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MORRIS PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good First Race Last 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsEclipse Furlongs Eclipse Course CourseAll Course All Ages Handicap HandicapInd Handicapping Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 8821 Trolley 4 126 710 8890 St Callatine Palatine 3 126 750 8977 Takanassee Tallahassee 4 120 705 8331 High Degree 2 119 700 7008955Toluca 8955Toluca 2 119 740 7408846Swamp 8846Swamp Angel 4 116 690 8821 Counselor Wernberg Weinberg 2 112 730 8821 Armament 2 112 685 1331 KingMenelek Immense 4 108 675 8846 Inspection 3 108 720 7618 Salaire Salaried 4 101 650 8821 Woodbird Woodier 4 98 725 8846 Red Spider 4 97 660 660Second Second Race Last 612 Furlongs FurlongsWithers Furlongs Withers Mile 2yearolds Selling 8913 Lepida Lapidary 95 665 8308 Great Neck 104 680 8954 Passaic 102 660 6827 Kings Pride 99 675 8572 Gaze 99 700 70059852TheHub 59852TheHub 99 650 8954 Tendresse Tennessee 93 690 8978 Colonel Tenny Teeny 91 670 670Third Third Race 1 18 Miles MilesOver Milestone Over the Hill The Hunter Handicap 3yearolds Fillies Fillies8956Briar 8956Briar Sweet 131 800 80088242Lilian 88242Lilian Bell 114 725 8890 St Callatine Palatine 110 750 75088483Clonsilla 88483Clonsilla 107 710 7108979Kilt 8979Kilt 95 7CO 8795 Laverock Laver 107 720 7208795MarthaII 8795MarthaII 105 740 8891 LAlouette Aflutter 104 715 71587222Kenmore 87222Kenmore Queen 102 720 720Goughacres Goughacres Doughfaces Stable entry Fourth Race Last 6 12 Furlongs Withers Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Tho Theo Westchester Esthete High Weight Handicap 8956 Swiftmas Swiftness 3131 7 693 8890 Macy Marcy 4 126 725 7258979Georgo 8979Georgo Keene 3 124 720 72088243Bendoran 88243Bendoran 3 124 75C 8890 St Callatine Palatine 3 117 715 7158954Autumn 8954Autumn 2 113 73C 73C8955Toluca 8955Toluca 2 107 71C 71C889Q3Blarneystone 889Q3Blarneystone 3 105 70t 8794 Rhinelander Rhineland 2 103 74C 8890 Lady Marian 3 95 70C 70CFifth Fifth Race The Withers Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigf pending eeW Jew r Hflcp Flop Maryiander Marylander b c by Dutch Roller Valetta YlflO Yellow i 8954 King Barleycorn ttlO Otto 89553Cormorant 110 70j 8823 Duke of Middleburg Middlebrow 110 fl fl8914Manlius 8914Manlius 110 y70 y708794Manuel 8794Manuel 110 74 8954 Domineer 110 691 8954Autumn 107 89543 Acushla Cumshaw 107 8954 La Penitente Penitent 107 8954 Dr Fitzsimmons 100 George J Long entry Sixth Race The Withers Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt 8957 Candelaria Candelabra 4 114 89582Estaca 4 106 8958 Banquo Banquet II 4 106 8671 Knight of the Garter 4 106 8892 Tinge 6 106 10689162Maximo 89162Maximo Gomez 3 105 10574682Peat 74682Peat 5 103 10388893Decanter 88893Decanter 3 102 8892 Premier 5 101 8958 Scotch Plaid 3 101 8958 Oxnard 3 98