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WINDSOR FORM CHART CHARTWINDSOR CHARTINGS WINDSOR ONT August 24 Nineteenth day Windsor Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge John J Carter Starter H D Brown Racing starts at 2 30 p m 8069 FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt Si V K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7934 BOB LEACH 4 102 1 12 14 13 11 L Smith E L Palmer 4434 7939 DOWNRIGHT 4 95 9 71 54 42 23 R King J E Seagram 10 15 10 15 7971 NOVER OVER 5 1044 5 64 6J 7 34 W Taylor J Hogan 24 3 24 3 7884 MISS METTIE MATTIE 4 95 8 54 7 61 4 44 Frost C C Douglas 20 25 20 20 8022 GERTRUDE 4 100 4 41 44 54 53 Gormley Grimly J W Bell 10 15 10 12 7845 trRACIE tRACIE C 7 95 12 10 8 8 614 Nixon J Duffels 6866 8046 MR DAYTON 5 97 2 31 31 31 7 Valentine C L Blackburn 6766 7911 MISS K1TTIE 5 95 7 9 10 10 8 H Wilson S Ciolmi Colin 5656 7659 SISTER IONE ONE 9 100 3 8999 Vitatoe Vitiate H Furst Furs 20 30 20 25 7939 GALGO ALGOL 4 102 10 12 11 11 10 Castro A S Patrick 15 30 15 20 7815 DICK WARREN 6 106J14 13 13 12 11 Flint D Whelahan Welshman 8844 7934 HAZEL GREEN 4 102 13 14 14 13 12 G Walker Gil Gail Curry 10 12 10 10 7938 CANNONADE 4 97 6 2 2n 2H 2n 24 13 R Mason W E Fielding 6646 7934 J W COOK 6 101 11 11 12 14 34 Hopkins R Hueston Houston 12 20 12 15 15Time Time 244 49 1 02 1 15 15Winner Winner Br g 4 by The Sailor Prince Dal Dahl DalPost Almost Post 4 minutes Start good Won cleverly second easily Bob Leach got away tunning stunning He ran Cannonade off his feet in the first half Downright was slow to begin but finished strong Nover Mover sulked and would not try Mr Dayton was carried wide into the stretch and stopped to nothing the last eighth eighthScratched eighths Scratched Sir Errol Ferro 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Nover Mover 24 pounds Dick Warren 44 J W Cook 1 1Bob Bob Leach place 6 to 5 show J to 2 Downright place 6 to 1 show 2 to 1 Nover Mover show Ito2 O 7 O SECONrr Scorer EACE58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St K H X Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners 78852OC1E BROOKS 105 7 7 61 21 14 R Mason E Moore 7885 J E CLINES 105 6 8F71 41 21 Nixon F Garner GarnerINK Garnering 8025 BUENA VENTURA 96 1 1 12 1279373ERGO INK 31 Frost E Trotter 79373ERGO 101 10 61 8 7 42 Hopkins J A Newman 7937 GAVOTTE 96 11 11 10 PeytonSi Pythons 514 54 Dickerson Dickers H Peyton Python 7987 LIZZIE TIZZIES KELLY 103 4 4u 2 Si 6i Valentine H Hurdle Hurdle6i 7H87 SIR CASIMIR ASCII 103 8 5x 44 6i 7 Sherland Shetland J E Seagram 7972 SALVARSE SALVERS 104 2 9 10 8 L Smith J D Clayton 87 BY uEORGE queered ati anti 9 10 11 11S023MOVZELTOFF 11 Vitatoe Vitiate J C Ferns Jr S023MOVZELTOFF 101 5 3 It 9 10 Tuaj Taj D C Raggio Aggie 7989 CRINKLE 104 3 2 31 8 ll Gleaeon Leaden J Dundon Undone 6766 6766Time Time 25 50 1 024 024Winner Winner B f by Long Fish Marie Reed ReedPost Redeposit Post 5 minutes Start good Won driving J E Clines was in a pocket next to the rail until the last eighth Be finished with a rush Ocie Docile Brooks