Morris Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-10-02


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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART CHARTWESC CHARTERS WESC ESC HESTER N Y October 1 First day Weschester Escheat Racing Association Autumn Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 215 p m O 1 FIRST RACE 1 34 Miles 600 added 3yearolds and upward 8T 4 7 A October Hurdle Handicap Ind Indo Horses A Wt St 1 2 4 6 1 Fin Jockeys Owners O H JU t 8723 MOSLEM 4 151 3 11 12 1 H Mr Chamblett Hamlet 12 35 720910 87233 MARS HALL 8 148 2 21 2 21 3 215 25 Allmark Hallmark J F Quigley 4 4 31 31 3723 QOY OXY BUDD BUD 5 142 1 3 3 3 21 3 3 Dayton W L Oliver 4747 4747Time Time 319 319Winner Winner B g by Surefoot Surefooted Otioma Optima OtiomaStart Cotoneaster Start pood pod Won pulled up Moslem outclassed his field Marshall ran wall for Allmark Hallmark Governor Budd Buddy was poorly handled handledScratchedSir ScratchedSir Scratched Vassar 161 Dutch Skater 147 Widower 130 BenEder Bleeder 145 Lady Dainty 142 142Marshall Marshall place 2 to 5 SECOND RACE Withers Mile 600 added 3yearolds and upward 8792 Allowances A Wt St i Yz 5 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 37192CLONSILLA 3 105 1 2 21 22 11 Is Manor GoughacresStable4 544 54486152BARDELLA 86152BARDELLA 3105 4 3114 31 22 23 Spencer McCue McClure Mackey Mickey 1 1 3535 8743 OXNARD 3 108 3 4 31 4 36 310 Clawson Lawson H T Griffin 4645 8713 LEEDSVILLE LEEDS 4 126 2 12 12 IH 4 4 Clayton W C Daly Dally 10 15 10 15 15Time Time 241 361 491 1 021 1 15J 1 401 401Winner Winner Ch f by Enthusiast Maid of Athens AthensStart Athens Start good Won driving Clonsilla Consular was perfectly handled It was a close tbing tubing as to which was best between her and Bardella Bordello The latter had some bad luck being shut off on the stretch torn Oxnard found the pace too fast but ran well up to his best form Leedsville Leeds was overweighted overweighed He will do well on this track trackScratched tracks Scratched Swamp Angel 113 113Corrected Corrected weight Leedsville Leeds 126 126Clonsilla Clonsilla Consular place even THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 500 added 2yearolds Allowances 8793 Ind Indo Horses Wt St St8t572 VA Vt J Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8t572 HAPSBURG 115 3 386733MANLIUS IH 12 12 13 Simms Sims J E Madden 3 4 3 31 86733MANLIUS 115 6 68o73 61 51 22 23 Spencer George J Long 3 4 31 31 8o73 CHAPPAQUA CHAPEAU 115 7 786732TBE 41 31 41 3 Doggett Doge Oneck Neck Stable 8 15 8 15 86732TBE BUR ROUTE 115 2 21 21 31 41 OLeary O'Leary Turney Tourney Bros Brows 3 5 21 4 8586 STRANGEST 115 1 1S657 SH 41 62 51 T Burns T B Alexander 10 12 10 10 10S657 S657 TIP GALLANT 116 8 8 61 51 6H H Lewis M Gilpin Gulping 8 12 8 10 8718 AL REEVES 112 5 7 7 7 73 Hewitt W C Daly Dally 30 100 30 75 75MACLEOD MACLEOD MACEIO OF DARE115 9 9DORVAL 9 9 8 81 Clayton Eastin Easton Larabie Laramie 10 J2 8 10 DORVAL DORAL 112 12 11 10 10 91 Clawson Lawson W H Clark 15 20 10 15 377 MENU 112 4 51 8 9 103 E Jones W L Oliver 20 60 20 50 8673 ANIMUS 115 11510 10 10 11 11 IH Littlefield Littered A H D H Morris20 50 20 40 6705 BIG INDIAN 115 11 12 12 12 12 Maher A J Joyner Joiner 