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NEWPORT KMTR1KS KMTR1KSProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 34 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Selling End Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp8277Stanel 8277Stanel 2 82 640 6408412Ennomia 8412Ennomia 2 W W8J3330daliche 8J3330daliche S JSo So ran 660 310 83222Ma ran83222Ma Angeline Angelina 8434 SchcolGirl Schoolgirl 3 102 o42 8319 Lord Neville 3 8346 Johnny Bohan Bhang J 8410 Mazeppa Marzipan 4107 670 8431 Violet Parsons 4 107 66 8438 Osinon Simon 4 110 610 610Second Second Race 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 8437 Belle of Dublin 97 650 8392 Banda Bandar Rossa Rosa 97 640 8437 Becky Ban 97 645 8295 Parrakeet Parakeet 100 63o 63o84092Press 84092Press Kimball 100 660 8435 Mazo Matzo 106 662 66269902Rcckland 69902Rcckland 106 670 8435 Vox Ox 110 655 7837 Holland HO 67o 67o8409Air 8409Air Blast HO 660 660Third Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap 8343 Possum 3 87 670 67084123aauber 84123aauber 3 90 675 67583l72Fireside 83l72Fireside 4 100 700 70084122Lanky 84122Lanky Bob 3 107 695 695Fourth Fourth Race 2 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 8414 Dudley E 3 95 660 8454 Dominica 4 105 30 308J673KittieB 8J673KittieB 5 105 670 8454 Davezac Dave 9 105 640 8414 Jack Bradley 6 105 650 8342 Sir Ebony 4 105 655 65584113Barton 84113Barton 41C8 675 8279 Rifle 4 108 665 665Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc Lizzie Tizzies Tello Tell ch f by Dona Donna Donatello Donate tello tell Elizabeth H 97 6618 Frank Fellows 97 640 8344 Signa Sigma 97 645 8409 Ed Roth 100 642 642Cantados Cantados Canards b c by Pardee Parsee PayS 100 7912 Rebus 100 630 630Brigade Brigade ch c by Hayden Ed ¬ wards Opal 100 8394 La Fayette Layette 100 652 8437 Norma Taylor 102 655 8413 Nancy Seitz Seize 102 675 6758I372Salvarse 8I372Salvarse 102 670 8218 FrancesD Frances 105 650 65083943Paca 83943Paca 105 660 8344 Crinkle 105 665 665Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile All Ages Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 8413 Rose Ash 8437 Contravene 8341Volandies 8413Galathee 83942AI Sirat Spirant 8370 Eleanor Holmes 8370 John Boone 8370Cyclone II 8370 Motilla Amontillado 83912Miss Verne