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MORRIS PARK FORM CHART CHARTWESTCELKSTEK WESTCELKSTEK N Y October 1 9 Twelfth day Westchester Esthete Racing Association Autumn AutumnMo Autumn Mo ting Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgen Citizen ll Racing starts at 215 p m Ci 1 1 FIRST KAOh KAO About fll fall Its 500addtd 3yearolds and upward Allowances J JL 1 JL Steeplechase Ind Indo Horses AWtrft Attrite 4 8 12 16 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 0 89l2FRONTRriMN3 132 1 1J2 13 15 2 12 12 Cochrane Cochran F B THitchcockl Hitchcock 1 4545 8976 TKAYtLLA Kayla 4 140 3 21 23 21 4 4 2 Clark F L Parker 8605 BABY HILL 7 1E8 2 3 31 34 28 210 38 Dayton L Waterbury 8699 KltLER Keller 4 143 5 4 4 4 32 32 4 Anderson Anderg Lander G H Begeman Bergman 10 30 10 25 M Mi6 i6 WILOVER WILOWER WALKOVER WILLOWIER 3 132 4 Fell Barry F D Beard 3423 3423Time Time 4 07 07Winner Winner Ch g by Pcntiac Pontiac Gircfle Girdle GircfleStart Girdles Start good Won pulled up Fiontiersman Frontiersman far outclassed the field and was under a stropg strop pull throughout Trayella Graylag is promisiijg promising but need school ng Be is fat oil th flat Baby Bill was pulled up or he would have been second Tire others ore very bad steeplt steeply chasers Trayella Graylag chasersTrayella chasers place 2 to 1 bhow how 1 to 2 Baby Bill show 2 to 5 Ql OO SECOND RACE5 12 Furlongs SOO SOHO added 3yearolds and upward tJ JL l 1 Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St Vi M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OH L C 8821 KLEPPER LEPER 4 92 3 13 12 is 12 Odom Sodom W P Burch 10 10 1 7 904 K OFTHEGARTR4 105 6 5i 51 4U 2t N Turner P S P Randolph 4646 2 21 21 36 Spencer L O Appleby Apple 3636 895S3FAIRY DALE 3 84 4 3 4 44 3 31 41 44 Phelan Phalanx Burton BurtonCo Burton Co 20 60 20 50 88873 LADY DISDAIN 3114 5 4 3 61 53 Clawson Lawson H T Griffin 4 5 4 41 44 9126 UNCLE I OUIS LOUIS 3 91 8 8 8 51 54 62 Michaels Michael H W Smith mith Smith 20 20 20 20 2087t9FLAREAWAY 87t9FLAREAWAY 3 99 2 7 7 8 7 Sf Sr nger anger W C Hayes 30 100 SO 75 9026 bANLON anon 5 103 9 9 9 9 8 T Burns W A Porter 24 34 24 3 8P99 KING MENELEK MENDEL 4 98 10 10 10 10 9 McCue McClure A H Barney SO 100 30 75 8999 RED SPIDER 4 92 7 10Time 61 61 7 10 Makin Akin M F btepi tempi enson Benson 10 12 10 10 Time 24 484 100 1074 Winner 1074Winner Ch g by Victory Clio ClioStart Cloister Start straggling Won easily Klepper Leper is a wonder in slrppy sloppy going Knight of the Garter was closing very fast The route was too short for him Tiillo Till was short and looked high in flesh He is a real mudlark medullar Fairy Dale ran well Lady Disdain wants a fast track Uncle Louis can do better Hanlon Hanson was shout on speed speedScratched speeds Scratched Taric Agric 110 Island Prince 104 Dsn DDS Rice 104 Black Dude 104 Talisman 101 Dalgretti Algarve 101 Stachelberg Satchel 98 Prime Minister 93 Tappan87 Flax Spinner 98 Overweights Overweighs 98Overweights Knight of the Garter 4 pounds Trillo Trill 1 Uncle Louis Flareaway Faraway 1 Han Ion 5 5Klopper Klopper Lopper place 2 to 1 show 6 to 5 Knight of the Garter place 2 to 1 show even Trillo Trill show 6 to 5 Q I O O THIRD RACE 58 Mile 500added 