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FOKT FOLK ERIE ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Horses85463Stone Age Wt Hdcp Dc 85463Stone Fence FenceMag Enema 3 102 635 Mag Magi Anderson 3 102 2164 DesDressen Decrease 3 102 600 8415 Fair Rebel 4 101 610 SUoAddieC Sporadic 7 101 S 610 8569 Raymond F 3 97 600 8569Guilder 3 97 635 8517 Diosius Disuse 3 97 605 847 Swashbuckler 3 97 615 8517 Colonel Frank Waters 3 97 650 841WWeeclipsie 3 97 645 8468 Flo Floe W 3 94 600 8475 Belle of France 3 94 615 8499 Delicate 3 94 625 8499 Clay Poynter Ponte 3 94 630 Second Race 68 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 8570 Lizzie Tizzies Kelly 107 84642 Holden Olden 8428 Weller Dweller 8520 Boll In 102 83603Romany Rawny Brawny 102 8229 Silver Fish 102 8 67 Thanksgiving 102 8178 High Water 102 81763Lady Scarlet 102 8567 Leostratus Lester 102 8464 Roberta C 102 8500 Onatavia Sonata 102 8545 LizzieR Dizzier 102 Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 8501 Revenue 8 105 8546 Aunt Lida Linda 7 105 7419King Morgan 4 103 Maiden Bold 4 103 8479 Sir Tenny Teeny 4 97 8517 Miss Kittie Kitties 5 98 8546 GlenAlbvn Glendale 4 98 8542 Nero 10 93 8517 Truelight Trebling 4 91 8480 Bob Loach 4 91 8542 Prince Zeno Zen 3 90 8569 Greenhorn 3 88 8274 Sissie Sissies Chance 3 85 First series seriesFourth series Fourth Race 5 12 Furlonffs Furlongs 2yearolds Selling Selling84783Prince 84783Prince Plausible 103 8545 Prospero 100 85702Qarrabrant 100 8430 Elurine Pelerine 97 8570 Merode Erode 94 85703Mouzeltoff 94 8518 Lady Bratton Raton 94 8570 Buena Ventura 94 8520 Julia W 92 Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling8479SimW 8479SimW 5119 85442Debride 4 115 8521Percita 5 107 84683Ferryman II 5 105 8544 Bob Turner 4 105 8521 Halton Alton 7 105 83162Bromo 4 103 8427Cynthia H 4 101 8519Tillie W 3 101 Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling85213AlbertS 85213AlbertS 5 110 85443Forseen 5 106 8432 K C 4 106 8503 Prima 8073 Quaver 85682Nover 5 103 8465 Mamie Mammies Callan Allan 4 101 8544 Christabello Charitable 3 99 8547 Trivoli Tripoli 4 98 8547 Bob Garnet 3 95 85692Annie Lauretta Laurent 3 94 84182Sleepy Belle 4 93