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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL 8 eptember September 6 Fourteenth day Cbicago Chicago Racing Association Autumn Meeting Weather cloudy track very heavy Presiding Judge Capt Caput J H Rees Starter William Bruen Braun Racing starts at 2 p m No recall flag s 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St y S StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners U H L O 829MNTlQUARY 16 11 12 11 16 Rutter Ruttier James Curl 3 1653 165 8285 OLD tCX tX 106 1 2 2 32 24 JeLkins Jenkins W J Donohue Downpour 2 21 2 21 8191 blDTlLLA 104 1 4 314 21 32 Ater After TJ McHale Chalet 7979 7893 FKANK FLANK 1REI AND 111 61 75 5x 4 42 TLoipe Lope ECorngan Conan 31 8 31 8 8175 DEFENDER II 1C6 4 ZH 41 i 5 Rose J Burnt 12 15 12 15 8238 1LL1E HOWARD 112 fci foci 4 72 2 66 JMcDonaldJ McDonald W Schorr Scorer Son 8 12 8 10 10CALCH CALCH CALC S 112 2 6H 6 72 75 L Reiff Riff LS ilJiamfCo 8 20 8 20 6047 SHIN FANE 111 9 9988 P Jordan W J Speirs Piers Co 15 30 15 30 8233 BOSAVANNAH 103 c 8899 McNickle Canticle H Heinsohn Henson 8 15 8 15 158189ELMER 8189ELMER S 1C6 Ran away Bloss Loss C K Burdeau Bureau 7 10 7 10 10Time Time 261 53106114 53106114Winner Winner Ch c by Dandie Dandier Dinmout Dismount Gyda Yd Post GydaPost 12 minutes Start good Won cleverlj cleverly second and third driving and staggering Anti quan quean had the speed of the party and found the track to bis bias liking He is a consistent performer Old Fox bad no excuses Be was off in front and well ridden It looked at the head of the stretch as though SidtilJa Sicilian wouJd wound beat him lor lord second piece The Fox though came strong under punishment Sidtilla Scintilla bad speed but tired badly Sbe Be was out to the last ounce and ready to lie down in tbe tube Isst Kist hundred yards It was a procession all the way Elmer S would not go to the barrier and when the assistant starter got him by the head and tiied tied to lead him the colt reared broke his bridle and ran c ff the wrong way of the track Bloss Loss gave a clever exhibition of rou rout dh rioiug rioting and held on by tbe tube colts mane On the far turn be put his arms around the colts neck and jumped off Alter dis dais mounting Le still held his mount by the neck and kept him from running away awayScratched Scratched Bloss Loss 106 Rio Chico Chic 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs Calchas Caliches 11 pounds Sidtilla Scintilla 1 1Antiquary Antiquary place even show 1 to 2 Old Fcx Cox place 4 to 5 Sidtilla Scintilla show 8 to 5 OO SECOND RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds Selling OOvJL Parse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi Vi M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 82233 WILSON 112 2 IH H li 13 13 JMcDonala McDonald J W Scborr Scorer Son2 222 81622 A MOLO MOO OLO OSLO 108 3 SH 31 51 42 21 211 2U Aker Baker HV Smith 65856585 8176 PRINCE BLAZES 107 5 65 6 3 31 31 Rutter Ruttier bloan loan Hurst 4545 8188 JACKANAPES 1081 61 52 2i 21 43 48 Caywood Cawed A Covington Coving 8 12 8 12 7773 DH 1ARKS 105 41 4 42 610 J5 53 H Martin B Schreiber 12 25 12 20 8177 NIVOCE INVOICE 108 1 21 SNX SAN 5 6 615 Nicholson J Delon Felon 30 40 30 40 6810 LUCID 108 7 7 7 7 7 7 J Reiff Riff M Jordan 12 20 12 20 20Time Time 26152 1051 120 134 134Winner Winner Br c by Jim Gore British Blue Blood BloodPost Bloodspot Post 2 minutes Start good Won handily secoud second whipped out third and fourth driving Wilson was at home in the deep going and ran a nice race This colt improves many pounds over a soft track Tbe Tube ride on Molo Moo would hardly do The boy said his orders were to place the colt down the back stretch He did it very nicely Prince Blazes as he always does on a soft track ran a good race Jackanapes showed H lot of speed Judging from the way he tired at tbe tube end he must have been short The