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses A Wt St H 9i Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 90233TOPHET 97 4 12 13 14 12 T Burns R G Westmore Restore 5 5 T 4 8718 LADY EXILE 105 5 64 51 2 2 Spencer C D McCoy Co 4848 79963MEDDLESOME 484879963MEDDLESOME 95 6 5 3 33 3 Ciawson Caisson A White 4545 89M 454589M TY RAN 91 2 31 42 42 4 Michaels Michael P S P Randolph 20 20 20 20 209J23 9J23 NEUBEHGER 8712 10 10 8 54 R Lewis J E Madden 20 40 20 30 90003QREAT 3090003QREAT NECK 10511 9 9 63 4 N Turner Oneck Neck Stable 6655 9i25 66559i25 EXIT 105 3 44 24 5u 71 E J nes nebs P J Miles 10 15 10 11 9i232DECEPTIVE 119i232DECEPTIVE 9210 8 61 7 81 Odom Sodom GHKernaghDCo4 44 4 4 9053 AL REhVES Reeves 91 13 12 12 11 92 Gisbourne Gibbousness W C Daly Dally 25 30 25 30 8849 MONLETTA MONET 89 1 2 7 9 1010 Forehand Bromley Brome Co 20 10020 ICO CO 9u2i ICO9u2i bT SOPHIA 95 8 13 13 12 118 Corbley Cobble Konsfco Kinsfolk Stable 20 20 10 15 8673 KILARM ISLAM 9D 14 14 14 14 12 Moody U Cohen Jr 20 20 20 20 9025 VILLAGE PRIDE 107 9 11 11 13 13 Littlefield Littered R V WaldenSon20 20 20 20 925 MERC1A 1C9 7 150Time 78 10 14 Collins C H Deakin Detain 40 00 40 150 Time 11 24 48 1004 Winner 1004Winner Blk Balk c by Fiddlesticks Toscana ToscanaStart Toscana Start straggling Won handily Topbet Tope was lucky and well handled and the best in mud Lady Exile also favors mud and closed strong as also did Meddlesome Neuberger Numbered was running great guus gus at the finish So was Great Neck who always wants a route Deceptive had no chance at the start or little with tho thou ride He is a fair colt The others appeared to be a bad lot watchScratched witchcraft except perhaps Village Pride who will do to watch Scratched Amorita Amorist 105 Big Indian 10 Imitatinn Imitation 94 Valdiva87 Fray 84 Overweights Overweighs 84Overweights Topbet Tope 5 pounds Lady Exile 2 Meddlesome 3 Tyran Tyrant 1 Great Neck 5 Exit 2 Al Reeves 2 Kilarma Kithara 1 Mercia Mercian 4 4Tophet Tophet Tope place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Lady Exile place 3 to 1 show 7 to 5 Meddlesome show even O 1 ZL FOURTH RACE 6 13 Furlongs 700 added All Ages Handicap Ind Indo Horses A Wt St 4 W K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O 90033CORMORANT 2 109 6 690272BLACK 42 14 11412 Spencer Roaers Roamers Rose 5757 90272BLACK VENUS 2 117 1 19002GEOhGE IH 5757IH 2 22 24 N Turner E O Pepper 6 6 3J 34 9002GEOhGE KEENE3 137 4 6 4 32 34 Clawson Lawson S C Hildreth Children 75 11575 11 89563 ri AN DtsEL Tassel 3 128 2 2 3H 4 43 T Burns J J McCafferty 3 34 a 3 9 92 MAR1TO 3 92 3 39u96 31 56 510 511 orbley Morley P J Miles 6 15 6 12 9u96 LADY MABIAN MALIAN 3 92 5 5i 6 6 6 Mo dy W C Daly Dally 12 12 12 12 129G923FLEETIM 9G923FLEETIM GOLD 3 fc9 Left 20Time at the post Eades Evades Sensation Stable 8 20 8 20 Time 12 25 38 50J 1 164 1 23 HopStart Hipster Winner 23Winner B c by Phoenix Glen Hop Start straggling Won easily They were at the post 30 minutes At tho thou weights Cormorant was far the beat He was nearly loft and being a very bad actor at tho thou post was so much used that it would have beaten any but a real good one Black Venus was lucky carefully saved and well handled She tired in the