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LAKESIDE FORM CHART CHARTROBY CHARTER ROBY ROY 1 NIX November 8 Ninth day Lakeside Jockey Club Fall Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather wet track good first five races sloppy last race Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer JLlCing Jelling starts at 2 p m FIRST RACK fi8 Mile 2yoar olds Allowances AllowancesPurse Allowances Purse 100 value to winner 300 7u to second 25 to third ud Horses A Wt St l2 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C JS1U GOAL RUNNER 105 5 3 K INK i IN H Marlin James Whittou Whiteout 85 2 8u 2 lKj Kj ORDNUNQ JORDANIAN 118 41 41U32 41 23 2 25 T Burns J W Schor Choir BontC5 75 C5 C5 U32 F1NTAN 105 114 9H Si 6t 3 Seaton Eaton W H Snarley Snare 8 10 8 10 672 NAT ROE 105 3 01 5 34 41 Hothersall Others James Curl ID 20 10 20 i 72 BANISH 115 2 2 K 32 5J 51 Taber Stabber F M Arthur 15 20 15 20 372 NILMAH ANIMA 103 6t 71 i K Q2 Nutt Mutt MJRiceCo Morocco 10 10 10 10 10INK i372CALCHAi 118 11 11i372 INK 01 101 71 OMcIntyro McIntyre LS William fcCo30 30 30 30 i372 BRIGHT NIGHT 108 7 7V27 8 4 Gi Si JW Dean J W Kennedy Co 30 40 30 40 V27 BALD NED 115 9 111 101 112 g Wilson Gardner Sibiey Sobriety 100 100 100 100 vlix lx FALSETTO JK 108 12 12JOE 12 GH 82105 Ellis LSWilliaimCo + 30 30 30 30 JOE GENTRY 115 11513 13 13p 13 12 12 11 T Williams C Gentry 15 30 15 30 30i p i 2 NUMA NEUMANN 108 8 7 112 13 12 Fr onian Ionian CDeWitt Dewiest 0707 0707ij ij PHIDIAS OPHIDIANS 108 1Q 10113 9U13 J Morgan Kahn Co 20 40 20 40 40jOvnt jOvnt joint ST FRANCIS 115 11514 14 14s467 14 14 14 14 Corner J Delong Belong 20 30 20 30 s467 1467 METOXEN WETOXEN METRO SWEATBOX 108 10815 15 15 15 15 152 J Hart Hinde Hide Baker 100100100100 100100100100s3V x37 s3V PAY PAYTHEFIDDLER105 THE FIDDLER105 1C 10 16 10 16 Lynch G Laundry 100100100100 132 432 SUN GOD 108 17 17FALCON 17 17 17 171 i sheppard J Steppe 20 40 20 40 40FALCON FALCON LIGHT 118 11818 18 18 18 18 18 Kitley Kirtle J W Schorr Scorer SoutO Sotto 5 75 65 65 65WM WM BLUE LICK 118 Left at the pos Caywood Cawed D M Hogau Hogan 15 15 15 15 + Coupled in betting Disqualified for foul foulTime outline Time 12J 241 50 1 03i 03iWinner Winner Ch c by Order Highland Love LovePost Flowerpot Post 14 minutes Start good The first two were driving the entire length of the stretch Thoie Tahoe was also considerable action behind these two The finish was a spectacular one and the e could hardly have been more fouling between two horses than there was between Goal Runuer Runner and Ordnung Cordoning Martin on Goal Runner carried Ordnung Cordoning out a trille trilled at the head of the stntch snatch and Burns in turn bumped him right back again At the sixteenth pole Goal Runner seemed to falter and Martin seeing the Schorr Scorer colt had him beaten reached over and caught hold of Ordnuugs Arduous bridle It was a deliberate piece of work and the judges disqualified him without much hesitation At the weights and as the race was run the best horse got the purse Fiutan Fustian was bnmped bumped and jostled but stood it gamely and made a good showing The finish on Nat Roe was weak Banish much used at the post managed to get away well and showed quite a smart turn t f speed Calchad Cached was cut off on the stretch turn The field was too largo to extract reliable form from outside of the first twelve horses horsesScratched Scratched Aratio Aeration 108 Cuirassier 108 108Schorr Schorr Scorer entry place 2 to 5 Fintau Fiona place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Nat Roe show 5 to 1 SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Purse 403 entrance 10 value to winner 410 141 to second 69 to third Ind Indo Horses s A Yt St M fc 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 3 98 9 4 3 K 22 1 Ni itt W O Fessendeu Essence 10 15 10 15 94572DUNOIS 4 110 2 111 g 13 li 25 H Martin T H Ryan 75 85 1 65 94622 MONCREITH NONCREDIT 4 110 10 32 3s 44 51 3 Bloss Loss J E Murphy 8 10 8 10 J4032QOLD BAND 4107114 51 4J 5 44 42 Freeman G W Curtis 10 15 10 15 15y4332HARDLY y4332HARDLY 3 98 8 134 111 94 74 514 Hothersall Others C P Fink 2323 2323J342 J342 MR EASTON 3 98 5 123 122 IQI II 91 62 McNickle Canticle W W Clark 25 50 25 SO SO0375t 0375t MILWAUKEE 4110 1 914 6 74 8 7 T Burns T Burns 4646 464694333DON 94333DON ORSINO ORSON 3 101 15 8 x 7U 62 6 81 Lynch C A Tilles Tiles 4746 1468 JUDGE ST OMAN 6 110 16 7 9 112 nJ 92 J Hart R E Maddox 15 20 15 20 J178 BLUE DAN 3101 6 15 13 12 12 102 Keenan G B Forbes 100200100200 100200100200M307 M307 PINAR PIMA DEL RIO 3 98 14 2 810 111 Sheppard P T Kelly 15 30 15 30 30i i 4 l GLOBE II 3 98 4 1014 14 13 12 E Scherrer Sherrie J Brenock Redneck 30 50 30 50 50y405 y405 EMP MP JOSEPHINES JOSEPHINE 98 3 14 i 15 15 14 13 Kane J S OBrien O'Brien 100100100100 100100100100J371 J371 MORONI MORON 3 101 13 16 16 16 15 14 WHMartin Wharton D Waldo Weald 50 75 50 75 GLENMOYNE LENNON 7107 7 2 15 24 31 15 J Morgan Foster Bros Brows 15 30 15 30 BROTHER FRED 4 107 12 6J 10 134 16 16 ERobortsonJohn Robertson Call 100100100100 100100100100y404 y404 KINGS HIGH WY3 101 17 17 17 17 17 17 Seatou Seato R Bradley 100200100150 100200100150M51J M51J NECEDAH NECKED 6 107 18 18 18 18 18 18 W Dean Sellen Ellen Lrathers40 40 30 30 30Time Time 121 254 501 1 03 1 154 1434 1151 Winner B g by Lisbon Ala Lala Lola LalaOff Layoff Off at first break to a good start The first two fought it out the entire length of the stretch Dunois Dubois was by far the best horse With any kind of good racing luck whatever he could not have lost It looked on the first turn as though Dunois Dubois would surely go dcwn down At that point there was a nasty jam and four or five almost fell Martin perhaps used poor judgment in mak make ¬ ing King up bis bias ground too quickly but the field was so big that he did what ho thought was best Barataria Barratries displayed great gameness and Nutt Mutt rode a powtrful powerful finish on him Ho only got up in the very last stride Hardly after being bumped and interfered with often ran a good game race Moncreith Noncredit always had clear sailing and no excuses Gold Band was right there Glen moyne monde shut his bolt early Don Orsino Orinoco runs better in small fields He cannot stand grief Scratched Inconstancy 107 Official 101 Dr Marks 98 Muskadine Misaimed 101 Barataria Barratries place 6 to 1 show 3 to 1 Dunois Dubois place 1 to 2 Moncreitb Noncredit show 2 to 1 Q f 1 K THIRD RACE1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesJ Allowances J ff 1 Puie Pie 8400 value to winner J300 75 to second 25 to third nd Horses A Wt St Vi Vi Si Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners v O H L C MIUCTHE MICHEL 0EVIL 97 4 8 5 2n 1 li Hothersall Others T F Sellers 2 24 2 115 115J4662AL J4662AL FRESCO 97 5 52 3U 14 23 22J T Burns T Licalzi Laical 12 12 25 25 25J460 J460 PLANTAIN 91 2 U4 1 3 32 34 Seaton Eaton R Bradley 15 17 15 15 15y370 y370 NATHANSON NATHAN 93 7 8 41 4H 4i McNickle Canticle W H Snarley Snare Co 15 20 15 20 20i2S3 i2S3 BRANCH 90 6 G 62 64 53 53 Kane C E MahoneCo Mahoney 50 75 50 75 75M151 M151 PAPA HARRY 93 34 4s 7 724 62 614 McCann Mecca H A Cotton 100 200 100 200 200i429 i429 V ATROON ASTRON 93 8 2 41 8 74 7 = Sheppard W McLatchy McCarthy 30 60 30 60 402 BEN WALKER 93 200Time 7t 3i 2 54 8 8 Rebo Reebok J W ONeal Neal 200 200 200 200 1431Winner Time 131 254 38 501 1031 1154 129 1431 PatagoniaOff Patagonia Winner B c by Major Richards Patagonia Off at first break to a good start Won hand ridden second and third doing their best The Devil turned the tables on Al Fresco He was a good horse today and had to ba to win He was shut out on the first turn a id obliged to run all around his field Hothersall Others fooled Burns at the head of the stretch He sat perfectly still on The Devil Burns doing likewise on Al Fresco The latter evidently thought he could outfinish outfits Sothersall Soothers and did not draw his whip until the last sixteenth Hecould Decoupled not have woa whoa anyhow today The Davil Devil was the best as the race was run Plantain bhowod boxwood some speed and ran a good race Nathansou Nathan did fairly well and will improve The last four ware outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Lucid 93 Baliverso Algiers 90 TheDevil Thee place 2 to 5 Plantain show even O C 1 ± FOURTH RACE1 18 Miles 4yearolds Handicap J O JL O Puse Pause 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 tc Ind Indo Horsae Horse A Wt St St H Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O E L 0 0046041MP 046041MP 112 34 14 12 if 13 11 is McNickle Canticle D R Harness 75 32 75 75 75sHtiO sHtiO Shiloh 710y46 MACY MAY 116 2 31 35 38 22 22 23 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 35 71035 710 y46 3TORM KING 99 I 2 2K 2 36 33 32 Nutt Mutt WLandsborgCou 055 J401 INCONSTANCY 85 5 H 4 42 4 41 42 McCaun Meccano M Jordan 103 200 100 150 9309 DONNA RITA 95 20Time IN 5 5 5 5 5 5 Beaton Eaton T Licalzi Laical 20 25 20 20 Time 12 J 24t 37i 50 1 02 1 144 1 28i 1 42 1 55I FondlingOff Fondling Winner 55IWinner Blk Balk f by Wagner Fondling Off at firsc firs break to a good start Won easily second eased at the end after an early drive third driven out Imp had all of her speed today She held the race safe from the drop of the flag The last time she and Macy Marcy met the filly was not herself Her sudden recovery excited comment The fact that she beat Macy Marcy is not so bad as he was carrying much more weight but being so far in front of Storm King after ho beat her so easily tho thou last time they met justly caused gossip Donna Rita could not raise a gallop gallopCorrected galloper Corrected weights Macy Marcy 116 C3T 1 T FIFTH RACE5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances t tJ JL i Purse 400 value to winner 3CO 75 to second 25 to third ind bind Horses A Wt St H V4 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 710710yiOl Ji570CONNELL 7 100 24 1 2 n 2 H Dean H Sanders 45 45 710710 yiOl idol 34434yi31 UAVE AVE WALDO WEALD 3 100 IKK VIKKI 24 124 H4 2 Hothersall Others J F Meffert Effort 34434 yi31 aLIGO ALGOL II 6 97 74 0 G 4 32 T Burns J W SchorrSon Scorers 3343 165 401 BRIGUS BRIGS 4 V4 S 9 9 71 414 Watson C V Faut Faust 30 75 30 75 8035 LA PR1NCE3SA 4 14 XNK 8 8 54 52 Neenan Keenan W M Hedges 30 75 30 75 75i i 43l liOOD blood FRIEND Sit 3 1 54 84 6U Downs James Whitten Whiten 20 20 20 20 20vt431 vt431 FERROLL FERRO IJ jl 54 0 i 4x 3 7 Lynch J Rodegap Bodega Co 5656 5656vU vU AUNi1 MAR1 4 = 4 tix ix i4 SH G SB Rebo Reebok William Muley Mule 60 10060 100 321 200200200200First UOREITfi Orifice 0 1UG 4 7 7a 9 9 S Johnson J D Westwood Eastwood 200200200200 First series Time 12i 24 37 49i 1 024 1 09 Kennedyfov Kennedy Winner h g by Harry OFalloc Oarlock Alay Allay Kennedy fov fovea i minuUs minus Start gnod nod W Wa a whipped out sec nil driving third eased OConneil O'Connell OConneilh O'Connell h t b iti ziti Tar3 fum fume He was undar under u drivo drive on tho thou turn and swerved in the stretch but when Dave Waldo Weald stopped he came away nicely Waldo Weald had nd excuses He was away fly ¬ ing King and always had clear sailing SligoILoff Sigil in the rear division took the long route It looked as though he tried to run out Briggs ran a good race Mark him for early action Good Friend endScratched undistracted seemed to be pocketed all the way Ferroll Ferro had bad racing luck and stopped at the end Scratched Teota Tetra Mas Macs 94 Lad Ellerslie Wellesley 97 Sugar Foot 94 Daily Racing Form 92 N N Kaufman Kaftan 102 Inuendo Innuendo 92 Red Gidd Giddy 89 89Corrected Corrected weights Good Friend 89 89Dave Dave Waldo Weald place 6 to 5 Q K 1 O SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling J tJ JL O Purse 400 10 entrance value to winner 385 126 to second 59 to third lud laud Horses A Wt St H H M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L t 94293 TENOLE TENABLE 4 10V 8 74 4 2n 1 flothersall floaters James Curl G 8 G 7 9461 DIQGS DIGGS DIGS 6 6107 107 5 3 2 = = G4 21 Holden Olden James Arthur 75857575 93763 LOCUST BLOSM BLOBS 3 102 6 8 81 71 32 Nutt Mutt W K Cleveland 6868 9433 GRAZIELLA GRAZIE 3 102 10 C 71 4i 44 McNicklo Canticle F J Kelly 3 34 3 3 9404 BORDEN 3 10 i 2 I K 24 34 5i Bloss Loss W M Hogau Hogan 10 12 10 10 9404 KING BERMUDAS 100 74 91 91 91 On Seatou Seato W H Snarley Snare 15 20 15 20 9376 MARY KINSELLA3 100 94 101 10 101 74 Sheppard James Ruddy 20 40 20 30 94042DUSTEBriWIVEL3 103 14 2J 302J 54 51 82 R Narvaez Larvae John Call 20 20 20 ° 0 9404 G H KKTCHAM 1 105 34 41 61 84 93 T Burns J E Manning 45444 9457 BISHOP REED 4108 11 12 11 11 10 Lynch J Rodegap Bodega 10 15 10 12 483Q3UNCAS 5 105 12 13 13 12 11 J Morgan John Brenock Redneck 30 50 30 50 9431 SUMMER SEA 4 4105 105 4 5 M 1412 Kitley Kirtle M Jo dan 50 60 50 GO 84073 BRYAN 810713 14 14 13 18 Ellis D G Brown 15 20 15 20 1679 IN THE SWIM 4 105 14 114 12 14 14 Wilson F H Clayton 50 100 50 100 9457 MID LO 510515 15 15 15 15 Corner Scanlan Canaan Bros Brows 50 10050 100 9101 UUSKIN RUSKIN 3 107 Left 10Time at the post WDian Diana Sydney Paget Page 10 10 10 10 Time 124 241 504 10311174 Winner OsceolaPost Oscillators Ch g by Tenacity Osceola Osco Post 2 minutes Start good The first three were driving to the limit Tenole Ennoble was lucky and nicely handled Hothersall Others had him in good position all the way and did not lose his wits when the pinch came Diggs Digs was the best But for interference on the stretch turn he would surely have won Locust Blossom too would have beaten Tenole Ennoble but for interference Taking this all into consideration Tenoles Ennobles win was extremely lucky Graziella Grazie was hampered and obliged to pull up at the start After that she ran a creditable race Borden was in a good position all the way He made a strong bid on the turn but died away again as though short King Bermuda finished strong Summer Sea showed a sharp turn of speed but could not carry it to the end She is a speedy mare but seems faint hearted heartedScratched hearted Scratched Lucy Belle 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Ruskin 3 pou pouf ds Bryan 2 2Tenole Tenole Ennoble place 24 to 1 show even Diggs Digs place 1 to 2 Locust Blossom show 7 to 5