6 12 6 10 10Time Time 23 48 1 004 1 07 07Winner Winner B c by Candlemas Candelas Lady Reel ReelStart Redstart Start good Won easily Hapsburg was best and likes the Eclipse course Manlius Manliest is a slow beginner He closed strong at the end of a stormy journey Chappaqua Chapeau lucky and strongly handled finished well The Burlington Route stopped badly at the end and likes a shorter trip Strangest swerved badly the last eighth but ran surprisingly well Tip Gallant showed well MacLeod Maceio of Dare ran very green greenScratched greengrocer Scratched Tophet Tope 115 115Overweights Overweights Overweighs Tip Gallant 1 pound poundHapsburg Hapsburg place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Manlius Manliest place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Chappaqua Chapeau show 21 to 1 Orrfll Norfolk FOURTH RACE Eclipse Course 2yearolds Allowances O I t7rdt The Nursery Stakes Value 5000 Ind Indo Horses Wt St St871FETHELBERT StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 871FETHELBERT 117 10 11 21 1 CunnghamJ Chung Galway 8 15 8 15 8744KENTUCKY COL COLE 118 11 8 4H 2n OLeary O'Leary E O Pepper 4 4 3 3 8653 HIMTINE THIAMINE 114 12 1286r33MANUEL 63 H 32 Doggett Doge J J McCafferty 8 10 8 8 86r33MANUEL 118 6 68f2i 41 31 41 Spencer George J Long 6766 8f2i BLACK VENUS 119 9 9 61 56 Turner E O Pepper 4 4 3 3 8 = 25 AUTUMN 119 7 77284TOLUCA 7 7 61 Maher A J Joyner Joiner 8 15 8 12 7284TOLUCA 110 8 311 5n VH Clawson Lawson S C Hildreth Children 10 12 8 10 7746 COUN CON WERNBERG WERNER 115 5 10 8 81 OConnor O'Connor J A McLauchlin McLaughlin 40 60 40 50 8241 FILIGRANE FILIGREE 112 13 1383083tSIR 11 9 91 Littlefield Littered A H D H Morris 10 12 1010 83083tSIR HUBERT 114 16 14 10 102 W Martin FleischmannSons 12 15 10 12 8744 PRESTTRICE RESTRICTED 105 15 15830b 13 11 111 E Jones A H D H MorrisJlO Morris 12 10 10 830b THE ROSE 100 14 12 12 12 Hayden W H Clark 30 100 30 75 8718 COMPOSER 110 4 48525MRHINELANDER 15 13 13 Taral Aral Bromley Brome Co 20 100 20 100 1008525RHINELANDER 8525MRHINELANDER 8525RHINELANDER 114 2 21 14 11 Simms Sims J E Madden 10 20 6 12 87203 HAVELOCK CHARLOCK 102 i 1 i83793MARTIMAS 16 15 15 T Burns J Galway 8 15 8 15 1583793MARTIMAS 83793MARTIMAS 126 3 5 16 16 H Lewis W M Hendrie Henries 4534 4534fAdded fAdded Added starter J HCoupled Coupled in bettingTime betting the betting Time 24 484 1 00t 1 12i 12iWinner Winner B c by Eothen Ethan Maori MaoriStart Maoist Start fair Won driving The first three all displayed gameness and high class form The b bst best st all around race horse probably won Manuel was an easy fourth after being interfered with near the finish Black Venus had a very stormy journey Autumn lacked speed Toluca Toucan was probably short Rhinelander Rhineland stopped unaccountably Martimas Martians couldnt couldn't be kept straight and swerved all over the track trackEthelbert stakeholder Ethelbert Ethel place 6 to 1 show 3 to 1 Kentucky Colonel place 6 to 5 show 3 to 5 Himtine Thiamine how 8 to 5 QTflPC FIFTH HACK 1 14 Miles 3yearolds Allowances O 6 t O The Jerome Stakes 1500 added Ind Indo Horses Wt St St J4 H 5K Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 86973HANDBALL 110 5 41 41 4H 61 41 12 N Turner P J Dwyer 10 25 