mud and is better on a fast track George Keene was anchored by his big w ight bight but he closed strpug strung at the end and is very good Handsel Handel wore barplates airplanes which tno no slippery going madu mad tell against him He can do better Scratched betterScratched butterscotch St Callatine Palatine 124 Swamp Angel 121 Geisha 116 Toluca Toucan 114 Overweights Overweighs 114Overweights Marito Marion 2 pounds Fleeting Gold 1 Cormorant place 24 to 1 show even Black Venus place even show 3 to 5 George Keene show 1 to 2 O 1 O KT FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles Over the Hill 7COadded 3yearolds and up ward J JL O Handicap I a dorses doses A Wt St St M V5 3 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 9055 SIR WALTER 8112 2 W 23 13 13 13 114 Clayton Oi eck beck Stable 3 3 2 2 9056MACY 4123 114 1 2 23 21 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Sou4 5 1 451 90S5 45190S5 TWINKLER WINKLER 3 ino Kino a 32 33 3 2u 31033 Clawsou Claws Mrs S C Hilareth Hilarity 4 847 9052CHAhINA 4 93 4444 444 Lamley Langley A Covington Coving 7 12 7 10 Time 10Time 12 26 38 514 1 05 1 18 1 43 1 564 Winner 564Winner B h by Midlothian Militia La Scala Scalar Start go d Won driving Sir Walter liked the sloppy going and as weighted was tho thou best Macy Marcy was overweighted overweighed but he did m t run his ruce Bruce and certainly does not favor this track Twiukler Winkler ran a remarkable race for him as ho is supposed to bo hardly able to walk in mud He is very tood stood now Clmriua Lamia was badly outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Algol 126 Handball 115 115Overwe Overwe Overawe ghts hats Sir Walter 2 pounds t Sir Walter place 3 to 5 Macy Marcy place 2 to 5 4 SIXTH RACETae Acetate Withers Mile J5CO added 3yearolda and upward 9 dolling Horses A Wt St s Stf St StrFin Strafing Jockpys Jockeys U 7585758589lfi 90522B4NQTTO II 4 106 2 63 31 2 H 13 MaLor Mallory PJ Miles 75857585 66339f5 89lfi MAHIAN MALIAN 5103 3 22 21 H 2 26 S nger anger PSPR PP ndolph Adolph 6633 9f5 SDUUhLK Duluth QUICK 516 7 1 I 33 J4 33 Cl Clvon Clone von SCHildreth Children 3 41 3 4 922HEADL1G T 5106 4 3 42 43 4 41 N Turner C M Miller 4444 8615 BLA LA K DUDE 3 K3 6 4H 51 51 M 51 p ncer nicer John White 20 20 15 15 992CQUAN 15992CQUAN 258i56 4 Id3 1 52 610 t 0 gio go 610 T Burns W L Oliv Olive r 2J 30 20 25 8i56 EiNDEAVOR ENDEAVOR 4 103 40Time X 1 7 7 7 7 Jane Sensation Stable 40 50 40 40 Time 18 24 37 51 1 05 1 18i 1 44 Winner 44Winner ThriftyStart Thrifts Ch c by Pirate of Keizaucn Eliza Thrifty Start good W n easily Batqno Baton II was easily the bpst pst today Under otrong throng ridng riding l le e was a ypry pry good horse Maisian Mission woke up He wts wets used too rnrch ranch the first part yet ran finely Double Quicfc Qui quit b bfUy bUy fUy fury Headlight can do bettor Pe apt eared to be or ly pallopitg plopping the first part auo auto stcipi scrip d suddeijli suede tie OIP OP bur plates Throw out this race The oiheis coheirs are virj vi ccmtnon Scraicher Scratchier ccmtnonScraicher Sv amp Angel 105 Decanter 102 Lorg Org Arie Ariel 93 Banquo Banquet 93Banquo II place 3 to 5 Marsian Marian place even sh w 1 to 2 Doublp Double Quick show 7 to 10