonMoore Robinson 21 3 21 3 68123PAN CHARM 105 1 Hill IH 21 22 J Mathews W G Mathews 75857585 6845 COUNTESS IRMA 102 2 21 22 22 31 31 Kuhn W Donohue Downpour 6666 6728 SKYLARK 107 3 4 51 3 41 41 Conley Coney L F Lanney Lane 4444 4444iw43 iw43 OTTO H 100 6 61 61 7 7 51 Everett Mrs M Mack 8888 888869S6 69S6 CHARINA CARINA 107 8 8 8 61 51 63 Vandusen Bandsmen T Murphy 21 3 21 21 67253THE DOCTOR 97 4 7 7 51 62 7 J Brown W C Fessendeu Essence 30 50 30 40 40690S 690S PHILIP BYRNES BYRES 100 7 31 3 8 8 8 Nutt Mutt WLRKLewisl5 20 15 15 Time 15Time 241 50 1 15t 1 30l 1 4U 1 461 461Winner Winner Ch g 3 by Kaiser Mamie Mammies Cole ColePost Oleos Post b minutes Start good Won cleverly second easily George Krats Rats was tho thou best Ho came away readily when called upon Pun Cliarm Clair was made too much use of in the first six fur ¬ longs Charinas Chagrins fall yesterday must have taken away her speed Countess Irma ran a vastly improved race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Rathmore Authored 100 Harry Lee 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Skylark 3 pounds 6960 F FOURTH RACE 1 s Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling lad Horses Wt St V Yz SA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 69363PAROi 103 1 61 5n 3 21 In J Mathows Mathews J W Carroll 21 13521 135 6939 POSSUM 93 2 51 4 6 51 2 T Knight S Williams 4545 454568I32ROYAL 68I32ROYAL DANCE 100 6 31 33 22 it 3 Nutt Mutt J Webber 752 7585 6812 GRAttM GATT MONTRSE95 7 7 7 51 41 43 J Brown L J Haas Has 60 75 60 75 ti785 KATHJE KATHIE MAY 98 3 4 61 7 61 5 Crowhurst Cowherbs RBBronaughCo 15 15 15 15 15i i 83 GUNST GUST 90 5 8 8 8 7 61 Gaddy Grady Pheips Phelps Green 15 20 15 20 J9J5 RIDA IDA 88 4 li U 1 31 7 WderstrndT Western Wedderstrand Pedestrian 30 30 30 30 30j8 j8 3HIDAGO 107 8 9 9 9 8 8 Conley Coney LWHoytCo 852 852 42 BARTON 98 9 21 2 4i 9 9 Everett L De Gisbert Gilbert 40 40 40 40 6684 COURTESY 9310 10 10 10 10 10 Webster HA Allan 50 50 50 50 Time 50Time 27 531 1 03t 1 18 1 31i 1 441 2 07i 2 37i Winner 37iWinner Gr h 5 by Koene Kenney Gray Sail SailPost Sailors Post 5 minutes Start good The first three were driving hard Possum would have won with the assistance of a stronger boy Kathie May was coming strong at the end Rida Ida was ridden as if the distance was a mile Barton is rounding to Royal Dance faltared faltered at the end Graham Montrose seemed to like the distance distanceScratched distances Scratched Virgie Virile O 93 Glenbok Gemsbok 95 95Overweights Overweights Overweighs Hidago Hidalgo 4 pounds Q FIFTH RACE RACE7 7 13 1J Furlongs Jfurlongs Purse 1urse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 6845 LIEW LIE ANNA 99 6 61 51 53 31 12 Crowhurst Cowherbs B Martin 0870 ELSIEBARNE3 103 4 32 31 11 21 2 W Williams O G Parke Parker 6870 MISS FRANCES 1031 3 42 4 41 61 3 Fox L F Lanney Lane 10 12 10 12 12t t S70ANNIE TAYLOR 97 5 5 65 31 1 4 C Clay W E Fielding 85958595 6723 NANNIE NANNIES D 101 8 7 7 7 51 5 J Brown R D McKee 40 60 40 50 6810 MISS C 99 1 21 21 21 41 630 Everett H J Scoggan Slogan 2 21 2 21 0840 THE RED FILLY 97 2 1 1 63 7 7 Nutt Mutt T II Blackburn 15 30 15 30 6784 AGATHA OGATA 101 9 8 8 8 8 8 J Mathews F Jones Co 5756 5756f692 f692 EST NE REGINA 99 10 9 9 9 9 9 Hall E R Rodgers 30 40 30 40 5391 HEL EL MERCEDES 104 7 10 10 10 10 10 R Lewis J P Davlin Alvin 50 100 50 75 2361 MISS WALSH 107 11 11 11 11 11 11 E Martin JohnsnHarrisn20 100 20 50 Time 231 49 1 02i 1 15t 1 28 1 35 35Winner Winner B f 4 by Leonatus Lents Hermitage HermitagePost Hermitage Post 10 minutes Start fair Won easily the next four driving and bunched fighting desper deeper ¬ ately lately Licw Laic Anna came through without an effort The next four were right on top of each other Annie Taylor was interfered with in the stretch Elsie Barnes is improving Miss C will not do for courage Mies Miles Walsh is a bad actor at the post postScratched PostScript Scratched Dayton Star 95 95Overweights Overweights Overweighs Miss C 4 pounds Miss Walsh 4 Elsie Barnes 2 Miss Frances 21 6962 O SIXTH RACE 7 l Furlongs Pu ie 300 3yearolds and upward Selling iiid Hordes Wt St Vs StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C COS OS OS MARGARET JANE 101 1 li li 11 12 15 Everett EnglemanFields35 35 35 3 5 S7VLYLL1S 108 4 51 51 52 52 2 J Mathews Grater Bros Brows 2 1152 11 115 115OS OS HILDA 106 7 6 41 42 31 3 Britton Briton Q Straus 8 10 8 10 10m m RAY B 104 6 41 2 21 21 43 Vaudusen Audience J Nagle Angle 6868 323 OLLElN Pollen 99 2 2 3i 1 41 i o Crowhurst Cowherbs W F Dair Dairy 15 20 15 20 20J17 J17 HOMELIKE 95 3 7 7 i 6i 6 Haii Haiti J R Walker 40 TO 40 50 50i10 i10 ARMOREL MARMOREAL 95 10Time i 3 6 7 V 7 C Clay Waltring Altering YeagerlO Eager 10 10 10 Time 24 50 1 0 i 1 irJ4 127 l3 i Winner Ch f 3 by Macduff Mac ritrathmaid ritrathmaidOff Off first break to a good start Won in a gallop the next threo throe driving Margaret Jane played with her field all the way Lyllis Allis closed very strong Ray B was tiring at tho thou finish Olleau Colleague had parly parlay spend spendScratched semidetached Scratched Esther R 9 Elana Lana Pit Gladioli 101 Necklace 101 Mrs Bradshaw Brads 106

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Local Identifier: drf1898070701_3_1
Library of Congress Record: