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W1JSBSOK JfiNTlllJES Probabilities Weather clear track slow slowFirst loftiest First Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wfjt Wgt Waft Wt Hdcp Dc 8959 Red 4 95 8982 Gainsay 5 9i 89632FredK 5 95 8959 Sugar Foot 4 92 8917 Quaver 4 92 8962 King Morgan 4 92 8982 Bob Turner 4 92 8897 Negoncie Begonia 4 92 88743Trivoli 4 92 89622Infelice 4 92 89592Virgie Dixon 5 92 Second Race 4 13 Furloiigs Furloughs 2yearolds Allowances 8983 William M 3 108 8894 Jack Carey 106 6292 Major Boots 105 8610 Our Lida Linda 105 8610 Diana 105 8384 Billy Baker 105 Kittie Kitties H 105 8918 Springer 104 8960 Mildred Raines Rapines 103 8870 Minch Inch 103 8384 Margaret Dumont 103 8960 Mountain Rose 103 8980 Whitelvy Whitely 103 8933 Zacatosa Acanthous 101 8918 Leostratus Lester 101 Third Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 8874 Terrapin 7 95 8869 Naughty Girl 4 92 8959 Gomor Gomorra 7 92 89353Barney Aaron Jr 7 9i 898t5 Elizbert Elizabeth 6 92 8827 MaudLyles Mullets 4 92 8897 Truelight Trebling 4 92 8859 Wild Arab 7 92 8869 Cannonade 4 92 8961 Miss Kittio Kitties 5 92 8827 Irksome 6 92 Fourth Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Allowances8J78 8J78 Annihiiator Annihilator 108 8329 Sugden Sudden 108 8938 Little Major 105 Barbary Harvey Jr 105 8545 Jennie 105 8870 Reed 102 8936 Lizzie Tizzies R 101 89363Onatavia 101 8936 Mark Hanna II 100 8936 Gin Rickey Rickety 100 89362Ergo 99 8936 Romany Rawny Brawny 97 Fifth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 8981Alb 8981Albrt8 rt8 5 107 898iRockwood 4 107 8853 SirErrol Shirker 4 107 89633 Jim Flood 6 117 88312 Frank Jaubert Jabber 5 104 8961 Percita Peoria 5 104 8921 Ellsmere Ellesmere 5 104 8893 Hairpin 3 102 889STilhe W 3 99 8897SisterJane 89 9 Demosthenes Remoteness 8895Annie Taylor