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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM CHART CHARTMILLDALE MILLDALE MOLDABLE Ky October 1 First day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Autumn Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge L P Tarlton Carlton Starter J P Chiun Chin Racing starts at 2 15 p m Qrjlirr FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse400 All ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St V V Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 87563ALLEVIATE 3 114 4 7 7 21 U Conley Coney W F Schulte Schultz 4444 6989 PERFORMANCE 4104 2 31 41 32 2 Kuhn S S Brown 8888 8496 JOHN BOONE 5 112 1 12 5 is 32 Aker Baker J R Bagley Bangle 12 12 12 12 15f 8625 MISS BRAMBLE 4 104 3 2 2 41 41 W Hughes T E Davis 15 15 15 15 f 8624 FIRESIDE 4112 6 51 61 51 51 Frost C C Maffitt Afflict 85858585 8587 MATANZA MATA 2 92 5 41 SH 61 61 Southard Southward L V Bell 1 651 65 8557 RICHARD J 3 112 8 8 51 7 720 Britton Briton VV M Rogers 4444 8113 ALBERT C 3 104 7 61 8 8 8 Franklin Goodwin Godwin Co 50 10050 100 8599 MINNIE STONE 2 84 9 9999 Wohlford Wolfed McClellndStoneSO 100 50 100 15Winner Time 100Time 124 25 37 50 1 021 1 15 Winner B f by Argyle PerAdventure PerAdventurePost Peradventure Post 15 minutes Start straggling Won easily second the same The start was poor and John Boone beat the flag He tired on the end Alleviate was the best at the distance Matanza Mata was always outrun and was not at her best Fireside could never get up Richard J did not run up to the notch It is a bad race to figure on onAlleviate unalleviated Alleviate place 3 to 2 show 3 to 5 Perfoimance Performance place 3 to 1 show even John Boone show 2 to 1 8798 E SECOND RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances tnd tend Horses Wt St H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8482 HOLLAND 103 3 31 32 32 li Conley Coney J E Madden 4646 464687102AIR 222287553SEMICOLON 87102AIR BLAST 110 2 12 22 21 21 Britton Briton VV H May Son 2222 87553SEMICOLON 103 1 21 IH 11 31 Southard Southward J T Stewart 6868 8V74 68688V74 GENERA L SHAFTR SHAFT 103 7 61 61 41 41 Crowhurst Cowherbs H T Griffin 5555 8775VOLANDIES 55558775VOLANDIES 858549EBERHART 113 4 41 4 51 5 J Hi 1 H J Scoggan Slogan 85 85 85 85 8549EBERHART 107 5 51 SH 61 62 J Mathews Talbot Bros Brows 6868 8622SIR 68688622SIR BLAZE 113 6 7 7 7 7 N Hill F C Leigh 6868 8256 EASTABROOKS CASEBOOKS 103 Left at the post CThompsn Thompson S Williams 12 13 12 15 Time 15Time 121 25i 371 50 1 02J 1 081 Winner 081Winner Ch c by Hanover Katrina KatrinaPost Katrina Post 5 minutes Start bad Won easily second driving Holland was much the best and won with ease Semicolon tired at the end Volandies Villainies seems to have had too much of it and needs a rest General Shafter Shafer closed strong strongHolland stronghold Holland place 2 to 1 show even Air Blast place 4 to 5 Semicolon show 3 to 2 OTfXfil Offal THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards Purse 300 3yearold and upward O lJ H Selling Iod Od Horses A Wt 3t k K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 8754 MTRITI TRITIUM 3 97 3 51 7 53 31 11 Crowhurst Cowherbs Clay Woodford Woodward 787 8757 IDEAL BEAU 3 101 1 44 8 61 44 22 v Narvaez Larvae D R Keith 31 4 31 4 7505 LEASEMAN LEADSMAN 5104 47 6 7 24 34 Guitiers Guiltier S J Charles 30 30 30 3 8732 PROSECUTOR 4 104 7 8 4u 8 51 44 Conley Coney J B Gentry 952 9 952 8638 LORD NEVILLE 3 100 5 1 H 12 12 51 Frost 3434 8659 HARRY LEE 4 102 2 2 21 41 61 62 Southard Southward W O Scully Sully 8 10 8 10 1O 8550 POSSUM 3 100 6 32 3i 3 7 7 CThompsonS Thompson Williams 21 21 24 2 8635 LAURA MAY 3 95 9 9 9 9 8 810 Louden Lode J Fleming 30 30 30 SO 8757 ED OVERLOOK 4 99 8 61 5n 2 9 9 Franklin B C Watkins 20 20 20 20 Time 251 51i 1 03 1 17i 1 414 1 43 Winner 43Winner Br f by Hindoo Indoor Mary McGowan Off first break to a fair start Won driving Prosecutor ran an improved race and had bad luck Mariti Maritime was well ridden Lord Neville stopped badly So did Possum Leaseman Leadsman ran a good race Harry Lee showed speed Ed Overlook off poorly closed a big gap and died under pressure Laura May pulled up at the start Ideal Beau closed strong Scratched strongScratched The Navy 99 Jack Bradley 104 Overweights Overweighs 104Overweights Ideal Beau 3 pounds Mariti Maritime poundsMariti pounds place 3 to 1 show 3 to 2 Ideal Beau place 3 to 2 show 7 to 10 Leaseman Leadsman show 6 to 1 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances The Tobacco Stakes 1250 Guaranteed Ind Indo Horses A Wt St 5 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8524 MILLSTREAM 3 94 2 42 41 44 31 1 Southard Southward H Serodino Eroding 5757 8636J 57578636J 33338483LANKY H C 4 108 1 7 7 7 51 2n Vandusen Bandsmen W H May Son 3333 8483LANKY BOB 3101 4 3u 31 24 11 31 Gleason Lesson Steele Co 21 3 24 3 8888813YUBA 8687JADDALO 4 104 9 8 8 54 44 4 Conley Coney Marion Morgan 8 888 8813YUBA DAM 4 103 3 9 9 8 61 51 J Hill W E Applegate Appellate 8888 88888685GREAT 8685GREAT BEND 3 101 5 22 24 11 21 61 CThompsonC Thompson T Patterson 5 7 5 8756 GEORGE KRATS RATS 3101 8 51 52 63 7 7 J Mathews Robinson MooreS MoreS 3 3 3 87353 DONCELLA DONNELLEY 4 991010 10 9 8 82 Nutt Mutt C F McLean CLean 5757 87562 WHAT NEXT 411017 61 6110 9 910 Overton Overtone C H Williams 6767 5503 DAD STEELE 3 92 6 12 11 31 10 10 Chenault Health F B Harper 20 50 20 40 40Time 40iWinner Time 241 50 1 02 1 15 1 274 1 40i Winner Br c by Quicklime Monte Rosa RosaPost Rosa Post 40 minutes Start bad The first four were driving hard J H C had bad racig racing luck He could not get through until the last furlong la a few more strides ho would have won Great Bend tired in the stretch Dad Steele showed early speed George Krats Rats and What Next were interfered with at the halfmile half ground Madlalo Mallow took the longest route Overweights Overweighs poundsMillstream routeOverweights What Next 2i pounds Millstream place 21 to 1 slow 3 to 2 J H C place 6 to 5 show 3 to 5 Lanky Bob show 3 to 5 8801 FIFTH RACE 68 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Allowances Lad Horses Vs Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners 11 11 12 11 J Hill E Brown Co 8302 SCbANKEN Cuban 104 5 51 51 42 21 Conley Coney W F Sehulte Shutter 6 6 66757SIS 6757SIS VIC 112 1 23 23 22 32 Britton Briton B G Thomas 4 5 8710 f ROTECT PROTECT 97 3 31 31 31 42 J Carter E Leigh 15 2 7987 PRIMAVERA PRIMA ICO CO 8 77 51 510 Crowhurst Cowherbs J J Carey 7 8 8731 MANILLA MANILA 104 6 88 61 64 Guitiers Guiltier A Frey 15 2 8686 BAN N1E 11212 9977 Turner W T Sellers 8 1 8455 WEND 100 7 61 61 8 81 W Hughes P J Miles 30 3 38755LECELIA 8755LECELIA H2 Jl 10 10 9 91 J Mathews R M Fisher 34 4 465843GLAD 65843GLAD HAND 112 9 11 11 10 1CS Mclntyre McIntyre J B Lewman Lawman 4 5 5806i 806i TULULAH TULLE B 97 2 4 4411 1120 Franklin VVLLatlerty 10 L 8731 BECKY BAN 97 10 12 12 12 2 Crhompsonll Chromosomally J Scoggan Slogan 15 8494 HI LASSIE 102 Left at the post Head Nolan Co 30 3 3Time 121Winner Time 124 244 331 49 121 Winner B f by Himyar Shimmy Tarantella TarantellaPost Tarantella Post 10 minutes Start bad Won easily secoud second the same Lecelia Eclair was virtually po t Scbanken Scan ran a good race Souchon Soupcon was easily the best Sis Vic was tiring weight sreedScratched redcurrant Glad Hand was off poorly Tululah Mullah B showed early sreed screed Scratched Nancy Seitz Seize 112 112Overweights poundsSouchon pounds Overweights Overweighs Hi Lassie 5 pounds Souchon Soupcon place 1 to 2 Schanken Shaken place 2 to 1 show even Bis Bias Vic shpiv Shiva even tJ Qt O SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 2O Yards Purse 303 3yearolds and upward upwardPOU upward POU PO Selling lad Horses A Wt 8t j Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners V 8735 lf52i87392ANNIEOLDFIELD3 DONATION 5 104 8 6 51 35 24 H Couley Cooley J T Stewart 1152 lf52i 87392ANNIEOLDFIELD3 95 3 23 1 IH H 21 Frost L Marion 5 5 8735 HIGH NOON 5 108 10887333MOTILLA 4 41 41 21 32 3 Southard Southward S J Rucker Trucker 21 H 2i S 87333MOTILLA 5 104 10486622BARTON 1 7 7 52 54 4io Nutt Mutt C F McLean CLean 4444 86622BARTON 444486622BARTON 4 109 6 8 8 7 44 SH Morrison Orison L do Gisbort Gilbert 4 f 5 87322 POP DIXON 4102 410286632AMBER 61 41 65 65 CThompsn Thompson Willms Wills Christy5 86632AMBER GLINTS 5 104 3 3 64 7 J Smith M Shields 10 10 10 10 8735 KOWALSKY KOALAS 5 107 2 IH 2i 8 8 Britton Briton VV H McLemoro Clamor 10 10 10 1C Time 1CTime 254 51i 1 OSi OS 1 161 1 30 1 43 1 44i Winner Ch g by Sir Dixon Umbria Umbrian UmbriaOff Umbrian Off at first break to a fair start Won handily second the same Motilla Amontillado was cut off at went to her knees on the first turn She closed a big gap and but for the accident would ha won Kowalskys Koalas bandages became unwrapped and stopped him Annie Oldtield Goldfield could a ignite roach High Noon closed strong Scratched The Doctor 95 4 iolpt gilt Parsons 104 104Donation Donation place 4 to unio union Oldfield Goldfield place 2 to 1 shjw show VP H g N c It