Latonia Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-10-20


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Ky October 19 Sixteenth day liatonia Litton Jockey Clubr Club Weathe Weather leafitraok leafier heavy v r = rI Presiding Judge L P Tarlton Carlton Starter Morgan Chinn Chin v v Racing starts at 215 p m a QT T O FIRST RACEX RACE Mile Purse 300 v4yqarojdsandtnpward 300v4yqarojdsandtnpward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St K U StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 90333GARNET RIPPLE 4 109 6 4s 2 23 23 13 Southard Southward W Walker 6 5 32 W32 8369 COVINGTON COVING KY 4 94 3 31 11 IB H 23 T Knight JB Resrmss Rearms Co 5 555 9098 DUTCH BARD 5 94 9 7 7 51 31 36 Hrshbrgr Harsh FostorBrumfielda 10 6 10 9057 LADY HAMILTON 4 105 1 52 5 42 4i 42 J Mathews J D Lucas 2 1 873 SFREMONT FREMONT 4 97 2 IB 48 SB 58 52 Gaddy Grady Scoegan Slogan Bros Brows 6 8 8 8 8621 TOPPER 4 93 7 8 8 7 7 61 W Hugbes Hughes J T Weaver Co 50 60 50 60 9057 ED OVERLOOK 4 93 5 2n 3 65 65 75 Franklin P T Weir 10 15 10 15 8875 PETREL 4 94 8 9 B 8 8 8 o CThompsnL Thompson P Macey Mace 4545 8990 FLOTOW FLOAT 4 97 4 66 9 9 9 9 Wilson E C Brown 10 15 10 15 Time 15Time 26t 521 1 081 1 2l 1 35 1 51 Winner B g by Sidney Madam Midas Post 5 minutes Start straggling Won cleverly second easily The first two were stagger ¬ ing King at the end Covinston Convention Ky and Dutch B ird bird were both ponrly portly ridden The latter will dp better with a better boy Lady Hamilton had no speed Fremont showed early speed Ed Overlooks boy was of little assistance Scratched Zufallig Unfailing 91 Rook wood 100 Irenn Siren Blair 100 Overweights Overweighs Lady Hamilton 5 pounds Ed Overlook 2 Garnet Ripple place 3 to 5 Covingtoa Coving Ky olace solace 2 to lshow show even Dutch Bard show 2tol VT 9111 SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St V4 H X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H LG 8 5S6 HUB PRATHER RATHER 100 4 31 31 IB 21 IB Southard Southward J C Rogers 34 911 EASTABROOKS CASEBOOKS 108 2 21 2i 21 33 21 Britton Briton S Williams 6 6 d 6 90 4 SHINFANE SHINBONE 108 1 43 51 42 45 31 Morrison Orison W JSp Sp irs Co 6 B a2 6V5 3 2 9034 FATHERLAND 108 6 5 4n 32 11 410 Conley Coney WelchCo Welch 85858585 8915 ASMAN GASMAN 103 5 11 H 52 52 52 M Dunn R McMillan Macmillan Co 6 12 6 12 8087 CLARENCE B 108 77 7 62 65 61 Gihnore Gilmore WJ Williams 8 IO8aO 8915 B G FOX 103 3 62 6 7 7 7 W Huehis Heirs F P Anderson 8 30 8V 30 Time 30Time 261 531 1 0 1 22 1 36i 1 511 Vv Winner VvWinner Vivienne B c by Fonso Fonts Melody Post 15 minutes Start g od The first four were in a hard drive The winner was lifted in at the last stride Eastabrooks Casebooks ran a corking good race but falterpd faltered at the endVShtnfane closed strong Fatherland appeared to have the race won at the head of the stretchy but quit badly at the end Asman Gasman was done after going half a mile i Overweights Overweighs Asman Gasman 3 pounds it itHub thumb Hub Prather Rather place 8 to 5 show 7 to 10 Eastabrooks Casebooks place 2 to 1 show 7 to10 Q 1 1 THIRD RACE1 116 Miles Purse 300 8yearolds and upward Celling Calling