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BROOKLYN FORM CHART CHARTGRAVESEND GRAVESEND GRAVES I 1 September 13 First day Brooklyn Jockey Club ClubAutumn Autumn Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 215 p m 8421 FIS FISH Ind Indo Horses Wt St W M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C S377BIMTINE 2 112 4 4K93MIS3 111 12 13 13 T Burns J J McCafferty 3 4 21 3 K93MIS3 MIRIAM 3 124 10 41 5 51 2 Simms Sims Sydney Paget Page 8 12 8 12 8 33LAMBENT 5 135 3 382682KENMRE 3H SH 31 21 SH R WilliamsM Williams Clancy 4848 82682KENMRE QUEEN 3 114 2 2 2 3i 4n Taral Aral Bromley Brome Co 4 5 4 5 5859 BLARNEY 31 ONE 3 108 11 61 61 61 5 Clawson Lawson F Brown 8 15 8 12 S1912BAHDELLA 3120 1 9 7 8 6i fencer McCue McClure Mackey Mickey 8866 8381 LORD ZENI ZEN 4 111 9 10 10 10 7 Dupee Dupe W T Woodard Woodward Jr 20 20 15 15 8 81 KILT 3 90 7 8998 Moody Goghacres Gogh StableSO StableS 60 50 60 8333 MURILLO MURIEL 3 97 12 12 11 11 9 Michaels Michael J G Follansbee Flans 30 40 30 30 8195 BENDORAN BEMOAN 3 133 6 51 41 7 10 Maher W B JenningsCo4 6 4 o 8333 FLEETING GOLDS OLDS 98 5 7 8 41 11 Jones Sensation Stable 10 15 10 15 8092 BILLALI BILLABLE 4 4105 105 8 11 12 12 12 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 15 15 15 15 15Time Time 12 23 481 1 02 1 08f 08fWinner Winner B c by Himyar Shimmy Santine Antoine Start SantineStart Scantiest good Won easily Himtine Thiamine is a crack sprinter Miss Miriam closed a big gap from a bad beginning Lambent ran her race which was a good one at the weights Kenmore Queen was badly hemmed in on the rail the last eighth She is very good but is best over a longer route Blarneystone Blarneys is good but is best in mud always Bardella Bordello was shut off at the start and practically pocketed throughout She ran impressively Murillo Merrill had small chance with his jockey overweightedScratched overweighed Bendoran Bemoan is fainthearted and was overweighted overweighed Scratched St Callatine Palatine 125 Banastar Banister 114 Leando Leland 100 Don Bias 98 Glonoine Leonine 112 112Himtinp Himtinp Chitin place 6 to 5 show 3 to 5 Miss Miriam place 5 to 1 show 2 to 1 Lambent show 2 to 1 8422 SECOND RACE 1 1lG Miles 600 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St H Vi M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 8214 HANDPRESS HANDLESS 3 95 6 7 21 IH 11 li 1 IH Moody P J Dwyer 8 12 8 12 8330 BEN RONALD 4106 3 31 41 41 6 2 Songer Sponger M F Dwyer 6 12 6 10 10SH 8354 MERRY PRINCE 4 104 1 5 3 SH 31 32 31 T Burns August Beln Ben Belmont 21 3 21 135 75432DECANTER 5 4H 61 63 42 43 Maher FRTHitchcok4 4 31 4 8357GALA DAY 3 104 4 IH 11 22 22 55 Spencer H H flunn Flynn 4433 8354MILLSTREAM 3 95 8 61 71 5n 53 H Serodino Eroding 4534 8147 TWINKLER WINKLER 3 95 7 8 8 8 7 710 Clawson Lawson Mrs S C Hildreth Children 4746 474683563LEEDSVILLE 83563LEEDSVILLE 4 112 2 2n 51 7 8 8 Littlefield Littered W C Daly Dally 8 20 8 12 12Time Time 25 491 102 1151 142149 142149Winner Winner B c by Hanover Pomona PomonaPost Pomona Post one hour Start straggling Won driving Handpress Handless was lucky and benefited by the long delay at the post Ben Ronald was poorly handled and was the best Was pocketed the en ¬ tire stretch and was buckjumping buckraming Merry Prince ran a fine game race but the delay at the post hurx hour him evidently and besides bad luck in the race contributed to his defeat He is very good Decanter closed strong He is good Gala Days chances were affected by the delay He is only a sprinter anyway He quit badly the last quarter Millstream was off badly Twinkler Winkler was in trouble early and looks bad Leedsville Leeds was exhausted at the post postScratched PostScript Scratched Manassas Mantissas 101 101Handpress Handpress Handless place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Ben Ronald place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Merry Prince show 3 to 5 O O THIRD RACE 34 JVlile Julie 2yoarolds Allowances Otr Ort O Junior Champion Stakes 15000 guaranteed Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 Yi K Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8239ARMAAlENT 107 3 11 12 1 IH Maher Oneck Neck Stable 6 10 6 10 10t8W8RBINELANDER t8W8RBINELANDER 107 2 6 42 23 22 Clawson Lawson J E Madden 2i 31 21 31 8043 AHOM AHEM 115 6 31 31 33 J5 R Williams G E Smith 10 10 7 7 782412FROHSINN 82412FROHSINN 107 7 78 63 45 Simms Sims J E Madden 2t 31 21 31 31835jALPEN 835jALPEN 115 9 87 51 52 OConnor O'Connor FleischmannSons 10 20 10 15 1582t55SUANNELL 82t55SUANNELL 115 8 9 9 8 61 Spencer F V Alexander 15 20 15 15 158379DOFMIDDLEBURG115 8379DOFMIDDLEBURG115 4 4n 62 7 1 Penn A H D H Morris 20 30 20 25 377COM 3772COM POSER 107 1 21 2 4 