race was always between tbe tube first four although Nivoce Invoice was prominent the first three furlones furlongs furlonesScratched Scratched Afamada Alameda 105 Official 108 Muskadine Misaimed 108 Elidad Elided 115 Friar John 108 108Overweights Overweights Overweighs Jackanapes li pounds poundsCorrected outscore Corrected weights Wilson 112 112Wilson Wilson place 7 to 10 show 3 to 10 Molo Moo place 3 to 5 Priuce Price Blazes sbow bow 3 to 5 TH I KD RACE 5 32 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 8302 Puise Pulse 100 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A y StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owner O H J 118 li 121 13 111 16 Thorpe P Duune Dune 4444 8236 MR JOHNSON 118 7 5 42 2 2u 23 Nicholson J Belong Delong 10 30 10 30 30812tCHEVAL 812tCHEVAL DOR DORA 118 41 4 21 42 31 Everett T Luckey Lucky Co 8 15 8 15 1582362STREAMER 82362STREAMER 115 5K 2 3 31 4i J Hill J M Murphy 65131065 65 KJPRCE MCCLURG MCCLURE 111 6 3 5 51 54 Aker Baker W E Applegate Appellate 5555 55550018ONEITA 0018ONEITA 112 2 6 64 61 6 Hart George J Long 20 60 20 60 8285 DOREMUS DORMS 118 8 710 75 710 720 L Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 8 12 8 12 8208 SCHANKEN SHAKEN 112 SH 8888 Conley Coney W F Schulte Schultz 15 50 15 50 50Time Time 131 261 53i 1 06i 1 14 14Winner Winner B c by Falsetto Silver Thread ThreadPost Therapist Post 2 minutps minuets Start good Won easily second mildly driven Third and fourth under keen pressure Silver Tone reveled in the going He was quickest to get iu motion at the start and always held the race safe Mr Johnson well played at a long price ran up to expectations Cheval dOr doer always does well on a deep track He clearly outgamed untamed Streamer for third place through the stretch The latters clatters race was far below par He was much used though making up ground early and seemed to be in the deepest going on the far turn Prince McClurg McClure stopped and came again Doremus Dorms seems to have gone back backScratched backscratcher Scratched First Tenor 118 118Silver Silver Tone place 6 to 5 show 1 to 2 Mr Johnson place 8 to 1 show 4 to 1 Cheval dOr doer show 21 to 1 QO FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling O O W O Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third nd Horses A Wt St U Y X Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8283VICE REGAL 5104 IB 11 22 22 13 11 J Hill W J Smith 5857 8263 MONCREITH NONCREDIT 4112 2 6 64 66 33 26 Caywood Cawed J E Murphy 85853232 8207 INCONSTANCY 4 1C4 6 75 715 725 725 311 J Heiff Sheriff M Jordan 31 6 31 5 8237 OLLINS COLLINS 6104 3 21 11 12 22 42 Jenkins H E Rowell Roswell 8888 888880142RBEN 80142RBEN 787882832LA ROWETT ROWE 4 103 4 5 5H 41 5 H ROSo Rosa C E Muenshaw Mensal 7878 82832LA SALLE SALE 5 103 l 32 4 85 41 65 P Jordan W J Speirs Piers 20 40 20 40 8 37 PETS KITCHEN 5 JOO JO 81 44 41 52 625 72 Sheppard W A McConnell 15 15 10 10 8227 QUEBN QUEEN SAFIE SAFE 4 100 9 81 82 5 85 810 McNickle Canticle W Trauonicht Transonic 15 30 15 30 6124 SOBRIQUET 5 104 7 K 9 9 9 9 9 Aker Baker R Reagan 20 40 20 40 40Time Time 27 53 1 06 1 20 1 50 50Winner Winner Ch g by Prince Royal Indemnity IndemnityPost Indemnity Post 4 mimites minutes Start good Won eased up second driving third and fourth driving even harder Vice Regal repeated his performance of the day before He was at home in the deep going and galloped under a stout pull all the way The weight told on Monoeith Monolith Caywood Cawed rode a waiting race and when he called upon the colt he had nothing left to respond with In ¬ constancy came from far back in the stretch and got third place in the very last stride Collins ran a goTOijpace He was jumped on and badly cut But for this he surely would have been third La Sails wfts wafts close up all the way but tired at the end The field was badly strung out at the finish finishScratched finishes