A Wt St M H J Str Star Fm Jockeys Owners O H L C 9D39 IDEAL BEAU 3 98 8 7 7 42 31 12 Cmwhurst Combust D R Keith 6655 91003DOMSIE 3101 7 4 4i 31 43 2 Southard Southward William Clark 2 323 889THE DOCTOR 3 93 4 62 62 55 53 SH Frost C L Blackburn 3333 9075 VUNT VAUNT MAGGIE 3102 5 1 11 12 12 411 Qlm Lm re W W Lister Blister 6 6C 6 6 9038JSANGAMON 4107 6 h 51 21 21 5io j mu T C McDowell 2 21 2 21 2189393HEL 89393HEL H GARDNERS GARNERS K9 1 33 3 7 7 610 VV Narvaez Larvae W A Kirwan Iran 8 12 8 10 9077 TOLE OLE SIMMONa Simmons 3 98 3 2H 2 61 65 710 Knhn Khan J F Grefer Refer 4 4 44 4490V7 90V7 CREEDWORE CREDO L 3 94 2 8 8 8 8 81 o W Hughes Dunn Carter 12 20 12 20 87U6 HACO HANCOCK 4 97 10 10 9 9 9 910 Franklin Go dwin Edwin feCo eCo 1 40ilOOr40 75 8831 THE PROFESSOR 3 94 9 9 10 10 10 10 CThompsn Thompson J C Calm 10 42 10 12 Time 251 5t 1 06 1 20 1 34 1 49i 1 57 Winner B c by Jim Gore Bonita Bonito Belle Post 3 minutes Start tood stood Won easily the next four were driving hard SldeaLBeau Saleable came like a flash through the stretch Aunt Maggie was t ring at the end DornsieandThe Dionysian Doctor had a hot fight for the place Sangamou Seagram faltered and quit at the finish It vas ripi rip Tole Stole Simmons kind of track scratched Cecil 97 Jack Hayes 101 Caius Carious 104 I v Overweights Overweighs Aunt Maggie 4 pounds Ideal Beau place 2 to 1 show even Domsie Dossier placi placid oven show 1 to 2 The Doctor show 1 to 2 9113 FOURTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt t St H y M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H liC laic 907 SPINNiKER Spinnaker 108 8 5 51 51 U 12 IHK SIKH Gilmore Brown Ward 5 ay5 6 9062 SORROW 103 4 3 31 IB 21 21 21 CTiompsonJ Crimson C C hn 121120121120 9015 CHAT OF ME 103 10312 12 8 7 52 61 31 MDunn Dunn A D Payne 6 12 6 12 9078 ELEANOR HOLME3K8 18 7 7 8 7 7 41 H Blown LJHaas Jihads 10 J1510 15 8923 AL LIE BELLE 108 9 9 9 8 42 51 J Hill G C Holloway Hollow 2 2f av2r 9012 RID A 100 3 10 10 9 6J WedrstrndT Wedlerstrand Pedestrian 50 100 50 100 8838 DOUOZETTA DONIZETTI 108 6 2H 31 32 32 7 Conley Coney W F tichulte tickle Co8 10 8 MO 9110 LAUKA LANKA MAY 100 511 11 10 9 81 Franklin J Fleming 20 60 20 40 9103 MYRIAM MIRIAM G 108 1 HI 21 41 51 92 Preston PTomlinsonCo Prominence 10 20 40 20 7051 scorriE SCOTTIE corriE D 108 2 41 61 6210 lOio lotion Morrison Orison F Daniiler Danville 10 J15 iO 12 3614 NANCY 25MISS TILL 1081012 12 11 11 1120 Loath T H Blackburn 15 30 15 25 MISS HURNS URNS 10811 61 4B 12 12 12 W Hughes George Hill 30 60 30 50 Time 50Time 13i 26 40 53 1 06i 1 2U 1 36 Winner Br f by Tbo Bo Chevalier Full Sail Post 5 minutes Start goo 1 Tne Tine first even were all driving hard Spinnaker rah Sorrow off her feet Chat of Me ran a splandid splendid race She is both speedy and game Eleanor Holmes and Allie Sallie Belle finished strong Miss Hurns Urns was speedy for halfa alfa mile Domdzetta Donizetti quit after reaching the stretch Myriam Miriam G showed improvement over her last race Scratched Vermuda Bermuda 100 Overweights Overweighs Chat of Me 3 pounds Spinnaker place 2 to 1 show even Chat of Me show 2 to 1 Q 1 1 4 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Allowanced