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ENGLISH AND AMERICAN TRAINING TRAININGIn Training In the training and handling of yearliLgs yearlings tho thou English trainer it may bo stated does not try his yearlings at all In fact it is not until the fall after they are taken up and broken which occupies at least a couple of months that they are asked to gallop the general cus cubs ¬ tom being to lead them around with a surcingle sourcing or dumb jockey on their backs from which side lines of rubber are attached to the checks of tho thou bit very loose at first but gradually tight ¬ ened denned as the youngsters get accustomed to re sjraint sprain sjraintWhen strengthen When the mouth has been made they are then put through a course of what is called lunging which is being made to trot and cantor around a circlo circle at tho thou end of a Jong Jog lunging rein When all of this kindergarten part of the programme programmed has been got through with tho thou youngster is then saddled for the first time and in due course a lad gets a legup letup and the baby racer is then ridden at a walk for several weeks so that yearlings there are handled all of two months before they aro aero even asked to gallop As I stated a week ago year ¬ ling trials are unknown in England so that it is well on in the spring at 2yearolds before the English trainer has soen son his young brigade fairly extended extendedIn extended In passing I may here repeat what I wrote several years ago that everything else being equal the American bred 2yearold will up until say the middle of June always beat the English bred one for the simple reason that he has had more range and liberty Consequently when not ruined by too severe yearling trials American youngsters come to hand earlier and show their real form much sooner than those reared under the more or less artificial condi condo ¬ tions ions prevailing in England EnglandIn England In regard to getting horses ready for early spring engagements the climate in England generally admits of horses being exercised out I in the open during the winter almost every day with but few exceptions This of course is of great advantage especially with gross heavy topped horses The English trainer usually gives his horses more slow work before really sending thorn along in earnest than is custom ¬ ary Cary in this country while all horses are exer exert ¬ cised cussed with clothing on of some sort and it is only when being worked out in a trial as we term it here that they are stripped of their clothing clothingThe clothing The blanket idea as an adjunct in the fitting of horses has long since been exploded in this country Doubtless the idea was imported but experience proved that the climatic conditions were so different that what might be necessary in England was injurious here In the trying of horses the English trainers timer is a horse and not a watch but I think tho thou time is not far off when the watch as an adjunct to the trial horse will become general in England and in this they would get the most reliable of all trials which in a country where big turf coups are fashionable is a matter of the utmost im ¬ portance prance portanceIn prancing In stable management while all of the sur slur ¬ roundings groundings and general getup are on a much more elaborate scale in England and with almost military discipline when it gets down however to the commonsense treatment of the horse the representative American trainer in my opin opine ¬ ion shows much superior judgment in various ways one of tho thou most important being in re ¬ gard guard to the grooming of horses which is done in quite a matter of fact way and with none of the pounding ur fuss that is thought necessary in the grooming of a horse in England There the higher thj nth class if tho thou horso hors tho thou more he has to submit to a lot of humbug in this respect with tho thou result that a large proportion of race horsos horses in training become fretful and irritable when being handled in tho thou stable stableBut stable But one of the most surprising things in a nation of practical horsemen such as the Brit ¬ ishers fishers are is that unless when racing horses are never taken out of their stalls from the time they come in from exercise until they are taken out again the next morning and to further em ¬ phasize passive this I may state that half open doors such as are on all box stalls in this country are almost unknown iu an English training stable stableThe stable The English trainer feods feds his horses foui foul times a day in the morning then at what is called shutting up time about 11 oclock o'clock and from that time until 4 in the afternoon woo botide betide the ignoramus who would presume to ask to see tho thou horses In fact owners from the Prince of Wales down would not dream of tak tack ¬ ing King guests to the stables during those forbidden hours At 4 oclock o'clock tho thou horses after being rested are divested of their day clothing and groomed over a bit night clothing put on and then fed and shut up again until 7 or 730 when they are again fed and shut up for the night nightIn knighting In contrast to the English method in the lat ¬ ter tear respects at 330 or 4 oclock o'clock in the after ¬ noon the American trainer has his horsos horses all taken out and walked from half to an hour or more Tho Theo wisdom of this is apparent as in ad dition edition to the stalls being thoroughly aired while the horses are out tho thou exercise especially in the case of gross or groggy horsoe horse is ot great benefit while the careful trainer is also afforded an opportunity to make many useful observations especially in the spring of the year when there is still lots to be learned of the many peculiarities which exist in any large string of racehores racehorse in training This one fea fear ¬ ture turret of American training methods ought by all means to be copied and become genenal general in Eng ¬ land as there is no argument whatever as to its practical importance Kelston Keelson in Morn ¬ ing King Telegraph