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GLENELG GENEALOGY GLENELGThe Gleneagles The sale of the Glenelg Genteel yearlings at Harlem a few days ago cannot but serve to impress one with the thought of what a wonderfully stout and virile horse this great son of Citadel was When he died last November Glenelg Genteel was thir their ¬ tyone tone years old yet his now yearlings will make their mark in the 2yearold contests of 1899 and OH Mr Tyree Tree Bates farm there are now a number of Glenelg Genteel weanlings one being a grand bay colt from Lida Linda C the dam of The Reaper ReaperFew Reaper Few horses imported from England have left a deeper or stronger impression on American thoroughbred breeding interests than Glenelg Genteel The stout blood of Citadel Kingston and the exceedingly game and staying Defence Defense that flowed in potent current through his veins have been of incalculable value Look at this brilliant galaxy of his sons and daughters Monitor Firenzi Frenzied Dry Monopole Los Angeles Little Minch Inch Gleaner LDuisetto Louise Strathspey Straits Mintzer Minter Ferida Friday Bertha Aella Ella Dan Sparling Sparing Tristan Dristan Post Guard Ada Adam Glenn Danicheff Dance Grissette Trisected Insolence Herbert Ferona Verona Grena Green ¬ dier dicer Preciosa Precious She Sir Joseph Heel and Toe Kittie Kitties Clark Judith Minnock Minorca Mirth Cammia Zamia F To look at these names is to recall the fact that in the course of their careers they at one time or another placed almost every honor pos ¬ sible sable to be won on the American turf to his credit as a sire sireIt spirit It is evident that the influence of the potent blood of Glenelg Genteel must long be recognized and prized by the breeders of this country That his daughters have produced such great race horses as Volants Volant Santiago Troubadour Santa Anna Bermuda Jennie June Dagonet Dragonet Kaloo Aloof lah blah Marie Stuart Estrella Stella La Sylphide Sulphide Pro ¬ tection section Can Can Ballarat Ballard Chaos and Take Notife Notified is amply sufficient to insure this His son Post Guard has already made his mark as a sire and such good horses as Tristan Dristan Dry Mono pole and Little Mincb Minicab canhardly canard fail to do so when mated with their properly selected cross crossGlenelg crosslet Glenelg Genteel was a model racehorse He was suited by any and all kinds and conditions of racetracks and could sprint six furlongs or stay four miles with the best of his day And as he was so were as a rule his sons and daughters Even such brilliant sprinters as Little Minch Inch and Gleaner showed when asked the question that they were just as ready to go the long route as they wore to do a dazzling five fur ¬ longs And when shall we again see such a mare as the unequaled Firenzi Frenzied