10 20 86743 WHISTLG WHIST CON 104 2 14 11 21 51 62 22 Maher F C OReilly Gorily 5858 8242 SAILOR KING 106 7 7 7 61 8 71 31 T Burns W Jennings 6644 6644872imEORGEKEENE114 872imEORGEKEENE114 10 H 21 12 13 i 44 Clawson Lawson S C Hildreth Children 3 3 24 135 8721 BANGLE 115 4 8 8 SH 7 8 51 Clayton ESGardnerSonlO 12 8 10 1066892WARRENTON 66892WARRENTON 110 3 3 6u 93 2H 22 61 Spencer W L Oliver 8888 8378 LAVEROCK LAVER 106 9 10 9 7 9 9 7 E Jones W M Hendrie Henries 10 10 8 8 88554MARTHA 8554MARTHA II 102 1 SH SH SH 3 3 81 OConnor O'Connor Sydney Paget Page 10 15 10 12 12I675CANDLEBLACK116 I675CANDLEBLACK116 6 61 54 34 44 51 91 Taral Aral W H Clark 34 4 3 3 3iSei iSei nisei DECANTER 100 8 9 ID 10 10 10 10 O Leary Lear FR THitchcockS Hitchcock 12 8 10 10Atfded Atfded Ratified starters Time 2i 51 1 03 1 164 1 41 2 06 06Winner Winner Ch c by Hanover Keepsake Start good Won driving Handball was best today and well handled Whistling Con like the winner also showed the utmost gamoness gameness and stamina over the trying hill course Sailor King closed strong at the end George Keene was exhausted by pacemaking peacemaking up the hill but ran finely Bangle showed unexpected stamina and resolution Warrenton Warren looked the winner at the eighth pole but showed lack of condition when he fell away Laverock Laver had bad luck all through Martha II ran well Candleblack Candlewick appeared to be galloping the first part but stopped in the stretch and was pulled up Decanter was outclassed outclassedHandball outclassed Handball place 10 to 1 show 5 to 1 Whistling Con place 3 to 1 show 6 to 5 Sailor King show 4 to 5 O SIXTH HACE ACE Eclipse Course All Ages 7 O The Manhattan Handicap 1500 Added Horses A Wt St Yi K Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 7347 SANDERS 3 107 1 18747SWIFTMAS 23 12 12 Spencer A J Alexander 8 8867 8747SWIFTMAS 3 121 6 68719IRISH 63 21 2 Maher Deimel Decimal Farrell 8 10 8 10 8719IRISH REEL 6 124 4 48745ST 41 43 3 Moody FleischmannSons 6 6644 8745ST CALLATINE COLLATION 3 106 3 38526ALGOL 51 S 43 Clawson Lawson W A Pinkerton 6 6655 8526ALGOL 4 132 7 77 55 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 4 4IH 4 31 4 8696 MISS MIRIAM 3103 2 IH 51 62 Simms Sims Sydney Paget Page 8 10 8 8 8674 WHITE FROST 4 119 8 8 8 73 Taral Aral E S GardnerSon Gardner 6 65 5 8211 ROYAL STAG 5 116 9 98694LADY 998 Clayton J S Curtis 6 6867 8694LADY LINDSAY 2 94 5 31 6 9 OConnor O'Connor JAMcLaughlin 15 15 10 12 Added starters Time 23i 48 1 00 1 1H Winner B c Hanover Constantinople ConstantinopleStart Constantinople Start straggling Won easily Sanders wa easily the best and thrown in if handicapped on his best form Swiftmas Swiftness ran finely and finished gamely under good handling Irish Reel weakly ridden was easily second best St Callatine Palatine was interfered with at the start but ran a game goodScratched woodcraft race Algol was off badly but closed fast at the end Royal Stag is apparently not good Scratched Handball 109 Geisha 102 Toluca Toucan 92 92Sanders Sanders place 21 to 1 show 1 to 5 Swiftmas Swiftness place 4 to 1 show 8 to 5 Irish Reel show 4 to 5

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Local Identifier: drf1898100201_1_2
Library of Congress Record: