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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO ILL October 4 Twenty sixth day Chicago Racing Association Fall Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge Capt Caput James H Reas Areas Starter William Bruen Braun Racing starts at 2 p m rj Q f FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs 2ynarolds Maiden fillies Allowances O O 7 Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St 8t H V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C T57X WIDTILLA 108 61 3H 22 25 Dupee Dupe T J McHale Chalet 5656 6430 STELLA 103 2 6 5 31 P Jordan John Rolston Ralston 50 50 30 30 8778 LA JOSEPHINE 108 5 54 81 44 Hothersall Others Jamps Amps GriffinCo Griffin 6 666 8492 HINDOOS INDOORS DREAM 108 8 81 61 52 Rutter Ruttier J Huffman 10 15 10 12 7452 BOLERIE BLEARIER 108 1 7 74 62 Holden Olden Benson WattsCo20 25 20 20 8578 PRCESS PRESS MURPHY 108 4 22 42 1 7U Bloss Loss L H Ezell Bezel 8888 8578 CELESTE DOR DORA 108 9 9 91 8 Kelly William Mulkey Mule 20 40 20 40 8761 RAMLET ARMLET 113104 101 101 92 L ReitT Refit George J Long 4 4 34 185 8778 THOUGHT SO 103 12 111 111 1Q14 R Narvaez Larvae F M Arthur 20 30 20 30 8492 ROSIE ROSE BURKE 103 13 12 12 ll i Kann Ann J S OBrien O'Brien 40 100 40 100 8736 RIVAL DARE 10S 14 13 13 122 WHMartin Wharton Walden Sweet 15 30 15 30 8778 ROSAVANNAH 108 11 14 14 13 W Zeno Zen H Heinsohfi Henson 20 40 20 40 5307 LA JUANITA JAUNT 103 3 = U4 11 1424 J Ward W P Magrane Marianne 40 100 40 100 100PEE PEE WEE 103 16 15 15 1510 Rebo Reebok J W ONeal Neal 8989 8736 POCOCANTO PROVOCATION 103 15 16 16 16 Gray LSWilliamsCo 20 60 20 60 60Time Time 251 521594 521594Winner Winner Cb f by Falsetto Finical FinicalPost Finical Post 2 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive second third and fourth also under keen pressure Flirtation was well handled She seemed very tired about the sixteenth post and wanted to swerve Here Caywood Cawed used good judgment and instead of going to the whip he rode the filly strongly with his hands and feet Sidtilla Scintilla was fortunate in getting away and always had a clear path La Juanita Junta off flying showed a lot of speed but stopped to a walk at the end Stella got into a bad mixup mix shortly after the start The same fate overtook La Jo tephine trephine on the stretch turn The latter was obliged to pull up Considering this her race was a good one Pee Wee heavily played shied as the barrier went up and was practically left leftScratched Scratched Hermita Hermit 103 Cordial 103 103Overweights Overweights Overweighs Ramlet Armlet 5 pounds Flirtation 2 2Flirtation Flirtation place 24 tol tool show 6 to 5 Sidtilla Scintilla place 2 to 1 show even Stella show 5 tol tool CJ C2 1 A SECOND KAUK AUK 78 Mile 3yearolds belling bellingO belling O O TT Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St U Vi M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8645 JULIA HAZEL 104 5H 1 4 f 42 2i 1J Sheppard M L Kuntz Klutz 7 12 7 10 8583 MOCH MOCHA 107 6 6K 6 K 2 I3 13 121 124 2 Rutter Ruttier B Bchreiber Schreiber 34 34 34 34 8741 NANNIE NANNIES DAVIS 104 81 7 71 61 6H 4 2 2it 32 30 36 Bloss Loss D Waldo Weald 3 3 21 24 8608 CHAUNCYF1SHER1084 11084 SH 3s SH 710 71052 52 41 4n Ellis T Kiley Kelley 20 30 20 30 8204 URGANDA UGANDA 99 I 1 42 424 3 SH 6 6 524 Gray J J Ball 10 25 10 25 8783 SAN SABA ABA R 107 92 9210259 1025 94 9 91 72 6 61 R Na Narvaez Larvae F M Arthur 20 30 20 30 8712 REVENGE DARE 99 7n 5 724 SNK SANK 310 H WHMartinWalden Sweet 20 20 20 20 7300 BLANCHE 99 2 214 324 44 86 Holden Olden Win Mulkey Mule 10 12 10 12 8062 TEULADA TULSA 104 11 11 11 11 IQio IQ S6 Hothersall Others Louis H Ezell Bezel 12 20 12 20 8688 PUG 110 4K 8241025 92 1012 Caywood Cawed M B Jordan 12 15 12 15 8645 DULAC UCLA 107 10 9 8 4020ll 11 Fitzgerald J Lynch 40 40 30 30 8643 MR EASTON 104 Left at the post Dnpee Dane W W Clark 5656 5656Time Time 26 53 1 074 1 21i 1 36 36Winner Winner B f by Julien Julie Witch Hazel HazelPost Hazel Post 2 minutes Start poor Won driving and out to the last ounce second third and fourth driving also Julia Hazel had good racing luck Sheppard took the long route but by doing so got the good goiner goner The filly finished game and true on the outside Moch Mooch was the victim