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NASHVILLE FORM CHART CHARTNASHVILLE NASHVILLE TENN TEN November 16 Twelfth day Cumberland Park Racing Association AssociationFall Associational Fall meeting Weather wot wont track heavy Presiding Judge H E Keough Keogh Starter J Holtman Oilman Racing starts at 200 p m Q rTO to FIRST RACE5 12 Furlongs Purse S200 3yoarolds and upward Senior A Wt 8t H H StrFin Strafing Jockeys C 96442 JOHN BOONE 5 99 1 14 12 12 i ii i Southard Southward J J R K Bagley Bangle 11451 9624BA1RPIN 3 112 3 2i 21 21 21 2 Powers J 11451J She Shot ban 24 3 24 5 96443 WATER CREST 3 112 2 31 35 3 36 Sherland Shetland D 5D A Boyle 24 3 24 8 9628 EARL FONSO FONTS FONSOJ FONTS 3 97 4 65 41 53 4 Dngan DNA Dolan 8Dolan Ri Rivard Ricardo 6766 J P S 4 114 7 7 7 41 5 Petermau Peter W M Montgomerj6 10 6 9530 WING SHOT 3 94 6 5 61 7 6 J Brown E 8 GardnerSon6 8 r 6 8467 JESSE 6 117 5 41 52 62 7 Sweeney Serenely John Laffan Affiance 4646 4646Tim Tim 255110451114 255110451114Winner Winner B g by Rathnerod Rather Duke of the Highlands Flora FloraPost Flora Post 5 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive second and third also driving John Boone was staggering the last sixteenth and swerved across Hairpin Jesse likes a hard track Water Crest would have been second in another stride strideJohn stride John Boone place 2 to 5 Hairpin place even show 2 to 5 Water Crest show 2 to I QOrT OrT SECOND RACE 78 Mile Puree 200 3yoarolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt 8t 1A Vi H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 96013 PRINCE ZENO ZEN 3 91 3 11 H 11 13 11 Dugan Duane Dolan Rivard Ricardo 24 3 24 3 9628 FARM LIFE 3 98 7 7 6 56 33 2 Mason G H Hammond 3 31 3 3 9556 NELLORINE MELLOR 3 91 4 5i 4 2a 2 3i Troxler Stroller Joplin Grundy Gerund 8 10 8 10 95113B GPIPE PIPE 6 96 8 8 7 62 5i 42 Boland Borland Strobel Strobe Miller 3434 9643 ANNIE TAYLOR 3 95 5 4 31 44 63 54 Vitatoe Vitiate W E Fielding 2 1152 11 115 9555 CECIL 5 100 1 21 2 31 41 60 Southard Southward J H Smith 3736 9624 ANN IE LAURETTAS LAURENTIANS k3 91 6 62 5i 7 7 7 Reitz Ritz JM Johnson 6 10 6 10 9578 FANFARONADE FANFARE 3 97 2 3 8 8 8 8 H Wilson M Gibbs Gobs 10 15 10 15 15Time Time 25i 51 1 0 1 19 1 334 334Winner Winner B c by Governor Foraker Forsake Lady Crook CrookOff Crook Off at first break to a good start Won in a drive Prince Zeno Zen was best today but was out to the last ounce the final sixteenth Farm Life was cut off at the sixteenth pole and had to pull out Bagpipe was outrun the first part and closed a big gap Annie Taylor was under re ¬ straint strait to the stretch turn She was tired when Vitatoe Vitiate called on her at the end endScratch redcurrant Scratch d Nellie Baker 100 Flora G 95 95Overweights Overweights Overweighs Fa m Life 3 pounds Fanfaronade Fanfare 3 3Prince Prince Zeno Zen place even show 1 to 2 Farm Life place even show 1 to 2 Nellorine Mellor show 2 to 1 THIB THAI THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling 968O Ind Indo Horses A Wt 8t U H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9603 BIG FELLOW 5 103 1 31 31 41 1 14 Castro O McClaren McClure 15 30 16 SO 9626DOMSIE 3 103 8 5 2 21 21 2 Louden Lode William Clark 85 95 85 85 9603 UNTLE HUNTLEY ABB ABBY 510310 6 7 3 3i 31 Southard Southward E C Brown 24 4 24 4 96263 