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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL September 30 Second MeetingWeather Meeting day Harlem Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Col Cool at Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2 p m Q F T O FIRST RACE SS Mile 2yearolds Allowances O AllowancesO Allowances O e O Purse 400 value to winner 395 10 entrance 132 to second 63 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St H H Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8492 MISS DOOLEY 115 4 4n 51 6 2i 1 Bloss Loss W J Conway 7766 8347 RAMLET ARMLET 107 1 li IH If 2 Everett George J Long 10 10 10 10 107NK 7905 LA JOSEPHINE 115 3 7NK 72 6 33 Ellis J Griffin Co 25 25 25 25 8300 ROSAVANNAH 107 10 91 91 81 4i WZeno Wizen H Heinsohn Henson 30 30 30 30 306f 8505 FLORENCE FINK 107 6 684923YO 6f 4 31 51 Rutter Ruttier C P Fink 20 20 20 20 84923YO NO SE 107 9 i 8 5 7 6i H Martin O G Parke Parker 3 332 3 2 11 115 115R 6093 ALPINA ALPINE 107 7 R Narvaez Larvae W K Cleveland 100 100 40 40 8487 RIVAL DARE 107 11 101 gill 8U Rose Walden Sweet 12 12 12 12 84873PRCESS MURPHY 115 8 11 11 12 92 J Hill L H Ezell Bezel 6767 6767William 6652 CELESTE DOR DORA 11512 1151282333ALICE 12 13 13 103 LReiff Leif William Mulkey Mule 20 25 20 25 82333ALICE B 115 13 13 12 101 11 C Sloan John Brenock Redneck 8866 8444 ETTA P 115 14 1484922SIDTILLA 14 14 14 12 Hiram James Hueston Houston 40 40 40 4 84922SIDTILLA 115 2i S lOi loci 5i 13 Rowe T J McHale Chalet 12 20 12 2 8492 MENDACIOUS 107 15 15 15 15 14 Vancamp Vance L D Hall 15 15 10 1 10 5556 ANNA HELD 107 5 21 2i 91 15 Newcom Newcomer Kahn Co 10010060 60 8233 POCOCANTO PROVOCATION 10716 16 16 16 16 BeauchampLS Bacchanals Williams Co 30 30 30 30 30Time Time 24i 501 1 03h 03hWinner Winner Br f by Clarendon Claremont Gossip GossipOff Gossip Off first break to a good start The first three were driving to the limit Miss Dooley was well ridden and lucky Bloss Loss took the short route and saved a lot of ground throughout It was only through Everetts Everett kindness though that he got through at the head of the stretch Had the latter closed in a trifle he would have sharply shut Miss Dooloy Dooley off It was a clean piece of riding Ramlet Armlet was fortunate in getting off and showed considerable speed but tired at the end as though short La Josephine ran the bist bits race of the bunch She had a very rough jour ¬ ney NE but stood it gamely Rosavannah came fast at the end This filly deserves attention in the same kind of company Yo No Se was on the outside and obliged to run all around the field Both Sidtilla Scintilla and Anna Held quit badly in the stretch The latter tried to run out Florence Fink performed creditably creditablyScratched creditably Scratched Queens Pawn 115 Thought So 107 Wilmingtons Wilmington Pet 107 107Miss Miss Dooley place 2 to 1 show even Ramlet Armlet place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 La Josephine show 4 to 1 O K TO SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 100 Yards 4yearolcls and upward Allowances O f i O Purse S400 value to winner S3dO 75 to second 25 to third md Horses Str Star Fin Jockeys 8557 CHERRY LEAF 4 105 1 33 32 32J INK 12 Rutter Ruttier T M Berry Co 4 4 3 84413DAVID TENNY TENANCY 4 108 21 2 2 1 2 21 H Martin P Dunne 1 1 710710 7107108141CANDELARIA 8141CANDELARIA 4 114 4 6 6 6 4 3i L Reiff Riff A Covington Coving 10 12 10 12 128263TOPMAST 8263TOPMAST 5 104 5 4 4 5i 31 42 Bloss Loss S M Reynolds 5858 2295 CARNERO CARNE 4 104 6 51 1 52 4 ff a i J Hill J M Murphy 6 20 6 20 7792 COCHISE COCHINS 5 94 3 12 li 2 t 51 6 Lilly John Krepper Keeper 60 300 60 300 300Time Time 25 50j 1 02i 1 15t 1 411 1 48 48Winner Winner B c 4 by Athelstan Atheist Sunbeam SunbeamPost Sunbeam Post 3 minutes Start good Won cleverly at the end after a hard early drive Cherry Leaf seems to be back to his Washington Park form He ran a corking good race and had David Tenny Teeny beaten swinging into the stretch At that point Martin was whipping hard while Rutter Ruttier on Cherry Leaf was simply hand riding Midway between the turn and the eighth pole David Tenny Teeny soomed some to come again Cherry Loaf bore over a trifle and there was slight interference but not enough to cause any difference in the result Tenny Teeny was clearly beaten but Martin tried the old fake of pulling up He claimed foul but it was aot oat allowed Candelaria Candelabra is a stretch runner He was galloping over horses at the end This race will put Carnero Caner on edgo ego He ran much better than the figures show and deserves attention from now on So does Cochise Cochins in lower company at a shorter route routeScratched outstretched Scratched Linda 103 Winslow 99 Charley Christy 10 Summer Sea 99 Croesus Cress 89 Cherryjjaaf Cherry place 4 to 5 show 1 to 3 David Tenny Teeny place 1 to 4 Candelaria Candelabra show even evenO even O pr QT THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling O SellingO Selling J O V Purse 100 value to winner S3SO entrance 10 123 to second 57 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8t883AFAiIADA 103 2 2 4 12 J Hill MdltnJgblth 4444 7765 HINDOONET HIMONT 105 4 li 12 2H 2 Bloss Loss C A Tilles Tiles 6666 8221 DOUSTERSWIVEL DUSTERS 105 3 5 51 32 3 Narvaez Larvae J Call 50 60 50 60 608177GOOD 8177GOOD FRIEND 104 It 13 71 4i 4 H Martin James Whitten Whiten 4848 8443 STAR CRESCENT 102 11 9 91 6i 5H Holden Olden T M Berry Co 60 100 60 100 10083512TOM 83512TOM TOHER OTHER 102 13 12 11 71 61 Corner W M Baird 30 100 30 100 8450 BLACK FONSO FONTS 10210 111 12 11 71 Goodwin Godwin G B Grimes Co 40 10040 100 81062HEIGH HO 10212 11113 12 81 J Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 3i 31 3 31 8535 RED GIDD GIDDY 102 5i 8i 101 13 92 Seaton Eaton R Bradley 50 60 50 60 8397 EMP MP JOSEPHINE 102 6H 6i 6 81 102 JMcDonaldJ McDonald S OBrien O'Brien 20 30 20 30 8108 CYRIL 104 SH 4K 2 5Klli BeauchampGeorge Bedchamber J Long 20 60 20 60 8062 MELTER METER 109 1 31 SH 91 12 Rutter Ruttier W H Laudeman Laundryman 5757 8402 LOCUST BLOSSOM 104 9 71 81 102 13 Everett W K Cleveland 8 12 8 12 80593QPPONENT 102 15 Fell Rose F W Doss Co 8 8 6 7 8402 LIVAD1A 104 7 Fell Ellis J Griffin Co 30 30 30 30 30Time Time 24t 50 1 02J 1 151 151Winner Winner Br f by Duke of Montrose Laura W WPosts Posts Posts minutes Start fair Won driving next three driving oven harder It was a bad race to extract form from There was a lot of bumping at the start and all through the journey Good Friend darted in as the barrier went up almost throwing Heigh High Ho and going down herself The chances are she was the best as she made up a lot of ground and finished strong Afamada Alameda and Hindoonet Himont were lucky to escape interference both were clear of the bunch and had clear sailing Hindoonet Himont was tiring badly at the end Afamada Alameda on the other hand had something left Dousterswivel Dusters would have bean a keen contender with a better rider He was bumped and jostled and cut off at every turn Neither Ellis nor Rose was hurt in the fall fallScratched flycatcher Scratched Julia Hazel 102 102Afamada Afamada Alameda place 3 to 2 show 7 to 10 Hindoonet Himont place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Dousterswivel Dusters show 12 to 1 O K Q 1 FOURTH BAUJ31 ftllte tilted 3yearoldc and upward Allowances O O O J Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St i y 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H i 8fi073BUCKVlDERE 4105 2 41 3i IK 12 l J McDonald A Cahn Can 8989 8258 DUNOIS DUBOIS 4105 5 5 6i 6 4 2 H Martin T H Ryan 95958595 959585958106YUBA 8106YUBA DAM 4102 3 6M 51 4 2 32 J Hill W E Applegate Appellate 4 4 31 31 8441 DARE II 4 105 7 7 7 7 3t 4 BeauchampJ Beach Huffman 9 10 9 10 8406 LDY LD CALLAHAN4 104 4 H 1 2U 5H a Ellis M S Hughes li M H 20 20Svi6PLT4IN Svi6PLT4IN 3 92 1 2 3 6 6 Ro e R Bradley i H 1J 8441 HER FAVOR 3 92 6i 3 4i 5 7 7 J Reiff Riff Rodegap Bodega Co 4444 Time 4444Time 24f 49 102 l15i 1411 Winner 1411Winner Ch c by Belvidere Belvedere Elkhorn Lass Post 3 minutes Start good Won hand ridden and out to the last ounce the next throe were driving hard Buckvidere Duckier awoke with a start His race was a great improvement over he has shown on the local tracks In fact it was a sudden form reversal McDonald took any no chances He went after Lady Callaban Callahan down the back stretch and had a commanding lead when straightened away for home Dunois Dubois was ridden the long route He was best and was catching Buckvidere Duckier fast at the finish Yuba Dam was a very tired horse after the race Dare II saved a lot of ground on the stretch turn Lady Callahan and Plantain raced each other to piece early Rose on the latter interfered with everyone but Lady Callahau Callahan on the first turn Overweights Overweighs Lady Callahan 2 pounds Buckvidere Duckier place 2J to 1 show 6 to 5 Dunois Dubois place 7 to 10 Yuba Dam show 3 to 5 Qf QO FIFTH BACE ACE 0 18 Furlongs 2 yearolds earls Allowances O tJ O Purse S400 value to winter 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vt 5i Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners OH 85553TULLA KONSO ONO 105 2H 2H85102CANACE m 121 11 1 JMcDonaldJ McDonald Huffman 5 12 85102CANACE 97 3 383983SURVIVOR 22 2222 23 McNicklo Canticle NSHallCo Shallot 5 6J 5 6 83983SURVIVOR 103 IN IN85552MISS 32 3 32 32 H Martin P Dunne 3434 85552MISS MARKS 97 4 x x85302JOLLY 5 x 4 4i 41J j Reiff Riff M Jordan 4846 85302JOLLY ROGER 103 51 518U9 61 62 5 5 Bloss Loss J A Vetter Fetter 2 2 8585 8U9 HANLIGHT HEADLIGHT 97 81 73 75 65 62 Sheppard J J Donovan 7 13 7 12 8236 MAZIE MAZE V 97 6i 6i7972ANNOWAN 411 511 711 71 ROSB ROBS R Bradlpy Broadly 12 50 12 50 7972ANNOWAN 100 9 99 81 82 Holden Olden F D Collins 15 40 15 40 8233 MISS DAY 97 71 81085 9 9 Gray WJWidener Co 100 03 ICO CO 200 Time 200Time 23i 481 10111071 BlackburnPost Blackburn Winner 10111071Winner B f by Fonso Fonts Tulla Tulle Blackburn Post 8 minutes Start good Won hand ridden and staggering the next two were extremely busy This was another form reversal Considering the distance was a half furlong more and Tulla Tulle FOUEO FUEGO was picking up three pounds more weight than she carried the day previous it did not look on that race as though she had a possible chance to beat Mis Miss Marks The