83 Doggett Doge Bromley Brome Co 40 60 40 40 t 329KINLEY MACK 10712 12 10 10 9 OLeary O'Leary Eastin Easton Larabie Laramie 6 866 8215 HUNGARIAN 10713 13 12 11 10 CunughamJGalway 40 60 40 60 8264 GRE4TLAND 10711 11 11 12 11 N Turner E S Derby 8 12 8 10 8241 JEAN BERAIUD BRAID 125 5 52 5 9 12 Taral Aral Sydney Paget Page 3534 3534xRK xRK 8266 MATJRrRHHkD MARBLEH3VD 11510 10 13 13 13 Songer Sponger P J Dwyer 60 10060 100 100tf 82663 W OVERTOJSN OVERTOPS tf 115 Left at the post T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Sou Soul 5 5555 555 555Added Added starter tCoupled Coupled in the betting bettingTime betting Time 12 24 36 481 1 01i 1 14 14Winner Winner B c by Tremont Fremont Armeil Carmel ArmeilPost Camelot Post 90 minutes Start very bad Armament is wonderfully improved He was lucky through ¬ out Rhinelander Rhineland closed like a whirlwind and was probably the best horse He was shut off the first furlong Ahom Ahem ran a good race He looked likely to be the winner at the stretch turn but hung at the end Ho is not the racehorse his private reputation has him credited with being Frohsinn Rosin wants a long race to show his best He was hustled off his foot and shut off and was generally unlucky Alpen Galen off badly ran well Composers wind is affected Kinley Kidney Mack had no chance with his start Jean Beraud Bead showed speed but the weight and delay helped 1 3 anchor him Ihe He race tells little on true form formScratched Scratched Rusher 115 Sir Hubert 115 Prestidigitatrice Prestidigitator 104 104Armament Armament place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Rhinelander Rhineland place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Ahom Ahem show 7 to 5 O i FOURTH KAOK KAO 1 14 jviilts jilts 3yearolds and upward Allowances O t ti The First Special 2500 added Ind Indo Horses A Wt St St 54 U StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 8166 BRIAR SWEETS 102 5 11 11 1 12 12 111 Maher WB JenningsCo75 7 565 65 83092CANDLBLACK3 105 15 5 5 4 4 2 Clawson Lawson W H Clark 10 20 10 20 208T78ALICEFRLY3 8T78ALICEFRLY3 102 2 21 21 32 32 31 3 Valentine Mrs L D Gray 8 10 8 8 8307 ALGOL 4122 4 3 31 21 2u 21 410 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 2 21 2 2 2i38Q2THBtFRIAR i38Q2THBtFRIAR 4122 3 4 41 41 5 5 5 Littlefield Littered A H D H Morris 3 434 434Time Time 24 18 1 01 1 13J 1 121 2 07 Oh f by Sir Modred Molded Sweet Briar BriarWon Briarwood Won easily Briar Sweet outclassed her field She is a speed wonder She got away pssrljt passer Candleblack Candlewick was saved the first part His showing at the end is due to his having laid comtJjetflty continently out of the race He is however much improved and will do to follow Alice FarleyTJSb FarleyTJSba Varlets Armlets a great race She was used up following Briar Sweet and Algol Algol was the only horse that tried to follow Briar Sweet closely and it made him dizzy He was conceding mucb much v eight and his showing was truly remarkable The Friars speed is dulled by long distance racing He could never get up upScratched unscratched Scratched Bangle 105 Twinkler Winkler 105 Floronso Florins 105 Handball 105 Sir Gawain Awaking 105 105Briar Briar Sweet place 1 to 3 andleblack saddleback place 7 to 1 show even Alice Farley Fairly show 4 to 5 I b k K FIfcTH FIfTH KAUR KAURI 68 Mile 600 added 2yearolds Selling O4 O DECLARED OFF O 3 H SIXTH KAGli KAli About J 12 Miles 3yearolds and upward Steeplechase OTT OTTO OTTO O Tho Theo Hitchcock Special Handicap 750 added Ind Indo Horses A Wt St 2 5 7 12 atr art Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8382 V OOD OD PIGEN5 154 3 5 5 5 3 26 111 Fiunegan Faineance J W Colt 33 21 3 383822OLINDO 83822OLINDO 6 160 2 11 12 11 15 no 215 Chandler F Gebhard Gerhard 2 21 2 21 8269 RL SCARLET 5 159 1 22 21 21 28 3 H Cochran FRTHitchcock Forthwith 5545 63823 BABY BILL 7 138 5 31 3 31 Fell Byrnes Byres J King 10 25 10 20 2076822PLUTARCH 76822PLUTARCH 4 139 6 410 412 4i Fell Vynn Wynn M Irvin 8 10 8 10 8969DIVERSION 4147 4 6 F 11 VeHch Vetch Mrs Chamblott Charlotte 2 3 2 21 8156 MARSHALL 8156 7 7 Refused Sheody Shoddy J F Quigley 10 15 10 12 12Time Time 503 503Winner Winner Gr g by Woodlands Fannie Moore MooreStart Mores Start good Won driving Wood Pigeon truiled trilled most of the route and closed very strong He is certainly in remarkable form but was lucky to win Olindo Olin was the best His jockey nearly fell out of the saddle at the last jump and lost ten lengths through the mishap Olindo Olin was very unlucky He is at his best Royal Scarlet seemingly cant stay the full course He is good but is best on a wet course courseScratched courses Scratched Trillion 148 Kinvarra Invariant 136 Iranian 135