Ind Indo Morses Morsels A Wt St H H M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners 9058 FANNIE TAYLOR 110 6 6 7 41 1 C Graham Hickev Hickey Bros Brows r 15 15i 15il5 8963SIS VIC 113 5 41 31 32 2 Morrison Orison B G Thomas 85 2 8t5 2 22O 90582 PRIM A VERA 102 2 SB 41 51 3 J Hill J JJ J Carey 2 2O 3 21 3 9058 GEORGIE GEORGE 105 4 22 21 H 41 Guitiers Guiltier S J Charles 6 68V 8V 6 8 8879 BliCKY Blocky BAN 102 7 79u583MAlDOtT 51 51 61 51 Gaddy Grady H J Scoggan Slogan 30 50 30 40 40H 9u583MAlDOtT PROMISE 110 3 H IB 22 61 J Mathews W S Barnes 6 8 6 8 8831 MINNIE STONE 102 9 989l28MIris 9 8 7 71 Wohlford Wolfed J W McClelland Macmillan 50 60 50 60 89l28MIris PATRON 113 8 7 61 8 81 Gilm Gilman re TWLVanMeterS Willamette 6 5 6 8942 BEANA BEAN 102 10 1089o3 10 9 9 930 Southard Southward WT Sellers 3 6 3 5 89o3 CAKLENE CARLENE SCALENE ARLENE 105 1 8 10 10 101 Conley Coney J S Lancaster 20 30 20 30 8437 KITTIE KITTIES FRENCH 10211 11 11 11 11 Aker Baker H B Durhani Durham 10 2010 20lOS15 15 15Time Time 121 25 39 52 1 07 y ss lf WinnerB Winner lfWinnerB fawner TrayAndeliaPost f by Tea TrayAndelia Tarantella Post 10 minute atait attaint ood od Won in a hard drive All behind Sis Vfc Vc Wer Wear driyiqg driving except Carlene Arlene ana Kittie Kitties French The improvement of the winner and Georgie George was startjingtiittid starting Yio Yo ran her race Maid of Promise s toppid torpid in the stretch Primavera Prima was closing fast v Scratctied Scatted Lutes Margaret H2 Contravene 102 Overweihts Overweighs Carlene Arlene 3 pounas pounds T i Fannie Taylor place 6 to 1 show S to 1 Sis Vic place 4 to 5 Primavera Prima sh6w3 to 5 v Q 1 T K SIXTH KACE ACE l Mile Purse 300 4y earolds earls and up Ward Sell inf info Ind Indo Horses A Wt St H H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Ovners Boners 9D783BARTON 4107 5 4 61 26 12 H Morrison Orison L De Gisbert Gilbert 899iALBhRTVALE 4112 6 51 51 IH 22 25 Aker Baker E T Gmves Gomes 451 V 45l 9u572O RIC RICA II 4 97 7 7 7 53 31 32 Frost C C Maffitt Afflict 3 r J3 3 8989 KOYAL LOYAL CHOICE 5 107 1 61 41 7 52 48 M Dunn R Rome 10 rlO1010 910 JMBOREE JAMBOREE 7 91 2 31 SH 65 42 58 J Mathews W F Dair Dairy 5 6 886 2 THE NAVY 4 91 4 11 11 41 62 62 Loiilen Oilmen Ramsey Renz Frenzy 10 10 10 10 8993M1SS BRAMBLE 4 Iu4 3 22 2 SB 7 7 VHughes Hughes T E Davis 6 666 1972 HERMES 5105 15Time 8 Pulled up ConUy Coney Gopde Geode Co 10 15 10 15 Time 26 53 106 1201 l3i 119 Winner B c by Simple Simon Birdie Post 3 minutes Start g iod od The first two were driving hard Barton had abundant speed and was plainly the best Jiisa Ibis Brambe Bramble quit after going six furlong S did Tna Tina Navy Osric Ostrich II was bumped into on the first turn and euro AH out of tne tine rice Hermes was pulled up after going the first furlong Scratched Kahtan Kaftan 100 Rush Fields 100 McFarland II 103 Osmon Olson 107 Overweights Overweighs 107Overweights poundsBarton pounds Hermes 2 pounds Barton place 8 to 5 show 3 to 5 Osric Ostrich II show 1 to 2

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Local Identifier: drf1898102001_4_2
Library of Congress Record: