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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART CHARTWESTCHESTER WESTCHESTER ESTHETE N Y October 4Second day Westchester Esthete Racing Association Autumn AutumnMeeting Attunement Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 215 p m 8821 FIRST RACE 58 Mile 600 added All ages Handicap Ind Indo Horses i A Wt St W J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 87943HIMTINE 8670 WOODBIRD WOODIER 4 90 8 5 3 3 51 5 Moody J Josephson Joseph 20 50 0 40 87452TROLLEY 4087452TROLLEY 4 119 9 4 41 61 61 62 Maher W B Jennings Co3i 31 3 31 8698 BEN HADAD HEADBAND 3 117 2 31 51 7 7 73 Clawson Lawson S C Hildreth Children 6867 8423 GREATLAND GREENLAND 21081110 8 8 8 8 N Turner H E Leigh 15 0 I 15 70233KLEPPER 4 98 13 13 12 9 9 9 OLeary O'Leary W P Burch 25 50 i 40 86702KILT 4086702KILT 3 100 14 14 13 12 10 10 Corbley Cobble GoughacresStableSO 50 15 30 86722ARMAMENT 3086722ARMAMENT 2 103 3 7 10 11 11 11 E Jones Oneck Neck Stable 6857 8720 RUSHER 2 98 6 11 11 13 13 12 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 12 90 12 15 8742 MARK MILES 21001212 14 14 14 13 Lamley Langley J C Fitzsimmons 15 40 15 30 858PLAMBENT 5 130 1 8 9 10 12 J4 Taral Aral M Clancy 10 12 8 8 Time23i 351 4841 01 Winner 01Winner B c by Himyar Shimmy Santine Antoine SantineStart Scantiest Start good Won handily Himtine Thiamine was stopping at the end He likes the Eclipse course Sanders was badly kicked at the post but ran a grand race and is a cracjk crack sprinter Blarneystone Blarneys showed a liking for the Eclipse downhill five furlongs Counselor Wernborg Weinberg ran a corking good race So did Woodbird Woodier who pulled up at the end Trolley quit as usual Armament and Lam ¬ bent s races should be thrown out as too bad to be true Scratched trueScratched St Callatine Palatine 121 LAlouette Aflutter 118 Orion 116 Danforth Anorthic 113 Stachelberg Satchel 97 KenmoreQueen Kenmore 110 Ninety Cents 100 Rossifer Rosier 98 Himtine Thiamine 98Himtine place 2 to 1 show even Blarneystone Blarneys place 5 to 1 show 21 to 1 Sanders how 7 to 5 SECOND RACE 6 13 Furlongs 500 added 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vt 4 5 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8697 COLONEL TENNY TENANCY 115 2 3H 33 33 31 Taral Aral J A McLaughlin 10 10 8 8 8331 MAID OF HARLEM 112 3 41 41 4 45 Littlefield Littered T L Watts 8877 86972FRANCES 887786972FRANCES BOOKER 112 5 777 5 T Burns J D Smith 3 3 2 4 8720 CAMPUS 115 4 51 61 51 63 E Jones H J Jones 30 100 30 75 8574 EXCEPTION 112 7 8 8 8 71 Maher P J Miles 6756 7150 CAMOTOP CANNOT 115 8 61 52 61 8 Hirsch Kensico Keens Stable 15 50 15 40 Time 40Time 12 241 37 50 1 15 1 211 211Winner Winner Ch c by Pardee Parsee Adversity AdversityStart Adversity Start good Won handily Manlius Manliest was easily the best and is of fair class Turveydrop Purveyed ran the best race of his career showing gameness and staying qualities Colonel Tenny Teeny ran a good honest race but was lucky Maid of Harlem ran well Frances Booker is good for a route only when lightly weighted The others are very common except Camotop Cannot who showed to be very preliminaryScratched preliminary sore in his preliminary Scratched Lady Lindsay 117 117Manlius Manlius Manliest place 7 to 10 show 1 to 3 Tarveydrop Starved place 5 to 1 show 21 tol tool Colonel Tenny Teeny show 8 to 5 THIRD RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances The Hurricana Hurricane Stakes 1000 added Ind Indo Horses Wt St 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8672SATIN SLIPPER 107 1 11 12 13 N Turner E O Pepper 75 21 75 21 86723DIMINUTIVE 106 5 42 31 211 OConnor O'Connor J A McLaughlin 5545 8193 8586193FULL CORMORANT 102 4 486193FULL 31 2 2H 31 Maher Rogers Rose 21 21 8 r 85 86193FULL DRESS 94 2 52 52 41 T Burns MrsBMcClellandS 25 8 20 8672 D OF MIDDLEBRG112 3 21 42 5 Littlefield Littered A H D H Morrisl2 15 12 12 8586 8586MERRY MERRY HEART 98 6 666 Clawson Lawson C Littlefield Littered Jr 45 4 5 Time 231 351 471100 471100Winner Winner B f by Kingston Lady Stylites Stylists Start good Won easily Satin Slipper was easily the best She is wonderfully fast dowi dow the hill Diminutive ran a remarkably good race taking her soreness into account She is best in mud Cormorant was probably short and should do better Full Dress ran exceptionally well for her but Duke of Middleburg Middlebrow ran badly though he is very good and looks it Scratched Colonel Tenny Teeny 97 97Satin Satin Slipper place even show 1 to 2 Diminutive place 8 to 5 show 3 to 5 FOURTH RACE78 Mile 3yearolds Allowances The Belle Meade Stakes 1000 added Ind Indo Horses Wt St 1A K Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 865iBANASTAR 115 2 1 12 n is 12 Clawsou Claws W H Clark 35 7 10V5 710 8696 LILIAN LILLIAN BELL 112 3 3 31 33 310 2 Spencer J D Smith 6 10 6 10 8696 2227993WOODRANGER BENDO BEND RAN 118 1 23 26 26 2 3 Simms Sims W B JenningsCo2 222 7993WOODRANGER 107 4 4 4 4 4 4 T Burns W Jennings 30 50 30 40 40Time 27Winner Time 13 25 37 49i 1 14i 1 27 Winner BlessingStart Blessings Ch c by Farandole Farad Blessing Start good Won pulled up Banastar Banister far outclassed his field He is one of the best three yearold earl colts here Lilian Lillian Bell closed strong at the end and ran up to her best form Bendoran Bemoan showed the white feather but is a horse with a wonderful turn of speed aid a weight carrier Woodranger Woodlander lowerxompanyScratched belongs in lowerxompany Scratched Swiftmas Swiftness 115 Sensational 112 Central Trust 110 Clonsilla Consular 107 Lilian Lillian 107Lilian Bell place even Q Q O PI FIFTH RACE Withers Mile 700 added 3yearolda and upward OO O Handicap Ind Indo Horses A Wt 3t h V X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8796 WHITE FROST 4120 1 21 31 34 31 IH Maher E S GardnerSon Gardner 6 12 6 12 8795 WARRENTON WARREN 3 105 2 44 51 51 21 2n Spencer W L Oliver 10 10 4 4 8795 GEORGE KEENE 3 1C9 3 11 IH H 13 32 Clawson Lawson S C Hildreth Children 2i 31 2s 34 3487213MACY 87213MACY 4118 7 6 6 4n 43 410 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son4 645 8618DR CATLETT CATTLE 4 119 4 7 7 7 61 51 Taral Aral Turnpy Turnip Bros Brows 3 15 3 12 8698 SENSATIONAL 3 95 6 SH 22 21 5 6 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 20 40 20 30 30872DSIK 872DSIK WALTER 8 112 5 51 41 61 7 7 Simms Sims Oiieck Joie Stable 4644 Time 13 25 37 49i 1 021 1 15 1 40i Winner FlowerStart Flowers 40iWinner Br f by Irqquois Iroquois Wild Flower Start good Won driving White Frost was a good filly today Her last race was probably a workout Warrenton Warren is a trifle short He was pocketed and unlucky and was the best horse at the weights George Keene stopped right at the end and needs to be freshened up a bit Macy Marcy ran his usual good game race Could not concede the weight Dr Catlett Cattle was a bad horse today apparently Sensational is good but was outclassed Sir Walter found the pace loo lobo fast He prefers a longer route and hates to be hurried hurriedScratched hurried Scratched Algol 129 Judge Denny Deny 107 Central Trust ICO CO ICOWhite Cowhide White Frost place 5 to 1 show 21 to 1 Warrenton Warren place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 George Keene show 3 to5 SIXTH RACE Withers Mile 500 added 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St Vs 5s StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 87462CHARENTUS 4 105 4 24 IH 13 j3 11 OConnor O'Connor O L Richards 6655 86713NOSEY 3108 7 3 43 2H Hi 21 Maher FleischmanrSons4 4 165155 87433MARSIAN 5 103 2 41 61 43 21 35 James P S P Randolph 15 15 6 15 86712ESTACA 4 106 8 6 5J 51 51 4 Spencer J C Quinn 332 115 8747 GLONOINE LEONINE 3 104 9 8 7 7 7 51 N Turner P J Dwj Dj er 30 50 30 40 8378 SCOTCH PLAID 3 99 10 10 9 61 6 61 E Jones Oneck Neck Stable 30 50 SO 40 7069MAZARIN 5 113 3 11 22 31 41 71 Taral Aral BengtnGardnerS 10 8 8 8743 DOUBLE QUICK 5 106 6 51 34 8 8 83 Clawson Lawson S C Hildreth Children 10 20 10 15 8333 RINALDO RENALDO II 3 102 11 11 10 10 9 915 OLeary O'Leary Turney Tourney Bros Brows 15 30 15 25 8743 PREMIER 5 106 1 7 8 9 10 101 Coylie Collie J A McLaughlin 20 60 20 4 8524 MARITO MARION 3 95 5 9 11 11 11 11 J Weber P J Miles 30 40 30 3s 3sTime Time 13 25 37 494 1 02i 1 15i 1 41 41Winner CoptentaStart Cotoneaster Winner B g by Charaxus Caraculs Coptenta Content Start good Won driving Charentus Carets is a much improved hprse horse and was well handled He finished gamely and was the best today Nosey closed strong from the half but was outgamed untamed at the end by the winner Marsian Marian was a good horse and shows a special liking for this track Estaca Staccato stopped badly the last quarter when coming down the hill and will do on this track only in mud Glonoine Leonine ran an improved race Mazarin Mandarin showed speed in plenty but was short and looked high in flesh Double Quick is of no present account Rinaldo Renaldo II is a counterfeit Pre ¬ mier miler and Marito Marion ran badly badlyScratched backscratcher Scratched Tinge 106 Gala Day 104 Squan Sequa 103 Mount Washington 103 Blueaway Bleary 98 1 Charentns Carets place 2 to 1 show even Nosey place 7 to 5 show 3 to 5 Marsian Marian show 24 to 1