of a bad ride Rutter Ruttier wore the colt out the first three furlongs and then foolishly went tohis this whip in the stretch Nannie Nannies Davis was worsted at the start She too was used too much the first part of the journey Chauncey Chancery Fisher ran a fair sort of race It was an ordinary lot Pug was sharply shuc shuck off at the start spoiling whatever chance he had of winning Blanche had a lot of speed So had Urganda Uganda for a short way wayScratched Scratched Sokombeo Spokane 99 Truth 99 Lucky Monday 107 Stanhope Tahoe 102 102Overweights Overweights Overweighs Pug 3 pounds Chauncey Chancery Fisher 44 44Julia Julia Hazel place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Moch Mooch place 6 to 5 show 7 to 10 Nannie Nannies Davis show 1 to 2 Q Q A 1 THIRD RACE78 Mile 3yearolds Selling SellingO Selling O O tt JL Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third lud laud Horses Wt St U Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8779 HEIGH HIGH HO 104 4n IH 3 3 124 114 J R6iff Duke Wishard Wished 2 24 2 21 2187792HER 87792HER FAVOR 110 b 51 4 54 31 21 Dupee Dupe Rodegap Bodega Co 24 4 21 31 7016 GRAZIELLA GRAZIE 113 3 2K 22 21 2 32 Rutter Ruttier F J Kelly 3737 8779 STAR CRESCENT 104 INK gio go 7 4 K 41 4 Holden Olden T M Berry Co 10 25 10 25 8508 PENSO PESO ROSO ROSA 104 9n 92 9 910 71 5 Corner T Luckey Lucky Co 20 50 20 50 5085C92MAR 85C92MAR TO 122 8 73 810 72 91 QH JMcDonaldMdltonJgblthe 10 6 10 8803 DOUSTERSWIVEL DUSTERS 107 6 101 524 61 5 K 7K Bloss Loss John Call 10 10 10 10 1087S32TOMTOHER 87S32TOMTOHER 104 1 6 6 8 61 83 Gray W M Baird 7979 8779 RED GIDD GIDDY 104 2n 31 1 84 9 Seaton Eaton R Bradley 15 40 15 40 6328 THE PROFESSOR 104 W 44 108 Hi 102 102 Hothersall Others J C Cahn Can 15 50 15 50 8645 BMP JOSEPHINE 107 12 12 12 12 112 112 Kane J S OBrien O'Brien 10 30 10 30 8779 M1STLETON 110 11 115 us ice 12 12 Macklin Mackinaw W Boots Son 15 60 15 60 60Time Time 234 394 53 1 C64 1 21 1 35 35Winner Winner B f by Himyar Shimmy Janet JanetPost Janet Post 14 minutes Start fair Won cleverly after an early drive The next three were doing their best Heigh High Ho was the best Her race hardly fitted in with her last performance though Wheu When she and Her Favor came together at Harlem the last out the latter beat Heigh High Ho away off Today Heigh High Ho ran gamely every foot of the road although she swerved at the head of the stretch The boy was the cause of this He was not strong enough to hold the filly together and use his whip Her Favor ran an honest race Graziella Grazie may have been a trille trilled short She was right there all the way and deserves attention from now on Star and Crescent after being shut off on the first turn made up a lot of round and ran a nice race The weight seemed to anchor Alarcato Malacca AlarcatoScratched Scratched Miss Lizzie Tizzies 107 Alvas Alva Pet 99 Ben Walker 105 105Heigh Heigh High Ho place even show 1 to 2 Her Favor place 6 to 5 show 3 to 5 Graziella Grazie show FOURTH KAqD KA 1 11G Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to th ird bird Ind Indo Horses A Wt St y V Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 8Y112LENA 4 101 2 H IK 2 221 11 J Ward F F Mitchell 30 30 30 30 8781 DARE II 4 107 51 21 224 14 1 23 Rutter Ruttier John Huffman 8857 87X1 CHAR CHRISTY 4 112 IB 44 4114 5 3 JMcDonaldJ McDonald W Schorr Scorer Son 3 333 880VTOPMAST 5 109 44 5 510 515 41 41 Bloss Loss S M Reynolds 343 185 8762 DAVID TENNY TENANCY 4 105 34 3 t 3 3 K 31 56 H Martin P Dunne 32 9 5 32 85 8764 BRIDGETON BRIDGETOWN 5 101 6 6 6 6 6 6 A Ward T Hums 60 60 60 60 8717 JDGESTEADMN6 101 Left at the post Holden Olden R E Maddox SO 40 30 40 40Time Time 264 53 1 214 1 47i 1 55 55Wiuuer Wiuuer Weiner Ch f by Apache Rill RillPost Billposting Post 6 minutes Start poor Won in a long hard drive of two third and fourth were driv drive iLg iL also Lena ran an excellent race She set her own pace and bung on gamely through the stretch From the sixteenth pole home Dare II repeatedly tried to bite Lena This may have cost the former the race On the stretch turn David Tenny Teeny made a strong bid and it looked at ttiat attaint point as though he would surely win The last quarter though he floundered in the going Hf is not at his best now Charley Christy outgamed untamed Topmast for third place Considering his weight his race was a good one He Is good now and will be a hard horse to beat when the track gets fast Bridgeton Bridgetown had little or no chance from where he got off offScratched Scratched Teutonna Teutonic 101 101Lena Lena place 10 to 1 show 3 to 1 Dare II place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 Charley Christy show 2 to 7 O t FIFTH BACK 34 Mile All Ages Allowances AllowancesO Allowances O O TC O Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St X yz K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8765iTIMEMAKER 4105 SH 34 23 26 lio Clio JMcDonaldJ McDonald W Schorr Scorer Son 4 545 8403 MISS MARION 2 861 BH 23 16 H 21 JWard Ward B Schreiber 7878 87 i OLESKA BOLES 2 82 84 8474UMAY 61 61 5H 3H J Reiff Riff George J Long 10 10 7 7 74UMAY W 4 107 IH IHS07PLANTAIN 4 K 41 3 4 K Rutter Ruttier D Cameron 75 75 65131 S07PLANTAIN 3 102 6 86 810 42 55 Seaton Eaton R Bradley 12 40 12 40 848 SORROW 3 97 4K 4K8736THE 71 76 64 6 Hothersall Others J C Cahn Can 15 20 15 20 8736THE GRINDER 2 85 71 51452 71 76 P Jordan WJSpeirsCo Jaspers 30 20030 200 200IH 8765 DAVE WALDO WEALD 3 104 2 = IH 31 8io gs Bloss Loss J F Meffert Effort 4949 8741 THERESA H 4 107 9 9 9 9 9 R Narvaez Larvae G B Havill Hail 50 200 50 200 200Time Time 13i 25i 371 51 1 01i 1 18 18Wirner StanleyPost Stanley Wirner Wirer B c by Kantaka Kanaka Nellie Stanley Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Third and fourth were also driv drive ¬ ing King Timemaker Tidemark relished the weight off and ran one of his good races He only galloped from the half mile pole home and showed himself to be in good condition Miss Marion had a lot of speed It was not evenly distributed though and Ward tired her out from the half mile post to the stretch turn Oleska Coleslaw ran a nice race She was bumped and jostled and had much bad luck during the journey This is a more than ordinary filly May W was ridden from behind accord ¬ ing King to instructions She nowhere near ran her race Plantain did well and Dave Waldo Weald poorly The latter hardly ran a quarter before he quit Throw his race out outScratched outstretched Scratched Sefton Seton 110 W C T 102 Satsuma 110 Belle of Memphis 97 Afamada97 Canace Cancel 82 Czarowitz Carbonize 110 Arthur McKnight Mocking 85 Hermoso Hermosa 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Dave Waldo Weald 4 pounds Miss Marion 44 44Corrected Corrected weights Plantain 102 Timemaker Tidemark place 9 to 5 show 4 to 5 Miss Marion place 3 to 1 show 6 to 5 Oleska Coleslaw show even QQJvl SIXTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds Selling O SellingO Selling O db rt Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L i 8803 KING BERMUDA 101 5i8374TOM 5i 54 2 21 22 12 2 Gray W H Snarley Snare 95 2 95 2 8374TOM CALVERT CULVERT 110 6 68783BORDEN 7 6 5H 1 2 H Martin James Murphy 4545 8783BORDEN 116 1 4J 44 4 214 310 Caywood Cawed D M Hogan 21 21 2 115 115J 86882MARY KINSELLA KNELL 107 2 INK ii ix 41 4 Shpppard J Ruddy 12 15 12 15 15McCullough 8779 PRESTAR RESTART 113 3 SH = 51 7 6 51 54 L Reiff Riff McCullough Co 10 20 10 15 8741BARRISSO 110 7 61 511 SNK SANK 7 61 Bloss Loss M Kavanaugh Cavanaugh 7 12 7 1 8716 INUENDO INNUENDO 110 4 i 314 3 7 65 7 Dupee Dupe Fries Co 6 15 6 12 12Time Time 26 521 1 06i 1 21 1 34i 34iWinner Winner B g by Bermuda Queen Isabella IsabellaPost Isabella Post 2 minutes Start good Won handily It was a fierce drive for the place King Ber Beer ¬ muda mud was the best and reveled in the going He ran under double wraps the eatire attire journey This is a very useful horse Tom Calvert Culvert was sharply cut off and outrun early He ran gamely throughout and nipped the place right at the wire Borden found the weight too much for him He faltered in the stretch and tried to run out Mary Kinsella Knell showed a sharp turn of speed The winner was run up 400 over his entered price and bought in F W Doss was the runner up Scratched upScratched unscratched Pinar Pindaric del Rio 107 Little Alarm 104 Branch 107 Wilson 119 Midian Indian 107 Baia Baa taria aria 110 Hardly 107 Nivoce Invoice 107 107King King Bermuda place 9 to 10 show 1 to 3 Tom Calvert Culvert place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Borden show 2 to 5