was hard ridcen ridden the last sixteenth Buena Ventura was raced to pieces down the back stretch Ergo made up much ground from a bad itScratched distracted beginning Kelly swung wide into the stretch and dropped out of it Scratched Kittie Kitties Regent 96 96Overweights Overweights Overweighs poundsOcie pounds Crinkle 3 pounds Ocie Docile Brooks place even show 1 to 2 J E Clines place even show 1 to 2 Buena Ven Venn ¬ tura turban show even 8071 THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 2JO 3yearolds and upward Selling StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 79132COGMOOSEY 4108 5 21 2 214 1H 12 R Mason Waters Hod Hood eT8 5 8 5T5 6 5 79383BEAU IDEAL 5 105 1 41 56 34 31 24 Ross E H Hanna 10 12 10 12 8051HENRY LAUNT AUNT 4 103 6 53 4 4 46 32 Gleason Lesson J P McCann Mecca 1 651 1 8051 SIMON D 3101 3 W U4 11 21 410 Vitatoe Vitiate White Stafford 4 544 7887BAGPIPE 6107 7 62 62 63 62 M Peterman Letterman Strobel Strobe Miller 30 50 30 40 7703 RED 4105487776T Williams E Fitzgerald 200 SCO SCOT 2CO 200 8051 MIRTH 3 95 8 3 31 5 54 7 Tully WMeehan Methane 10 10 10 15 8022 NERO 10 100 2 200Time 7 8 8 8 8 J Healy M H Healy 100 200 100 200 464Winner Time 24 49 1 02 1 14 1 40 1 464 Winner Ch g 4 by Teuton Teutonic Marion C CPost Post Post 20 minutes Start good Won easily second cleverly Cogmoosey Compose delayed the start by refusing to join his horses He wore the others out at the post Simon D stopped when the pinch came The delay killed Launts Flaunts chances Ross dropped his whip on the first turn and could not help Ideal much at the finish finishScratched finishes Scratched Ray H 107 Don Clarencio Clarence 102 Maggie S 99 Elsina Messina 96 Lady of the West 96 Faucuro Fracture 94 94Overweights Overweights Overweighs poundsBeau pounds Red 5 pounds Beau Ideal place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 8O72 FOURTH RACE58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8025 SPRINGWELLS SPRINGER 101 4 12 12 114 IKK VIKKI R Mason George Hendrie Henries 5656 7266 CHEESEMITE CHEESE 108 2 21 22 21 2 x Gardner WillimsSheehnl2 15 12 12 7937 WREATH 108 3 379143RENA 3a 123a 33 32 33 Sherland Shetland J E Seagram 1 751 65 79143RENA CAMPBELL 108 8 878443NEADA 8 54 41 4 A Morrisop Morris A Brown Co 2 3 2 24 78443NEADA 108 5 51 6 54 52 Gleason Lesson Cramer Crammer Co 8866 7937 FLYING BELLE 108 1 180253DUTY 4 45 62 66 Dyment Doyen N Dyment Doyen 30 40 30 30 80253DUTY 3080253DUTY 108 6 6MILDRED 7877 Valentine Mrs S M Sexton 6 8 6 8 MILDRED RAINES108 7 61 7 8 8 Flint Rickabaugh Co 25 30 25 30 02iWinner Time 30Time 241 494 1 02i Winner Ch f by Derwentwater Decrepitated Noblesse NoblesseOff Noblesse Off at first break to a good start The first three were driving Springwells Springer had abundant speed the first part but was tiring the last sixteenth Wreath slow to get in motion swung wide on the stretch turn and finished with a rush Cheesemite Cheese fought it out gamely in the run home She saved ground on the stretch turn turnSpringwells transporting Springwells Springer place 8 to 5 show 3 to 5 Cheesemite Cheese place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8026 MIDLO MILO 5 98 9 23 12 n L Smith Chas Scanlan Canaan 2 24 2 24 7973 FERRYMAN II 5 106 1 H 21 2K Nutt Mutt M Wynn 8833 8024 PRIMA 4 100 5 2n 32 34 32 H Wilson D R Levy 6868 7939 GOMOR GOMORRA 7 100 7 9 7 62 44 Castro F C Hammond 8 30 8 30 8022 SALVADO SALVADOR 4 100 6 8 8 7 52 Valentine Mason Co 2 3 2 24 7886 TRIVOLI TRIPOLI 4 102 4 7 9 8 62 Dickerson Dickers J W Cramer Crammer 8 12 8 10 7934 NEGONCIE BEGONIA 4 96 8 41 44 54 7 R Mason Waters Hodges 6 10 6 8 8026 QUAVER 4 100 2 5 54 44 8 Frost Strobel Strobe Miller 4 10 4 10 7884 ANNIE TEUTON TEUTONIC 4 95 3 62 61 9 9 Nixon M H Healy 40 50 40 40 7887 G R LONGHRST4 102 10 10 10 10 10 A Morrison Orison E Moore 4846 80223MARY PRATHER RATHER 4 95 12 12 11 11 11 W Wilson J M Mathewson Mathews 8 10 8 8 7777 WILD ARAB 7 710411 104 11 11 12 12 12 Dyment Doyen F J Hall 20 100 10020 20 75 Time 75Time 24 481 t iOH OH 1 14 14Winner Winner LightPost Lightest B g 5 by Midlothian Militia Electric Light Post 8 minutes Start fair Won easily the next two were driving Midlo Milo away running went through his field in the first furlong Ferryman II and Prima were raced to pieces the first part Quaver stopped to nothing the last eighth Salyado Salad was blowing hard when he pulled up He has developed into a roarer rarer roarerScratched Scratched K C 105 Crusader 102 102Overweights Overweights Overweighs Ferryman II 4 pounds Gomor Gomorra 3 Negoncie Begonia 1 Wild Arab 4 Midlo Milo 1 Corrected weights Quaver 100 100Midlo Midlo Milo place even show 1 to 2 Ferryman II place even show 1 to 2 Prima show even SIXTH RACE Short Course Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Allowances Steeplechase Ind Indo Horses A Wt St 4 6 8 10 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7915 PARSON 5153 1 11 H H H 11412 Pierce H E Leigh 2 2 8585 7915BRTHRBOB7 85857915BRTHRBOB7 150 7 7 2 2 24 23 26 Moxley Morley N Dyment Doyen 2 24 2 24 7991 LIT BRMBLEo Burble 133 8 24 42 42 32 31 3H C Johnson A Willis Co 15 20 15 20 7915 2078232TUSCARORA THE TAR 4136 3 51 7 7 64 510 415 C Brown JE Seagram 15 20 15 20 78232TUSCARORA 686779912LASTFELLOW4 7145 6 31 3 33 45 62 54 Hueston Houston CHChappel Cheapen 6867 79912LASTFELLOW4 li 3 5 63 5 610 54 4H 64 Wingard Winged J F Nichols 10 12 10 12 7447 ARREZZO CARRIZO 4 143 4 4 63 54 7 7 7 Hamilton W H Rollnr Roll 2 2 852 287i WHIFF 6 132 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 WrthingtnA Worthington H E G Vivell Vive 30 40 30 30 7887 LADY MAUD 5 135 9 9 Fell Stewart S N Holman Hillman 4544 Time 4544Time 340 HimyarPosts Winner B g 5 by Paramatta Prenatal Sis Himyar Shimmy Posts minutes Start good Won driving Parson made a runaway race of it He out jumped Brother Bob and gained a length on him at every jump Arrezzo Carrizo ran as if short Tusca Tuscan rora roar had no speed and could never get up ScratchediLa Scratched upScratchediLa unscratched Colina Colin 135 Booze 132 132Parson Parson place 3 to 5 Brother Bob place 4 to 5 Little Bramble show 2 to 1