JACK HAYES 4 102 9 9 64 514 41 4 Powers W R Hamilton 2 24 2 24 9640 NANKINOO MANKIND 3 97 5 7 54 61 6 5 L Warren J 8 Lancaster 10 15 10 15 94453SISTER ALICE 3 91 6 1U 12 14 6 Vitatoe Vitiate W Meehan Methane 4747 9601 CHIQU1TAII 3 91 7 41 41 7 7 7 Dugan Duane Grant McCall Mecca 6767 9451 TUTUILLA TITILLATE 6 100 48 9888 H Wilson Rogan Brogan Walters 5656 7019 GUNST GUST 3 92 2 2 8 9 9 9 J Mays PholpsGreen Phelps 15 30 15 30 9626 RED MONK 4 110 3 Fell ShnrlHnd Shorthand J P Dawes Awes 363 5 5Time Time 261 53 1 06 1 19 1 47 47Winner Winner Br g by Eric Pequot Equate PequotPost Equators Post 18 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive The first two fought it out the last fur long Domsie Dossier swerved to the inside rail at the sixteenth post and lost ground He would have won but for that Uncle Abb Abby closed a big gap Tutuilla Attila was knocked out of the race when Red Monk fell fellScratched flycatcher Scratched Sauterne 107 Dutch Bard 107 King Elkwood Elmwood 100 Katie Longfellow 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Big Fellow 3 pounds Jack Hayes 24 Nankinuo2 Gunst Gust 1 Big Fellow place 10 to 1 show 3 to 1 Domsie Dossier place 3 to 5 Uncle Abb Abby shoi shoji 1 ffl fl FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse J200 2yearolds Selling 9681 Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O JB L C 96023DE BLAHE BLAH 110 3 1 lij Ali 12 13 Powers P M Civill Civilly 113535 9627 BY GEORGE 105 1 21 3 31 2 Mason J C Ferris Jr 3323 96 73SALVAR8E 98 2 5 4 2 38 Southard Southward J D Clayton 859585 95 9627 MARK HANNA II 97 4 3 2 41 4 Duean Dean J M Wilkinson 5757 5757962DIANA 962DIANA 95i 5 4i 5 5 5 Uickerson Vickers J Smith 10 12 10 12 12Time Time 25J 52 105 120 120Winner Winner Ch c by Perblaise Pearlier Devotee DevoteeOff Devotee Off at first break to a good start Won pulled up second driving Do Blaisoheld Banished the ether safe all the way He could have won away off The next tw fought it out for the place placeScratched spacecraft Scratched Harry Preston 108 Sir Blaze 104 Elizabeth T 94 Ocie Docile Brooks 102 102Overweights Overweights Overweighs Diana 14 pounds poundsBy pounds By George place even FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling 9682 Ind Indo HorRBH Horrible A Wt 3t k V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 1 9628 LEO LAKE 6 102 3 31 21 11 13 Powers P M Civill Civilly 2 24 2 24 9643 MA ZANITA ANITA 4 104 4 42 45 33 3 2i Southard Southward E Moore 3434 9628 IS3IE CHANCE 3 91 2 21 1 2 21 3 Vitatoe Vitiate White Stafford 8 8 6 9511 ELLSMERE ELLESMERE 5 103 6 6 6 6 6 4 Castro D A Boyle 4545 454595123PERCITA 95123PERCITA 5 104 5 5 51 55 41 51 Mason H H Stover Stove 65856585 6585658596262SCHOOL 96262SCHOOL GIRL 3 91 1 1 3 42 54 6 Dugan Duane P Browning 75 85 75 85 85Time Time 26 51 101 119 133 133Winner Winner B g by Leonatns Lents Lad of the Lake LakeOff Takeoff Off at first break to a good start Won easily second driving Leo Lake was only galloping in the last furlo furl g Sissie Sissies Chance tired at the finish School Girl was in the worst going all the war Percita Peoria and Ellsmore Ellesmere prefer a hard track trackOverweights Overweights Overweighs Leo Lake 24 pounds poundsLeo pounds Leo Lake place 4 to 5 Manzanita Tanzania place 8 to 5 show 3 to 5 Sissie Sissies Chance show 4 to 5