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NEWPORT KNTR1JKS Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile v All Ages Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Ago Wgt Wt Hdc Dc 8208 Rosa Masso Mass 2 87 6 66901Esthor 6901Esthor R 3 97 6 7931 Loving Cup 3 97 7 77312Guide 7312Guide Rock 3 97 8H52Firesido 4 102 W W80152Loneta 80152Loneta 4 102 lf lf8252GidLaw 8252GidLaw 4 102 6 68145Miss 8145Miss Verne 4 102 6 8298 NannieD Nannies 5 102 6 8252 John Boone 5 102 6 8276 Waldorf Alder 4 102 u Second Race 6 12 Furlongs 2yoarolds Maidens Allowances 8023 Charley O 102 5373 HubPrather Hibernate 102 5715 Spectral 105 6718 Donald Bain Basin 105 6074 Avondale II 105 Fashion 105 7809 The Norseman 105 8175 Fardel Fade 105 8175 Undue 105 6988 Bob Salter 105 8256 La Fayette Layette 110 80dS Blenheim Blenching 110 879 Air Blast 110 828Q2CarlC 110 Third Race 1 Mile and CO Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances82232Georgo 82232Georgo Krats Rats 3 97 8297 Lord Neville 3 100 787lSeaport 3 100 8273Elkiu 1108 71233J H C 4 108 82b23BrawLad 4 108 Fourth Kace Ace 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 78 3 Almante Palmate 3 93 6324 Rarus Kraus 3 95 8276 Sue Noll Moll 3 96 69343Van Logic 3 06 9540 John Connor 3 96 7871 Skiiik 3 95 70173Rotha 3 97 8296 Buck Franklin 3 102 7020 Arcturue Caricature 3 102 8298 Springtime 7 103 5129 Forbearance 3 103 8255 Jack Hayes 4 103 8022 Elsina Messina 4 103 Fifth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances 7974 Belle of St Clair 108 70503Mariti 108 7020 Elsie M 108 6870 Ada Adam Russell 108 272 Money Spinner 108 8278 Odaliche Oxalic 108 8u462Sweet Cream 108 81392School Girl 108 8254 Annie Oldfield Goldfield 108 7870 Aspasiall Spastically ilOS kilos 8177 Fair Deceiver 108 8016 Little Sallie 108 6725 VirgieCook Virile 103 8139 Ennomia Encomia 108 Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 8278 Ma Angeline Angelina 3 95 80183Libation 3 99 8254 Bon Jour 3 101 8293 Joe Shelby 3 102 8281 Hiina China 5103 82S1 Cecil 5 103 898 Violet Parsons 4 103 8276 Duncan Bell 4 105 8017 Katie Longfellow 5 105 8257 Ray H 5 105 8276 Kowalsky Koalas 5 16 8257 Harry Shannon 5 109