latter came from behind in the last race and beat Fonso Fonts Today however Fonso Fonts had speed to loan and Miss Marks seemed to run dull Jolly Roger ran nowhere near his last performance He though had a lot of bad luck and his race may be excused Cauace Chaucer was right there all the way and it looked at the eighth polo as though she would beat Tulla Tulle Fonso Fonts Survivor could never get up He was hand ridden though all the way Hanlight Fanlight looked high in flesh and evidently needed a race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Billy House 100 100Tulla Tulla Tulle Fonso Fonts place 4 to 1 show 2 tol tool Canace Cancel place 2 to 1 show even Survivor show 3 to 5 SellingOJOO Selling O K Q Q SIXTH RACE78 Mile 3yearoIda and upward Selling OJOO Purse 400 value to winner 390 10 entrance 139 to second 61 to third A Wt St M V X StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 84U7 CHERRYFLAME CHERYL 4104 41 3H 3 11 12 H H Martin T M Berry Co 5 5 4 41 83523BISHOP REED 4 107 5 SH 4 4 2 2 J Hill J Rodeuap Rode 6 71 6 71 8446 COUNT FONSO FONTS 4 104 Ilxi2 8 6 51 311 JMcDonaldScott McDonalds Powers 10 12 10 12 8374 REUBEN ROWTT4 107 10u 81 61 71 41 42 Goodwin Godwin C E Muenshaw Mensal 15 30 15 30 8258 LEW LE HOPPER 5 110 3 72 7 51 31 5H Bloss Loss J Brenock Redneck 5757 853i3GOLD 5757853i3GOLD BAND 4 104 12 11 11 91 82 6 Sheppard G W Curtis 10 20 10 20 7282 PINAR PIMA DEL RIO 3 98 13 Klo Kilo 10 10 91 72 W Jones P T Kelly 60 60 30 40 8490 ZOLO ZOO 4101 8 91 12 12 11 8 BeauchampG Beaching J Long 10 80 10 80 8352 2083962ABE MILLIE M 5 104 7 14 14 14 12 92 Rutter Ruttier C E Brossman Grossman 15 20 15 20 83962ABE FURST FURS 4110 2 K 31 23 326110 Everett J B Hespass Thespians 32853232 7961 NEMO NEO 3 101 9 13 13 13 14 111 Hothersall Others J F Barrett Barrette 50 100 50 ICO CO 8443 KINGS HIGHWY HIGHWAY 3 101 14 61 5 K 82 10 121 Rose R Bradley 50 80 50 80 8443 MOCH MOCHA 3 101 6 4 91 11 13 132 J Ward B Schreiber 60 200 CO 200 8509 HERMOSO HERMOSA 3 101 li 1 li 2 71 14 Vancamp Vance J Delong Belong 15 30 15 30 Time 30Time 24 49 1 02 1 15 1 28i Winner SPost Spots 28iWinner B f by Iroquois Hettie Hattie S Post 6 minutes Start fair Won easily the next three were under fall sail Chorryflame Cheryl got off in a nice position and there was nnver inner a spot in the road that she did not look a winner Martin knew the two in front of him Abe Furst Furs and Hermoso Hermosa were quitters and waited for them to como back On the far turn he made his move and about that time the two leaders came back and the way positions were shifted waa Wada peculiar Cherryflame Cheryl seemed to go to the front in a stride and Abe Furst Furs and Hermoo Thermo stopped in the same way Martin came wide on the turn losing a lot of ground and when straightened away Lew Blew Hopper looked to have a chance He tired though right at the end Count Fonsos Floss race was a cracking good one He was away none too well and had all the bad luck Bishop Reed is not a true horse and consequently a bad be ting proposition Abe Furst Furs can not stand grief With Hermoso Hermosa out of the way he would have run a much bettor race As t was the latter carried him along too fast the first part of it Scratched Idle Hour 107 Peg Parks 98 Branch 98 Majesta Majesty 104 Cherryflame Cheryl 104Cherryflame place 3 to 2 show 3 to 5 Bishop Reed place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 Count Fonso Fonts show 2 to 1