Scratched Amanda 100 Laius Claus 100 Alvin W 103 Prince of India 107 Organ Pilot 101 101Overweights Overweights Overweighs Sobriquet 4 pounds poundsCorrected outscore Corrected weights Vice Regal 104 104Vice Vice Regal place 2 to 1 show oven Moncreith Noncredit place 1 to 2 Inconstancy show even QO FIFTH HACK 34 Mile 3y oarolds aroids and upward Allowances O O J db Purse 400 value to wine er 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St U V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H I 82383CZAROWITZ 4124 6 5 x 21 11 15 JMcDoualdJ McDonald 8 OBrien O'Brien 351 351 8157 GOV GO SHEEHAN 7 117 a 3 311 3 26 Caywood Cawed W Landsberg Lindbergh 3 3 2 21 7231 RED GIDD GIDDY 3 108 21 I 8 21 38 Macklin Mackinaw R Bradley 10 10 7 8 8130 DEPENDING 3111 31 2 4 4 42 Everett E M Bergen 3 20 3 20 8283 KING DANCE 5 114 41 4i 6 6 5 L Reiff Riff R Grisella Giselle 15 40 15 40 6672 WHY 4114 1 6 51 52 6 Conley Coney Stanley Francis 6 30 6 20 20Time Time 261 53 1061 1211 1211Wiener Wiener B c by Martenhurst Marten Mabel Abel F FPost Post Post 4 minutes Start fair Won easily second well in hand third driving Czarowitz Carbonize was far the best He was off last ran around his field on the back stretch but was only galloping the last sixteenth Governor Sheehan ran a fair race Tabor Was scheduled to ride him but Cay ¬ wood was substituted Red Gidd Giddy heavily played looked at one time as though he would make fc runaway race of it He had a strong burst of speed but seemed to run out on the stretch turn PSfcending Softening was anchored in the going It was an ordinary lot lotCzarowitz Czarowitz Carbonize place 1 to 3 Governor Sheehan place 1 to 2 Red Gidd Giddy show 4 to 5 O ti K SIXTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearold Selling O O J O Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L r 8018 TREBOR TREVOR 105 9 61 101 7 3 111 G Stevens O G Parke Parker 4 10 4 10 8205 INUENDO INNUENDO 105 11 1 21 1HH H H Martin Friese Fries Co 2 2 7575 8157 BRIGHTIE BRIGHTEN S 106 3 3 41 41 2K 3 Couloy Colony W Schulto Schultz 10 10 8 8 8223 BRANCH 105 41 52 33 31 4 4 McNickle Canticle C E Mahone Mahoney Co 10 10 7 7 77NK 8140 MISS LIZZIE TIZZIES 106 1068C65 7NK 7 K 52 82 64 51 Ruttor Ruttier T J McHele Michele 12 12 8 8 8C65 EMP MP JOSEPHINE 105 101 102 6K 51 a 65 JMcDcnaldJ McDonald S OBrien O'Brien 5959 7981 HERMAN KAHN 108 81 9 82 9 81 71 Jenkins T Woods 15 100 15 100 8157 LITTLE ALARM 105 51 2 1 2K 73 8 Bloss Loss H E Rowell Roswell 10 20 10 20 7 JULIA HAZEL 105 2 4 1 62 93 96 Ellis M L Knntz Kant 10 30 10 3C 7981 QUEEN MAB AB 105 6 115J18 102 its HO Holden Olden Mrs M Koch 30 ICO CO 30 IdO Indo 7731 GYPCEIVER 18 UH 81 9 1120H20H40 Cayword Crawford J M Miuter Muter 15 40 15 41 6290 R1GICULM 118 12 12 12 12 12 12 W Zeno Zen ChfcS Chefs Weigman Wingman 20 HO 20 KO KOTime Katie Time 261 53 1 C6J 1 2H 1 36 36Winner Winner B g by Barnes Betty W WPost Post Post 3 minutes Start good The first six were spread clear acioss acidosis tte tote track and driving to the limit Trebor Trevor ran a great race He was thut hut oft on the first turn but made up ground srao sao ually dually and finished strong and true He was well played by the St Louis contingent Inuecdo Innuendo looked a sure inner on the turn for home but could lot stand the prostuie prestige acd aced went to piece in the Jast Jest sixteenth Brightie Brighten S was hardly walking at the finish With better racing lurk Miss Lizzie Tizzies would tuieJy tie have been in the first three Empress J sephine spine made up a lot of group 1 from a poor beginning Little Alarm had tpeed peed but no endurance enduranceScratched endurance Scratched Pearl Walker 105 Peg Parks 105 Cyril 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Brightie Brighten S 1 pound Miss Lizzie Tizzies 1 1Trebor Trebor Trevor pU ce 4 tn 1 sbow bow 8 to 5 Inuerado Innuendo place 4 to 5 Brightie Brighten S show 3 to 2