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HAWTHORNE TRACK PALL MEETING OCTOBER 3RD TO I5TH II AOI3STG EVERY OR SHINE FIYE FIE OR MORE RACES EACH MY BEGINNING AT 2 PM ADMISSION 75 CTS CRTS LADIES 50 CTS CRTS Special Race Trains to Track in TwentyFive Twenty Minutes ILLINOIS CENTRAL TRAINS CHICAGO BURLINGTON QUINCY TRAINS TRAINSLeave Translate Leave depot at foot of Randolph Street at 9 45 am 12 30 1 00 1 20 and I 50 pm stopping Leave Union depot at 12 15 1 05 1 35 and 2 10 pm stopping at Sixteenth Street Blue Island at Van Buren Burn Street Park Row Halsted Halted Street and at Ashland Avenue retaining at 434 Avenue and Western Avenue returning at 4 50 and immediately after the races pm and immediately after the races Do not stop at Ashland Avenue AvenueSpecial Avenues Special Electric Cars leaving State and Van Buren Burn Streets at 1225J235 12451255 lC5and 115 p m stopping only at Canal Halsted Halted Asbland Ashland Avenue and Ogden Avenue direct to track in 40 minutes minutesThe minutest The Metropolitan and Lake Street Elevated and Madisbp Addis Street Ogden Avenue 12th Street end ZZnd Street Surface Lines connect with Electric Cars running direct to the Ground GroundSpecial Grounds Special Race Train leaves Drexel Boulevard and Lake Ave for the Hawthorne Track at 115 pm stopping at Cottage Grove and Vincennes Incenses Aves Avers Grand Boulevard Michigan Ave State St Wentworth Ave Halsted Halted St Ashland and Archer Aves Avers and Brighton Park connecting at 18th St with C B Q train due there et 145 pm S N ANDROUS ANDROIDS ANDROUSPRESIDENT HENRY J CROCKER CROCKERVICEPRESIDENT F H GREEN GREENSECRETARY GREENER PRESIDENT VICEPRESIDENT SECRETARY Prack Rack Finest Winter Kace Ace Track in America AmericaFOURTH America D FOURTH WINTER SEASON BEGINNING NOVEHBER NOVEMBER 14 1898 STAKES TO BE RUN DURING NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 1898 ENTRIES TO CLOSE OCTOBER 22 1898 THE UNIVEBSITY UNIVERSITY STAKES A sweepstakes for allowed 12 Ibs Dibs Six furlongs To be run Satur Saturn alty salty O her horses nonwinners nominees of 500 allowed allowedday allowed Ibs Dibs penalty Mile and a quarter To be run threeyearolds foals of 1895 The Associa Asocial ¬ day November 19 1898 5 Ibs Dibs maidens allowed 12 Ibs Dibs Seven furlongs furlongsTHE furlongs Saturday December 17 1898 1898THE tion ion to guarantee the value of the stake 1000 THE GOLDEN WEST STAKESA STAKES selling To be run Saturday November 26 1898 1898stakes THE CROCKER STAKES A sweepstakes for of which 200 to the second and 3100 to the stakes for threeyearolds and upward sweep The THE PALACE HOTEL STAKES A handicap twoyearolrls toreadors foals of 1896 The Association to third horse Entrance 10 each to accom Tacoma ¬ Association handicapAssociation handicaps to guarantee the value of the stake steeplechase for threeyearolds and upward guarantee the value of the stake 1200 of which pany panky the nomination 25 additional to start IOCO OSCO upwardIOCO upward of which 2CO to the second and 100 to Entrance 10 each to accompany the uomina Lumina uominathe nominate 200 to the second and 100 to the third horse Winners of two stakes of 1000 or one of 3000 Entrance 10 to the nomination 25 the third horsp hors accompany Entrance 10 each to accom Tacoma tiou iou 25 additional to start The Association Associationpany Association to carry 5 Ibs Dibs of three or more of any value the additional to start Winners of two stakes of pany panky nomination 25 additional to start to guarantee the value of the stake 1000 of ofSlfOO Oslo or one of 1000 8 Ibs Dibs penalty Other horses non 1000 or of 2500 to 3 Ibs Dibs of two of one carry SlfOO Sloop weight for age Allowance 1 Ib for each which 200 to the second and 100 to the third wmners manners of 2000 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs of 1000 8 Ibs Dibs 100 less 2500 or one of 5000 5 Ibs Dibs pe to 500 Starters to bo named and sell horse Weights to appear three days prior to toing toeing Maidens allowed 15 Ibs Dibs One mile To be run ing King price stated through the entry bos boos the day the race Four or more horses the property of ofpreceding oppressing horses nonwinners nominees of 1000 allowou allow o Monday November 14 1898 1898THE preceding the race Mile and a half To be run entirely different interests to start or the race raceWednesday 500 8 Ibs Dibs Maidens allowed 14 Ibs Dibs Oi THE HAN FRANCISCO STAKES A sweepstakes To be run Wednesday December 21 1898 1898THE Wednesday November 23 1898 may be declared off Short Course To be run for twoyearold toehold fillies foals of 1898 The As ¬ Wednesday December 14 1898 THE CHRISTMAS HANDICAP A handicap sociation spoliation to guarantee the value of the stake THE 1898THE SUNNYSIDE SUNNY STAKES c A sweepstakes i for fortwoyearold sweepstakes for threeyoarolds and upward 1200 of which 200 to the second and 100 to twoyearold toehold colts and geldings foals of 1896 THE HOUAET HOUSE STAKES A handicap sweep The Association to guarantee the value of the the third horse Entrance 10 each to accom Tacoma ¬ TLe Tale sweepTLe sweetie Association to guarantee the value of the stakes for threeyearolds foals of 1895 The Thestake Testate stake 1500 of which 200 to the second and pany panky the nomination 25 additional to start stake 1200 of which 200 to the second and association to guarantee the value of the stake 100 to the third horse Entrance ilO Milo each to A winner of a stakeof takeoff the value of 81500 or two 100 to the third horse Entrance 10 each to 500 of which 200 to the second and 100 to toaccompany Tacoma accompany the nomination 30 additional to of any aluo aloud 3 Ibs Dibs of one of 2 SCO SCOT or three or accompany the nomination 25 additional to the third horse Entrance 10 each to accom Tacoma accomftart accentuate start Weights to appear five days before the more of auy ay value n Ibs Dibs penalty Other horses ftart tart A winner of a stake of the value of 1500 pany panky the nomination 0 additional to start startor sartor race Winners after publication of weights to nonwinners nominees of 300 allowed 5 Ibs Dibs maidens or two of any value to carry 3 Ibs Dibs of one of Weights to appear five days before the race carry 5 ibs dibs penalty Two miles To be run 2500 or three or more of any value 5 Ibs Dibs pen Wiiaars Wizards ttssr tsar p i jUs jugs lao i t v 315 io GO cirr chirr y 5 Monday December 26 1898 THE FOLLOWING STAKES TO CLOSE LATER ENTRY BLANKS WILL BE ISSUED AND PAR ¬ TICULARS TICKLERS ADVERTISED IN DUE TIME TO CLOSE NOVEMBER 26 1898TO BE RUN AFTER JANUARY 1 1899 1899Balboa The California Steeplechase a handicap steeplechase for threeyearolds and upward upwardFull upward Balboa Alba 1000The Bpulevaid Boulevard Stakes a handicap sweepstakes for threeyearolds One mile 1000 Full course i000 i000FOR The Presidio Stakes a sailing sweepstakes for threeyearolds foals of 1896 One mile 1000 FOR TWOYEAROLDSTO CLOSE ON JANUARY 7 1899 The California Oaks sweepstakes for fillies threeyearold foals of 1898 One and one 2000The eighth miles 2000 The Ocean View Stakes a sweepstakes for twoyearold toehold fillies foals of 1897 Four fur J The California Derby a sweepstakes for threeyoaiolds treenail foals of 1896 One and onequar conquer ¬ longs 3 l0u l0uThe 5000The ter tear miles 5000 The Malowansky Malawians Stakes a sweepstakes for twoyearold toehold celts and geldings foals of 1897 The Tarpey Tape Btakes Betakes a handicap sweepstakes for threeyoarolds and upward One and one Four furlongs V 1000The eighth miles 1000 The Androus Androids Stakes a sweepstakes for twoyearolds toeholds foals of 1897 Four and a half fur ¬ The San Rafael Stakes a selling sweepstakes for threeyenrolds and upward One mile 1000 longs 1000 1000The The Lakeside Stakes a selling sweepstakes for throeolds threads and upward One ana onehalf Neal onehalfmiles The Olympic Stakes a handicap sweepstakes for twoyearolds toeholds foals of 1897 Four and a ahalffnrlongs miles 1000 halffnrlongs chaffering i000 i000The The 1000The Ingleside Ingles Stakes a handicap sweepstakes for threeyearolds and upward Four miles 3500 The Occidental Stakes a selling swoepttakes sweepstakes for twoyearolds toeholds foals of 1897 Four and a ahalf aha The Crocker Woolworth Bank Stakes a sweepstakes for threeyearolds and upward Two Twoand Toad half furlongs 0 ° 0 0The 1750Tie and a quarter miles 1750 The Corrigan Stakes a sweepstakes for twoyearolds toeholds foals of 1897 Five furlongs 1500 1500The Tie Evergreen Stakes a sweepstakes for threeyear three i lds lads and upward One and oneeighth neigh oneeighthnre neigh The Schreiber Stakes a sweepstakes f fir ir twoyearold toehold colts and geldings foals of 1897 nre re beats 1500 Five furlong i000 Address Nominations and all Communications to F H GREEN SECRE SERE TAR Y Parlor A Palace Hotel San Francisco Cal